

When God Won’t Give me my Boaz

Have you ever prayed for God to work things out between you and a boy? I have, in fact just this week I asked God if He would tell a boy I liked that he should date me. Imagine my frustration after I prayed for three whole days, finally got the courage to send the boy a text, and then got left on read. Angrily, I told God: “God this boy would be perfect for me! He loves you, is involved in ministry, and is also taller than me! Why would you not work things out between us?!”. But here’s the thing: God loves us more than we could ever love ourselves, and He wants the very best for us. We see our imperfections and mistakes, and sometimes we have the mentality that anyone who goes to church, and has a relationship with God is the very best we can do. God sees us as His most treasured creation, and loves us more than we could ever fathom;  When God withholds something from us, He is not doing it to be cruel, or because He thinks we aren’t enough, He is protecting us from anything less than the very best. A “no” from God is a reminder that He has greater things in store for us, and that our best is not His best.

God is not male,

Nor female,

God is everything.

- Moipone Tlale
