#give toshiki masuda a tag


To My Fam ❤

I wanna share a lil moment with you

Thank you all for being understanding with me lately; I’ve had to take some time away from the blog, to focus on my miserable health. (I’m ok, I’m just not in the best shape rn) Yet every time I check in; there’s still little hellos and thank you’s!

I really appreciate that ❤ You have no idea!!

If I haven’t gotten back to you yet; know that I will, it’s just taking me a little time. Things are slowly getting better

Please allow me to wax poetic with you, for a sec, today’s a super duper, special day

#1: Today is International Women’s Day!

#2: It’s also the astrological day known as;

“The Day of Non Conformity”

(Which explains a lot)

Today is the day, believed to be when the Om came into our existence When the Dragon of the Zodiac Wheel opens the heavens to bring thunder and rain, for Spring or Ki to begin to emerge from Winter

Though Pisces Season started about a week ago; today is the day when the Wheel is in completion, and new beginnings can arrive. What an intimidating day to come into the world!

Which brings me to #3:

Sometime just before midnight, in the middle of a hurricane, as the moon was waxing gibbous in Leo, and into a full Sugar moon in Virgo…a time of taking the last deep breath, before heaving into the will of one’s intentions…a time of ‘nearly almost there’ pride and drama…two little boys were born. One, my twin brother irl; was unable to continue on in this world. He never got to take that breath, and only I made it to the finish line, to see that super moon. Just barely; I believe he gave everything he had, for one of us to be here in this amazing world. So he had his twin, carry him in their heart, in their breath, and in their intentions, every step of their life. I was crying my first tears, while my brother said goodbye. Forgive me for being dramatic; but this has impacted my take on everyday. Esspecially today.

My brother left me quite a lot to contemplate, on our birthday, every year. I always imagine what it would be like; if he were able to be here with me. I don’t say this to make your day depressing; it’s just something I’d like to share. You never know what could have been; so take charge of your life.

Astrology is fascinating and the stars and planets in your chart, are like a blue print for the way you’re put together. An intricate, complex machine, that is unlike anyone else’s. BUT the 3 main heavenly bodies in your chart, make you very similar, in a lot of ways; to someone else that shares those same 3 main placements. For instance; I just recently realized the reason someone I follow and greatly admire (and pathetically crush on won’t name) shares a Sun and Moon placement with my longest and closest friend irl. IE: Thus, this is why they instantly reminded me of them.

Your sun is like the model camera you have

Your Ascendant (rising sign) is all the lenses, filters, and special features it comes with; for how that camera works

Your Moon is the kind of pictures you take; the eye of your inner child. (This is instinctively affected by the phase of that moon, aswell)

I’m a Pisces Scorpio rising Leo waxing gibbous moon into a Virgo full moon


I only know of one other person who shares my BDay, Sun, Ascendant ANNNNNND Moon

Muh Husbando!! (not kidding)

How do ya think he became Husbando It’s just a cute thing, I think is kinda neat; that I share a birthday, and all the bells and frills with someone I think is really cool! Maybe that makes me lowkey Narcissus at the reflection pool but I mean, there’s a reason Pisces’ flower is the narcissus And we both got that Leo heart soooo a little touch of cathartic pride is not to be unexpected

Anyways; he makes a post every year, with his date and time of birth (which all 3 happen to be mine as well) but he’s a couple hours older than me. Which is really fn insane; considering Scorpio is the shortest, most unlikely, and strongest rising sign you could possibly have. Like that’s fn crazy, that we even share THAT specific Ascendant!

The chances are 2.5 in like 2300.

That’s pretty much it. I know you’re probably thinking this post is really bizarre, but C'mon!! If you knew a really badass celeb shared, not only the same BDay as you, but also the same damn chart….I bet you’d brag, too!

Something interesting is that I find (at least publicly) he treats his birthday, the same way I do. Just a chill day, that’s (his) mine alone to reflect a little, and after the initial HEY GUESS WHAT!? …it’s my birthday Neither of us really seem to care for a fuss about it Just btw it’s my BDayThat is all. I’m off to take a bubble bath and nap unapologetically, after I treat myself to some strawberry shortcake crepes (my fave too YOU DAMN COPY CAT!)

I mean I could be wrong, he could be a total jerk irl but there’s quite a bit of public and photographic evidence that we’re pretty similar dorks To make it even more bizarre…or I mean ya know; maybe astrology is real …just sayin: Because I was born at the end of the day on the 8th; I recognize my birthday as more of the last day of my year. Like it’s not really my birthday until the middle of the night, and into the next day; the 9th. He was born in the middle of the night, too and I’ve noticed over the last few years; it looks like he does the same thing Like it was actually the 8th yesterday, in Japan; but he doesn’t ever post about it being his birthday, until the end of the day and into the next day. I’ve never met anybody else that does this!

Like he just finally posted late in the afternoon, there^^ Which I’ve come to expect, and kinda enjoy, since it’s now MY BDay too HERE. How cool is that; to share something so specific, with one of your fave peeps! Im not including the audio ^^^ cuz it’s just him screaming to himself …. not AT ALL something I would do btw (I’m being sarcastic) So Happy BDay to ME and Happy BDay to my Husbando Toshiki Damn him for living my dream life! Sorry not sorry

Included some pics of Masuda Toshiki doing a damn good job impersonating ME and my weird ass lemme just be cringey, ok it’s my BDay too !! AT LEAST LEMME LIVE VICARIOUSLY

Masuda (L) can’t tell who the guy with the cake is, but thanks lolz

^^^Same reason I never post selfies either ^^^

Oh catch candid photos……

^^^ Or let anybody record me dancing

Masuda (L)

Or let people take group pics with me ^^^

btw This is like half of Given at some point

Masuda Toshiki (Hiiragi; Given audio dramas)

Yamashita Daiki (MHA Deku)

Soma Saito (Mafuyu; Given audio dramas)

Eguchi Takuya (Akihiko; Given anime) *I love that they’re buds irl, cuz I always imagine; if Hiiragi and Akihiko were in a room together, they would just stare at eachother. And then randomly have the same weird sense of humor

^^ Or let people take pics of me with my friends..

Tsubasa Yonaga (L) Masuda Toshiki ®

^^^Or just me in general….

Happy Birthday to my twin brother, who’s somewhere; watching me make a chaotic mess of my life.

Mostly though; Happy Birthday to my Husbando; Masuda and me, too!!

Ahhhh!! Ensemble Stars Enstars “Road To Show” theatrical release!!

They have a new interactive game for the movie, and it looks like you can create and share images of your favorite Enstars chibi characters, on Twitter !!

^^Chibi Mao Mao so DOOORBS!! ❤

OF COURSE my fave group is Undead

And my fave idol, is Rei Sakuma

Ya know->

Masuda Toshiki aka My Husbando

We have a birthday coming up

No seriously I mean WE have a birthday coming up I explains later …But he bought socks !!

Yes I’m such a simp, I’m bout to post about my Husbando’s socks!! Or rather; he is->

He’s suuuuuuch a Pisces!!

K, go see Ensemble Stars Road To Show

The Vampire King commands it !!!

Exclusive DAN covers feature Masuda Toshiki this month ❤ get your seiyu fix from Amazon

He is so beautiful…laaaa!aaaa

He also appeared in the Hana Doll; Doll House event earlier this week

…sans beautiful face…

And after a month long junk food fest…he’s so adorable!!…the netizens have caught on

His twt is apparently news worthy so he made sure to follow them with this->

Ah haha I bet there’s a bowl of sugar, just outta frame! so kay baby ❤ you do you!!

This is the funniest ish on the web today if you’re Given or MHA stanz

Takuya Eguchi (Given anime; Akihiko) screaming in a high pitched falsetto at

Masuda Toshiki (Given audio dramas; Hiiragi)

(My Hero Academia; Kirishima)

Takuya is a shooting star Masuda is trying to make a wish upon ….

Just a picture of my Husbando in a Santa hat ☃️

Leave With The Bus; episode 3 airs tonight

Go get em you dashing man!!

…uh more My Hero Academia coming soon


“Mibu’s Turn” and “Issei’s Turn”

Late Edo Period drama, based on the omegaverse manga and voiced by;

Ryuichi Kijima and Masuda Toshiki

Ensemble Stars (Enstars) animated film held its premiere screening ✨

Masuda Toshiki voices Undead’s Rei Sakuma

☆Plus his Love of Kill “Midnight Dancer” officially released!!

☆And Between the Sheets broadcast!!

☆And a Visual Prison interview in Anan!!

☆And a special commentary and photos for Animate Person!!

☆Annnnnd a very fucking funny “car commercial” with Takuya Eguichi!!




No wonder he’s been packing in the carbs !!

It’s ok baby ❤ You deserve it !!

Oh my god is that flan!!? With creme brulee trinity creme AND creme caramel…?

please marry me
