#good omens comic


The Ineffable Plan pg67

This story is almost over! Thank you all for joining me on this wild ride!

The Ineffable Plan pg66

Could it be true? Has your angel forgotten about you?

The Ineffable Plan pg63

Oh sh*t!! Crowley look out!!

Also, I’ve been dying to post this joke complete and now I can without spoiling anything!

With Bated Breath- 74

Remember way back when Aziraphale said he wanted Crowley to ruin him? Oh he’s ready for this final round, with Crowley taking the lead. Of course he’s still Aziraphale so there may be some backseat driving now and then, but mostly he’s going to lay back and enjoy. Also… Aziraphale where is your hand in that middle panel, you bad angel!

If you wanna see WBB uncensored, as well as the next (imho) smoking hot page, join my Patreon for just $2 a month or $20 per year. You’ll get that and lots more goodies ❤️


Netflix shouldn’t have suggested Inuyasha to me because it made me remember that opening scene.

Yeah so I just wanted to draw Omens From Nowhere. Because I finished both seasons of Girl From Nowhere last week lol

Don’t worry they are only discorporated lol
