#gods plans


The plans of God are hard to follow. Not usually because they seem stupid… because usually they seem AMAZING and wonderful and exciting and… you get the picture. They’re hard to follow because a lot of the time you have to WAIT for them. And who really likes to wait? Not me.

Some people are blessed with patience, some are not… but when a plate of cookies is placed before you and you’re told to “wait 5 minutes for one”, it’s really hard to resist reaching out and taking one. You’d rather walk away and do something else for 5 minutes than stand there and stare at what you’re going to get but can’t have just yet.

That’s the worst part - you’re GOING to get it, but you can’t JUST YET.

1 Peter 5 has a few words on the matter. In verses 6 and 7, Peter says:

“So be content with who you are, and don’t put on airs. God’s strong hand is on you; he’ll promote you at the right time.Live carefree before God; he is most careful with you.”

He’ll promote you at the RIGHT TIME. Not your time, not the fun time, not the soon time, the right time. Which, of course, is never your time, or the fun time, or the soon time.

A wise person I once knew said this to me: “Often, we get God’s movement in our lives, but fail to wait around to hear his MOMENT.” It’s so very true, isn’t it?

And then in verse 10, Peter takes a moment to assure us once more at the benefit of waiting for God’s time:

“It won’t be long before this generous God who has great plans for us in Christ-eternal and glorious plans they are!-will have you put together and on your feet for good.”

Now THAT is a promise. “Glorious plans they are!”… how can you resist that?

I’ve seen this in my own life - I only recently have seen God begin to do something in my life that he gave me the passion and vision for 5 years ago. I tried to do it myself when he gave me the plans, but it never worked without him steering the ship. And once I gave up and did the other things he had for me to do, he suddenly PLOPPED my deepest desires down into my lap.

And now I have another big test… more big promises… that I don’t want to wait for. It’s hard. But I know it will be glorious.
