


Two years since she took the majority of his shot leg, the entirety of his shriveled heart, and all semblance of control over himself and his destiny that he had ever enjoyed, and there is only one thing that Rose has yet to steal away from Hux. 

The love of his life has yet to beat him in a knife fight.
A Dark Doom Honey spin-off where he so kindly gives her what she deserves during her time of the month. He didn’t know he would be as into it as he is.

Words: 7759, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English

Series: Part 4 of Dark Doom Honey



Armitage Hux and Rose Tico work together at Rise Industries - the world’s premiere designer of sex toys.

It’s only natural, then, that when she comes up for her annual performance review, Hux would discipline her in an…unconventional way.

Words: 5380, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English

Series: Part 2 of The Rise Industries Series



GingerRose Week #3, Mars (War)

In which Rose lives through a war from a different point of view.

Words: 862, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English

Series: Part 3 of MZ’s GingerRose Week 2022



1924. Armitage Hux is a bootlegger who rules over the neighborhood of Canto Bite with an iron fist.

But when he makes a widow of his enemy’s bride, he’s duty-bound to protect her.

Words: 3355, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English



Armitage Hux is a creature of habit. But all it takes is one train strike (and a meddlesome bartender) to shake up his routine and by extension his entire world.

Words: 2612, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English



Rose and Armitage, Armitage and Rose the best treasure trackers of the century!

But when her husband gets kidnapped by the infamous Wendigo, Rose and her love for the Captain drive her to save him from the grasp of the darkness.

3 simple steps to save your husband from danger.

Love Rose Tico-Hux!

Words: 520, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English



In which Armitage proposes to one woman and ends up with a different (better) one.

GingerRose Week Day 2: Venus (Love and Beauty)

Words: 2010, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English

Series: Part 2 of MZ’s GingerRose Week 2022



First Order General Armitage Hux paces the length of the tiny cabin. He shakes his hand, as if he can remove the memory of teeth from his skin with the action.

Her teeth.

It doesn’t work, of course it doesn’t. Nothing has.

Words: 2749, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English



Mercury - Travelers and Tricksters
Pluto - Wealth and the Underworld
Mars - God of War
Neptune - God of the Sea
Jupiter - God of the Sky and Storms
Venus - Goddess of Love, Beauty and Prosperity
Saturn - God of Renewal and Liberation
Happy GingerRose week!

Words: 6727, Chapters: 1/7, Language: English



Smuggling former General Armitage Hux around the galaxy was not what Rose Tico imagined she’d be doing after the war.

The little tracking device she whipped up should keep him in line, but when their most recent safe house is breached by a bounty hunter, Roes has to swallow her misgivings and allow herself to trust Hux enough to make it out of their current predicament alive.

For #GingerRoseWeek22!

Words: 3742, Chapters: 1/7, Language: English



In 1967, a Pan Am stewardess was supposed to be professional, courteous, long-suffering, and beautiful.

Oh, and she was never supposed to fall in love with a passenger.

Words: 2398, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English



Rose loses her self and her sister in one day, the Dark Lord showing no mercy now he holds Moonaira in the palm of his hands.

Armitage is there when she needs him the most like always, they work together to destroy the Dark Lord once and for all.

Words: 1069, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English



In which Rose attempts to stop a criminal and becomes his accomplice.

GingerRose Week Day 1: Mercury (Travel and Trickery)

Words: 4564, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English

Series: Part 1 of MZ’s GingerRose Week 2022



“Going forward the senior prom shall be cancelled. Let this be a lesson in becoming productive citizens.”

•Ugh, what a waste-Kaydel
•I know, stupid Principal Hux-Poe
•But we could get it back.-Kaydel
•By You-Kaydel


The senior prom is cancelled, and the resistance crew thinks the easiest way to get it undone is to use Rose’s apparent sexual appeal to convince Armitage, aka General Jr., to change that. What will happen in the process? All’s fair in love, text and prom preparations.

Words: 448, Chapters: ¼, Language: English



Artemis Hux

She looks like her mother but people have said that she has her father’s look.


halfwaythroughit: come down from your mountain by HalfwaythroughGingerRose, Work in Progress, E Part


come down from your mountainbyHalfwaythrough
GingerRose, Work in Progress, E 
Part 1 Ajan Kloss, Chapter 1

A group of rebels took their position, blasters at the ready surrounded a single prisoner. The Resistance wasn’t exactly known for taking prisoners, but they seemed to have made an exception. His black coat was torn at the shoulder and blood dribbled from his pale lips. But it was the red hair, loose from its carefully glued style that made the air in her lungs freeze.The last time she’d seen him she’d been on her knees, hands shackled, with a stormtroopers weapon at her neck.

10/10 definitely recommend!!!

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marymonster: Apple & Arrow by MaryMonsterSmutty, rare-pair romcom!!Hux is a hyper keen, Sherlock


Apple & ArrowbyMaryMonster

Smutty, rare-pair romcom!!

Hux is a hyper keen, Sherlockian Daddy who is in need of someone to care for. Rose is a hard-working, self-possessed adult who is curious about being a little. After a Reylo-facilitated meet cute, Hux and Rose discover they share an interest in a Daddy/little dynamic. Things start casual but as the intensity of their sexual relationship deepens so do their feelings for one another.

@gingerrose-hub this fic rocketed me into this pairing!!

It’s 15 chapters of gold and it’s complete!

It’s a roller coaster of emotions and when toy get off, you’re laughing and smiling!!! A must read!!

10/10 recommend!!!

Post link



[Star Wars]

@gerdavonrinnlingen is writing another masterpiece and I can’t help myself but giggle in anticipation.

Also… Rose cinnamon roll Tico judges Hux for being a spy and not running away when he had the opportunity. That’s it. Thanks for your love.

Theheheh indeed >:3 I’m at it again!!

(it remains to be seen if it’s a masterpiece but I’m going my best :D)

You two are going to kill me!!!

Gingerflower Modern AU in which Hux and Rose live in the same apartment complex and they meet when Rose finds Hux’s cat, Millicent, with new born kittens under her bed.

welsharcher: welsharcher:So…I am making a thing™ It isn’t finished yet, but I am extremely excited a



So…I am making a thing™

It isn’t finished yet, but I am extremely excited about it and had to share my progress thus far!

Last year, I came across this sticker by @ngoc12thefangirl and bought one because it is so amazing and every GingerRose needs one (fingers crossed she will one day make a pin of it so I can add it to my collection)! And then I got the idea to make a GingerRose shadow box, because what is a home without a touch of fandom?

I ended up using a scan of my sticker, because I wanted to use the actual one on my laptop and it wasn’t transparent like I needed for my project, which I then cut and printed on sticker paper. The rest of the pieces have slowly fallen into place over the past week and I can’t wait for the final result!

And it is finished!

I had wanted to do a lot more to it but I liked how clean and simple it was so I didn’t end up doing too much to it after all.

Of course the line comes from Rewrite The Stars, one of my favorites

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welsharcher: So…I am making a thing™ It isn’t finished yet, but I am extremely excited about it and


So…I am making a thing™

It isn’t finished yet, but I am extremely excited about it and had to share my progress thus far!

Last year, I came across this sticker by @ngoc12thefangirl and bought one because it is so amazing and every GingerRose needs one (fingers crossed she will one day make a pin of it so I can add it to my collection)! And then I got the idea to make a GingerRose shadow box, because what is a home without a touch of fandom?

I ended up using a scan of my sticker, because I wanted to use the actual one on my laptop and it wasn’t transparent like I needed for my project, which I then cut and printed on sticker paper. The rest of the pieces have slowly fallen into place over the past week and I can’t wait for the final result!

I love this and I’ll do my best to turn it into a pin!!!

Post link


gingerrose college au (2/3): It’s been months now, Rose and Hux have been working on their assignment together and things have been going smoothly. They’re almost done with it, only two more weeks until the presentation and they have been bonding throughout their meetings and tinkering sessions. Rose has another workshop to head off to after their most recent meeting to discuss the schematics of their final product. Rose turns back to give him a beaming smile and wave before she heads off into the building. Hux can’t help but think about how much he enjoys spending time with her… he’s completely smitten but doesn’t know how to deal with these feelings and if she feels the same way he does.

Beautiful plot bunny and artwork!


As a bonus, state why. I am really curious to know what #Gingerrose fans like myself think


“Perhaps when we are alone like this, away from the ship’s staff and such, you could call me Armitage.” ———————————————————————

From@juniorstarcatcherfictionThe Kingdom of Dirt’
