


Title:Sun’s Out, Guns Out

Fandom:Voltron: Legendary Defender

Relationship:  Keith/Shiro (Voltron)

Rating: Explicit

Summary:Keith is a loner who doesn’t really want to be alone. Shiro’s a frat guy who isn’t actually a douche. After a chance meeting at the college gym, Keith begins to question everything he thinks he knows about himself and the things he wants.

A/N: Thank you @whiskyandwildflowers@@restless-red-lion for listening to me talk about this fic daily and @heartofluxite for the amazing beta. <3  

  • For anyone worried about WIP this fic is completeand will be updating every few days until all chapters are posted.


“My name’s Shiro by the way. Maybe I’ll see you around.”

Then the guy rose from the floor, the same easy smile still on his face. Before Keith knew what he was doing, he found his mouth saying, “Keith. My name is Keith.”

Shiro’s smile grew wider, and Keith was positive it was the nicest smile he’d ever seen. There was something almost shy in the way Shiro’s lips curled up in the corners as if Keith’s attention to him was just as unexpected as Shiro’s attention was to Keith.

“See you around, Keith.” He said the name slowly as if savoring the taste of it on his tongue. “If I’m lucky.”

Shiro lifted his right hand in a half wave, taking a few backward steps towards the exit, still watching Keith before finally turning around.

It wasn’t until Shiro was by the door that Keith finally noticed the three bold white letters—Greek letters—on Shiro’s cap.

Shiro was frat boy.


Read Chapter 1 on AO3 }

Autumnal spirit and a VERY thirsty, in-denial Keith here. Fantastic banter between Keith, Lance, Hunk, and Pidge. And objectification of gasp! fratboy Shiro. Halloween holiday spirit doesn’t get any better.


Title:Pumpkin Spice and Everything Nice

Pairing: Shieth

Word Count: 7.8K

Rating: Explicit

SummaryKeith felt the smile spread across his face. There were a lot of things Keith hated. Professors who graded on curve. Liquor store clerks who thought he didn’t want his three pennies worth of change back. Everything about Autumn, especially the cold and the throngs of hipsters treating the unfavorable weather as an aesthetic. He didn’t hate Shiro though.Except, maybe just a little bit since he was definitely the one to blame for the unexplainable sudden craving Keith had for a pumpkin spice latte.

A/N: Here is the obligatory college/frat au I never thought I’d write. But I would die for frat boy shiro and grumpy thirsty keith so here we are. For @restlessandordinary &@whiskyandwildflowers who encouraged me. And so much love to @tdcatsblog for the beta! I adore you, TD!


“You don’t even know me,” he’d blurted out stupidly.

Shiro had laughed as he leaned against his sports car, crossing his arms over his broad chest which managed to make his biceps look unnaturally large under the glow of the cheap fluorescent lighting. Who the fuck wore tank tops in October anyway? This was New York, not California. Shiro didn’t seem at all bothered by the frigid temperatures though, just continued grinning at Keith as if he were funny or something. Keith was used to being the reason people frowned, not the reason they smiled.

“Keith Kogane, second in Slav’s freshman Applied Aerodynamics and Space Travel seminar. You sit in the sixth row against the far wall, usually doodle instead of take notes, and still somehow manage to ace almost every exam.”

Keith had balked, his hands sweating as he held on tightly to his purchase. “Er—”

“I sit in on Slav’s lectures sometimes. I’m not officially his T.A. but I’m hoping he’ll take me on for an apprenticeship so.” Shiro had trailed off, shrugging his shoulders. Keith knew this, everyone in Slav’s classes knew this. Hell, Keith was convinced at least a third of the people in that damn class had only signed up because they’d hoped to end up in one of the lectures Shiro helped with. Half of Keith’s college-ruled notebooks were full of doodles of Shrio and his stupidly adorable floofy hair that was always sticking out of his backward baseball cap. Not that Shiro knew that. At least he hoped not. But Keith knowing who Shiro was and Shiro noticing Keith—in a lecture hall of nearly two hundred freshman—that was something else entirely.

That was, well Keith didn’t know what the fuck that was, but fuck was it something. Something that made him feel bold and reckless and possibly more excited than was strictly reasonable.

Read the full fic here on AO3

Frat boy!Shiro is a MOOD. This fic is all about how Shiro would be the best, most gentlemanly frat boy ever. And this Keith – a little grumpy, a little insecure. This story reminds me of college in New England in October, with the crisp leaves and aroma of the titular pumpkin spice in the air. When Keith and Shiro finally get together, it is delicious
