#goodnight besties and enjoy the chaos


Since it’s November 5th again, let me throw some statistics here:

  • Since I started running this blog (Jan 22), Supernatural trended for 106 days, which makes it 36.8% of the days between Jan 22 and Nov 5, 2021
  • Since November 5, I found 132 confirmed trending dates*, which makes for 36.2% of the days during the last year
  • As the second point only includes confirmed dates, it’s possible that Supernatural trended for up to 38.4% days in the last year, more or less

Do with it what you will. These might not be exact figures, as I’m barely awake and going to sleep in about 3 minutes, but it’s safe to say that during the last year, Supernatural has trended for over 1/3 of the year.
