#gomer pyle usmc


New sickfic!!!

Fandom: Gomer Pyle U.S.M.C

Title: An upset stomach and a full bladder

“What’s hurting you Duke?” Gomer asked as he help his sick friend into the car.

“My stomach.” Duke mumbled as he climbed into the passenger’s seat of the car.

“Oh, that’s not good. Nothing worse than an upset stomach.”

“Tell me about it.” Duke put his hand on his belly and closed the car door.

Gomer walked to the other side of the car and climbed into the driver’s seat. “Do you feel nauseous, Duke?”

Duke, who’s head was leaning against the car window, mumbled, “what?”

“Like, do you feel like you’re gonna throw up?”

“Throw up.” That phrase always haunted Duke. He wasn’t even thinking about possibly throwing up, but Gomer mentioning it reminded him.

“Let’s hope not.” Duke seemed calm but on the inside he was starting to panic.

“You’re scared of throwing up, aren’t you, Duke?”

“Yeah, I am. It’s a phobia of mine.”

“But do you think you might?”

Duke studied the pain in his stomach for a second, then his heart dropped when he remembered this is the same pain he gets every time he throws up. His whole body then began shaking.

“Yeah, I think I may throw up soon.”

“Oh, then we need to get you back to the base as quick as we can.” Gomer put the keys ignition and started to drive off.

The thought of knowing he was most likely going to throw up soon made Duke’s skin crawl. His heart began to beat very fast as his breathing got heavier. His stomach started churning more which made him even more worried. All this panic Duke was going through even made him start needing to pee. But Duke wasn’t focused on anything but worrying about throwing up, so he didn’t care about what was going on in his bladder.

It felt like every minute that went by, Duke’s stomach would start to hurt a little worse. Duke realized that there wasn’t as “probablys” anymore, he was going to throw up sooner or later, the thought made Duke just want to fall over and die at that moment. He didn’t want to throw up at all, that was the last thing he wanted to do. He just kept wishing in his mind that he wasn’t feeling nauseous, wishing that he could just go back to the base and sleep, wishing that vomiting was something that didn’t exist. But wishing wasn’t going to make him not throw up, it was going to happen. The pressure in his bladder was starting to get worse from the anxiety, but he wasn’t worried about that. A single tear started to roll down his face.

“Duke, what’s wrong? You look like you’re crying.”

“I don’t want to throw up, Gomer. I know I’m going to in a while because of how nauseous I feel but I just don’t want to.” More tears started to come out, but crying wasn’t going to stop him from throwing up.

“It’s ok, Duke. I understand that this is something that frightens you, but you’re going to be ok. You’ll throw up then it will be over with. At least the pain in your belly will be gone.”

“You’re right. But still, I’d rather do anything than throw up.”

“How long have you been scared of this?”

“Ever since I was a kid. I guess it all started when I was 4 and threw up all over the hallway in my house. Ever since I’m a nervous wreck every time I feel sick. Then I’m even worse when I actually do.”

“Oh, this must be terrible for your, Duke.”

“It is. I think they way I feel like this is I caught that stomach bug that’s been going around the barracks. I was hoping I’d be lucky and not catch it but it looks like I did.”

“Oh, I guess I’ll have to de extra careful to not catch it. I probably will though.” There was some awkward silence between the two as Duke was holding his stomach was wishing he was dead. “Uh, Duke, when you feel like you’re going to vomit just tell me and I’ll stop the car.” Duke nodded.

Duke was in agony. But the moment he felt something start to rise in his throat, his heart started to beat even faster and his bladder got more full. This was the moment Duke was dreading.

Before anything could come up Duke quickly yelled, “Gomer, pull over!” His hand quickly went to his mouth after he said that.

Gomer immediately stepped on the brake and Duke fiddled with the door handle until he got it open. He ran in the grassy area then squatted down as he started to vomit his guts outs. But it wasn’t just vomit coming out, his pants were getting wet.

Gomer ran out of the car to be by his friend’s side. He just placed a hand on Duke’s shoulder, trying to be as comforting as he could for him going through an awful thing. A thing that most people wouldn’t see as to bad, but Duke’s sees as a nightmare.

It almost felt like an eternity until Duke emptied all the contents of his stomach. The pain was gone, so was the pressure in his bladder, but the panic was not. But when he stood up, more anxiety swept over him. It got to much for him to handle and he started crying.

Gomer wiped as tear off his cheeks. “Oh, Duke, don’t cry. Everything is ok.”

“I-I don’t know why I’m crying right now. But I can’t stop it.”

“It’s ok, you’re ok, Duke. But it looks like you’ve just wet yourself, so we better get you back to the base as soon as possible.”

Wet himself? Duke didn’t even notice. He looked down as his pants and they were wet.

“I didn’t even know I had to pee. I didn’t even feel it come out. How could’ve this have happened?”

“It’s nothing to be ashamed of, Duke. We’ll make sure no one finds out about.”

“I’m so sorry about this, Gomer. I didn’t want the night to be like this.”

“Don’t be sorry for just being human, Duke. Everything will be ok.”

Gomer helped Duke back inside the car and he got in as well. Gomer drove back to the base, and the whole way there, Duke was crying. But the tears were seeming to wash the anxiety away. He didn’t have to worry about throwing up anymore because he just did. His heart started beating normally again as he tried to calm himself down. Everything was going to be alright.

I wrote my first emeto fic, YAY

The fandom is Gomer Pyle U.S.M.C

This fic does contain vomiting so if you don’t like that I suggest you don’t read this

Gomer rested his head against the cold window. He wasn’t feeling the best at that moment. He was actually feeling awful. He had forgotten to tell his friend Duke that he actually gets badly car sick most of the time. And at that moment, he was feeling sick to his stomach.

Duke didn’t really notice how sick Gomer was, yet he did notice how quiet he was. Duke knew it wasn’t like Gomer to be quiet, usually he’s talking up a storm. Duke didn’t really think much of it, he was mostly focused on the road.

But then Duke looked over at Gomer, and saw how pale he was. He was whiter than a ghost. He looked almost dead.

“Gome, who doing ok?”

“Not really, Duke. I don’t feel so well.” Gomer said very weak.

“You don’t? What’s wrong?”

“I just feel very nauseous, Duke.”

Duke’s heart sank to his stomach, as he had terrible emetophobia and couldn’t stand even hearing about throw up. “Nauseous? Like you’re gonna throw up?”

Gomer nodded, which made Duke even more nervous. “But this happens very often. I’m always getting car sick.”

“You look awful, Gome. Do you think you can make it until we get back to the base until you throw up.”

“I don’t know, Duke. How far are we from the base.”

“I don’t really know. But I think we’re almost there.”

“I may not make it.”

“If you do, do you have any medicine you can take so you won’t spill your guts everywhere.”

“Yeah, but I don’t think I’m gonna make it until then.”

“Oh, well roll the window down in case you start to puke.”

Duke’s heart started racing in his chest as he was dreading Gomer throwing up. He can’t even stand the sound of someone puking, which is probably what he’s going to be hearing soon.

That’s not even what he was most scared of, he was afraid of throwing up himself. When someone around him throws up, he starts getting nauseous then he throws up. Been that way since he was a child. He was terrified now. Throwing up always gave him a panic attack.

Duke’s foot was tapping violently against the floor of the car as his whole body shook. Gomer took notice to Duke’s behavior, and even being as weak as he was, questioned him about it.

“Duke, you look nervous. Are you car sick too?”

“No Gomer, just a little worried that’s all.”

“Why are you worried.”

“I’m very scared of vomit, Gomer. Just the thought of it makes me tense. I know you may throw up soon and that’s worries me.”

“Oh, I’m sorry, Duke.”

“Don’t be sorry, Gomer. It’s not your fault. It’s just I’m terrified of puke. I hate it.”

“I’ll try to make it until we get back to the base. But if I don’t, I’m sorry.”

There was some silence between the two men until Gomer started to feel a little strange. Something was definitely rising in his throat and he knew he was going to vomit his guts out.

With the little strength he had left he muttered out, “Duke, pull over.”

Duke couldn’t exactly hear what Gomer said, but when he look over at him and saw his hand over his mouth, he knew what was going on.

Duke quickly pulled over the car over and Gomer threw open the car door and ran out. He was going to vomit behind a tree but he didn’t make it there and just bent over and threw up in the grass. He was lucky it was just open woods and not a neighborhood or anything like that.

Duke tried not to look at Gomer vomiting but he could still hear it, and the sounds of him throwing up sent shocks down his spine. It wasn’t long until he started feeling his stomach start to churn.

Duke put his hand over his mouth and bolted out of the car. He went close to where Gomer was throwing up and he start to throw up.

Gomer had just gotten down emptying his stomach when he just sat his weak body down in the grass right next to his puddle of vomit. Duke was still vomiting though.

Once Duke was finished emptying his stomach. He mustered up enough strength to help Gomer up and help him walk to the car. They both were feeling awful and Duke was having a huge panic attack but tried not to let it show.

The both sat in the car, still feeling terrible. Though, Gomer’s stomach was feeling a little better, he was still pretty weak.

But Duke on the other hand was a wreck. He had just thrown up, which is his least favorite thing in the entire world.

Gomer said with his weak voice, “I’m sorry I made you throw up, Duke.”

“It’s not your fault you’re sick, Gomer. I always throw up every time someone else does. I’ve been like this since I could remember.”

“You must be really frightened right now.”

“I’m ok, Gomer. I just need a second until I start driving again.”

“Take as long as you need, Duke.”

“Gomer, I promise once we get back to the base I get you right to sick bay.”

“Thanks, Duke.”

Duke calmed himself down inside and started to drive off again.
