








I was tagged by @kunoichi-ume, thanks!

And I’ll tag: @curiousartemis,@shimmersing,@aliyamirat,@rainofaugustsith, and @angelicfangirl

From the next chapter of Dance in the Shadow of Honor (which is slowly coming along, lol.)


“Join us for supper, or does the duke expect you?”

The other woman shook her head almost shyly, little about her now of the elegant companion from the reception a few days earlier. “No, my lord.”

From a lil wip blurb about the Daviin-Zale family arriving at their new home on Alderaan.

Erithon helped bundle the baby into his sister’s arms, then looped Aitahea’s arm through his, as if escorting her to the structure that waited on the other side of the small valley. Lucent sang snatches of youngling’s rhymes and songs to her brother who cooed in reply.

Tagging:@a-muirehen@thievinghippo@inyri@pineaberry let’s hear it!

From a little Sith Fairytale fic inspired by @doomhamster

She took the mantle of a nameless vagabond, letting the mud and tatters hide her from her enemies. She drank from the hidden springs and ate the roasted flesh provided by the forest. The sun was her blanket and the dark endless night sky the roof over her head. She peddled furs and bone and ivory; sometimes for silver coin and rarely for gold. All the while she searched for her beloved, never staying in the same place twice.

Tagging:@sunsetofdoom,@tishinada, @miss-spooky-eyes, @a-muirehen

Oh, thank you!

This is from a companion story to Dance that I’ve just started and probably won’t start publishing for a long time, lol. The basic idea has always existed in parallel to Dance.A nice mental change of pace even if I’ll just be dabbling with it for a year or two, lol:


Master Orgus stopped at a terminal in the archive and pulled up the girl’s full records. This is what I felt in that cave, what the Force wanted from me. She has the makings of a great Jedi if someone can reach her and prevent a disaster of the Order’s own making.


Tagging people I didn’t tag before: @kunoichi-umeand@gerdavonrinnlingenand@thievinghippo

This is an excerpt from a fic I’m currently writing for Gingerrose week ^^

“Ren would exploit it if he knew… perhaps he even knows. One can never know with these Force-users.”
“Not all of them can read minds.”
“Perhaps not, but Snoke could.”
She shrugged. “It didn’t save him, did it - he wasn’t a good mind-reader then.”
The quip came so unexpected that he chuckled.

Thank you for tagging me :D

I’m tagging @phelfromgraceand@riajade01

Ohh, can’t wait for the GingerRose week fic, Gerda! <3 

Here’s something from chapter 2 of Damsel in the Glass Tower (which is undergoing so many edits, who knows if I’ll even keep this):

She tried to back away, but the droid’s brutish grip of her shoulders held her body firmly in place— it wasn’t designed for this, it didn’t mean to handle her this way, this wasn’t its fault.  The blame only lay in the evil man before her, towering over her, looking down on her.

Thanks for tagging!

I’m curious to hear what other GingerRose writers are up to. @dianabluebonnet@lenacs@halfwaythroughit – or anyone prepping for GingerRose week, care to share a sentence?

I’m not working on a GingerRose week project yet, but I AM working on a gift for @britinthewoods&@karmadash-is-shippingtrash>.>

It’s called “If Hux Could Kill”

(also this is more than one line but ooohhh weeelllll)

“Tell me Tico,” he muttered with dark enjoyment, “did you have to set all your time pieces ten minutes fast?”

Rose’s mouth dropped open before she could stop herself, heat flooding her face. 

“That–no,” she lied, knowing full well that he was more than capable of seeing through her deceit. 

“Fifteen, then,” he amended, taking a step towards her, so she had to lean back to keep him in her line of sight. 

Looking up into his stupidly smug, begrudgingly pretty face, Rose thought he looked even more tired than usual; lilac bruises visible under his eyes from lack of sleep.

Rose took a step back, out of the nefarious aura of she always felt he radiated. “How’s everything back at the, uh, evil lair?”

I’ll tag @britinthewoods&@karmadash-is-shippingtrash  XD

This is from one of the GingerRose Week fics I have planned:


The hidden blade slipped from his sleeve, the silver gleam caught her eye. She reacted in a second, just as Hux’s arm swung down towards her, she fell to her knees and scooped a handful of dirt in her hands.

She flung the handful at his face. Instinctively, he tried to brush away the dirt from his eyes and face. In that moment, Rose pulled her taser out and zapped him.

He went down instantly.

Rose was floored by the pain that Hux could tolerate. He had not screamed when she shocked him with her taser; even as his body trembled from the aftershocks of the taser, he was still conscious and speaking with her.

“I didn’t expect Resistance scum to fight dirty.” Hux groaned.

Rose circled around him, careful in case he suddenly pulled out another blaster from his coat. “Why? I don’t look like I have a couple of tricks up my sleeve?”

His hand trembled as it reached into his pocket. Rose leveled the taser at him, ready to zap him again. However, he merely emptied his pocket full of shrapnel and sand and let it fall next to him.

“I thought we were being fair this time.” Hux sneered.

Rose shifted her weight to one foot, “All’s fair in love and war.”

Hux chuckled, “Hm… now we’re in love?”


I tag @arbutus-blossomsand@stavrogin80
