#giyyuzz writes




[chapter 26. endgame ] (wc. 1.6k)

jungwon’s ears were being flooded by riki’s words.

they were both in the library, waiting for the rest to arrive, riki was talking about a new game he discovered and to be honest, jungwon wasn’t paying attention to him. not at all.

he was too busy thinking about the situation he was in now, wondering what he should do.

on one side was you, his sister, and on the other, his best friend.

“hey, are you listening?”

jungwon returned only when he saw a hand moving in front of his eyes. “sorry. what were you saying?”

“i think i want to confess,” jungwon was thankful that he wasn’t drinking anything at the time because he would have spit it all out “but i’m scared and you’re the most reasonable person in our friend group, so i wanted to know your opinion before i regret it. ”

his heart clenched, he couldn’t keep hiding things from his best friend knowing all the truth behind his little big crush.

“do you really want to do it?”

riki was silent for a few seconds, despite the doubts he had been having for a few days, his heart spoke louder than his head. and he just wanted to be happy.

“yes, i’m sure.”

Keep reading

Damn that was a lot
