#good observation op



omg guys I had a thought

what if the reason why Saeyoung hates cockroaches so much (and in part, why he changes demeanour so quickly when he realises MC is crying because they felt like they couldn’t tell him about it despite being scared) is not only because they’re gross and he associates himself with them in a weird way, BUT ALSO because when they were young, Saeran was scared of them and Saeyoung had to be the one the get rid of them and their mother would get mad and yell if Saeran made any sound or cried about it T-T

This is very valid and thought provoking especially the part about Saeran, I thought it could also be because their house was probably disgusting when him and Saeran were kids and Saeyoung’s current house is also kinda gross so when there’s a cockroach in the apartment he’s like “why does this follow me wherever I go, I dont want to be reminded of that hellish house all the time”
