#good stewardship

unlettered-heathen:satan-666s-stuff:imnotoverlyobsessive: bogleech:This is the funniest and most thounlettered-heathen:satan-666s-stuff:imnotoverlyobsessive: bogleech:This is the funniest and most tho





This is the funniest and most thoughtful I’ve ever seen an organization use a meme and it’s good people with good goals who don’t just want your money on top of it

For those of you who aren’t aware the Monterey Bay Aquarium is actually a really cool place!

• they are non-profit

• they have a living kelp forest!

• it focuses on local ocean wildlife

• they were the first aquarium to get a great white shark to eat and they are the only public aquarium to display a great white shark for more than sixteen days

• they have a seafood watch program where they promote sustainable seafood

• they are actively fighting against ocean pollution

So yeah support them, they’re awesome and I love them

They also have a tumblr @montereybayaquarium

It looks like there’s-

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there’s many bene-

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