

This Full Moon in Aquarius, like every Full Moon, is overflowing with the results of our actions and mindsets ever since the New Moon in Cancer, earlier this month. That New Moon, which was also a partial eclipse, focused a lot on the need to develop emotional maturity and to start taking responsibility for our actions. Under this lunation’s influence and because of all this fixed energy, we might have been feeling a bit off. Tension is in the air, and emptiness seems to have become a common feeling lately, much like anxiety. We’re being pressured, pushed and poked; we resist change — and it hurts, even though we might not know how to precisely point where… Now’s the time to start giving these experiences a more clear meaning.

27 of July, 2018; at 17:20 (UTC - 3).

This Total Lunar Eclipse is the climax of such tension. We’ve reached a turning point, and now there’s a lot of emphasis on the need to somehow get rid of all this pressure, to let it go in some way. However, considering Mars’ and Uranus’ involvement in this Eclipse, this release of all the stress that has built up inside may be unanticipated, violent and abrupt, even though we’ve got a lot of planets in retrograde motion, suggesting that this is process that is likely to remain internalized. Either way, it’d be interesting to be a little more careful and try to be a little more in touch with our feelings at this time. We might be sensitive and touchy; ready to explode. And if we do explode, some people might get hurt.

The Moon and Mars are very close to the South Node, and they’re opposite the Sun and the North Node in Leo. We’re stressed out, and somehow this stress is linked to something we should let go of. It might be a grudge, a memory; something linked to our family, or something linked to a feeling we’ve been having that’s crystallized us in a position that makes us suffer. It might also be a deep-rooted unhealthy behaviour or a person from our past suddenly coming back into our lives to remind us that there’s still a lot of work to be done. Now’s a good time to find a way to leave it all behind and to clear things up as a gesture of loyalty to the creative beauty of our true selves (Sun conjunct to the North Node in Leo). Ever since the New Moon, Pluto’s been helping us notice the overwhelming amount of trashwe keep inside of ourselves; now’s the time to organize it and take it all out. We can clear up space inside of us, and replace old (and bad) habits and values and beliefs for new, fresh and healthier ones.

It does seem like this has got the potential to be a deeply transformative period for some of us, and, if the transformation occurs, it is likely that it has come to stay. There’s a trine between Uranus in Taurus and Saturn in Capricorn, suggesting that the changes occurring around this time can not only be long-lasting ones, but also that they might help in installing a sense of security and of structure and maturity in the personalities touched by this Eclipse. Pluto’s trine to Venus, ruler of Taurus, further emphasizes that this is an opportunity to renew ourselves and to let the old and the rusty die for good.

If you’d like to be more specific considering how this lunation might affect you, search for 04° Leo and 04° Aquarius in your chart; see in which house it falls and if there are any planets or angles related to this degree in these and in other signs.


  • Time to recycle. Pay attention to the area in your life in which you’ve been feeling pressured in some ways. Let yourself be transformed by your experiences around this time. If you’re available and willing, the transformation is likely to be less painful.
  • Find a way to rest and recharge whenever necessary. Get more in touch to what makes you feel closer to yourself.
  • Don’t give in to anger or impulses to get violent if you can.
  • Liberate yourself, especially from collective ideals that may have been limiting how you express yourself.
  • Take care of yourself <3

Detail: Peter Paul Rubens, “Achilles Discovered Among the Daughters of Lycomedes”; 1630-35.

(New Moon in Cancer, 2018).
