#glass pipe


How many grams of meth does it take to screw in a light bulb?

None. Meth doesnt care about light bulbs. Meth is the light.

In a world filled with so much uncertainty, one thing will always remain steady…

Meth; it just makes sense.


Once upon a time…….

There was a young man named William Preston Taylor ther 3rd who would drive a little blue toy motorcycle all across the land stalking girls for months wothouth them ever catching on. Never realizing the numerous times he had been standing at the foot of their beds for hours watching them sleep or the several occasions when they thought someone was in their house and then told theirselves they were being paranoid, that in fact he was in their house watching them.

Then one day he met a guy named dabble who happened to be good friends with azazael99 so he had the best dope. dabble was like “willy taylor. dont be out there stalking them bitches. You are gonna get your ass tossed in prison and ass raped for a few years if you dont stop”. Little william preston taylor the 3rd explained to dabble that he really didnt have anything else to do. Even with 2 degrees, one in agriculture and living in the largest agricultural producing part of the country that he couldnt get a job because nobody was calling him up to offer him jobs. dabble told him he didnt need a job he just needed some meth…then dabble kicked him down a sack and they parted ways. A few weeks later dabble happened across little willy taylor 3 again and talked to him a bit. dabble discovered that the meth had indeed cured the boy of his stalking habit. Now willy was seducing the women into doing some pretty spicy photo shoot sessions and in the few weeks had managed to accumulate hundreds of thousands of very provocative photos of nearly every women in the area. “You were right dabble” “all i needed was meth and i suddenly found myself living a far better life ” dabble was happy to discover that he had been able to help a poor methless soul find his way in life.

Moral of the story is that without meth your a creepy weirdo but with meth your a creepy weirdo spun out and around naked chicks all the time…

Smoke meth and naked chicks just fall from the sky.

Only use meth if you want to better than you are now and enjoy things like fun, happiness and absence of bad things in life.

Do not use meth if you want to suffer.

Found this beauty at denver pride 2019 and tracked it down at a shop later to buy it ❤ one of my favorite peices
