#gives her some things to think about

Knights of the Old Republic (Hour 17): Carth’s request Well, all this flirting has gotten real. What

Knights of the Old Republic (Hour 17): Carth’s request

Well, all this flirting has gotten real.

What makes this moment work for me is, they’ve already established that he knows she can handle herself — the conversation right before this, he calls her skills “incredible.” And if you ask him what he’s even supposed to do, he admits he’s nothing special. This isn’t some macho posing.

This is, for years he thought his only remaining purpose was to give his life in the service of vengeance. It’s that something about this entire situation feels very wrong, and he’s the only one that seems to be worried about that. So now—if it’s ok with her—he’d like to put his paranoia to use and have her back. She’s worth it.

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