#but yeah


Sorry for the last post y’all I have never actually gotten over a fandom in my life


Yet these idiots still think Marsha Johnson started stonewall…




idk can we stop…treating a.ce disc.ourse like it’s some haha funney cringe compilation or whatever the fuck because it fucking destroyed the entire ace and aro communities. there is no solid aspec community on tumblr anymore (which was by far the biggest number of aspec ppl). exclusionists took our community and fucking smashed it to pieces and y'all treat it as this fucking stupid joke when they traumatized, gaslit, and abused an entire group of queer people back into the closet. fuck every single person who doesn’t take that seriously.

My personal experience is just that, but it’s really indicative that I have watched almost every single ace and aro person I know, irl and online, actively recloset themselves as a direct result of the consequences of The Disc Horse™

I watched irl queer groups disintegrate bc a few ppl who got into leadership positions used that to make the space hostile towards ace ppl (among others as well), saw friends go from being loud and proud aces n aros to actively avoiding any mention of it and letting ppl assume their sexuality. I myself, having been IDing as ace for 10 years at least, have in the past couple since this whole “"discourse”“ came into being, actively and intentionally stopped telling anyone at all that I’m ace. To put that in some kind of perspective, I am incredibly out as trans and will actively out myself pretty constantly except to total strangers I will never see again. I feel safer telling ppl I’m trans than ace. Especially in queer spaces. It’s fucked me up so much I didn’t even quite grasp how much but today my therapist asked me for the first time about like romantic relationships and I physically could not say I am aro and ace. Completely incapable, utterly frozen, and I just kinda let her believe what she will. Ironically the fact that I’ve gone from being willing and ready to tell ppl I’m ace as just another facet of myself to entirely unable and unsolicited to tell anyone, is probably a thing one might want to talk w one’s therapist about.

This has really fucked not just the community at large but fucked up individual ace ppl in so many ways. It’s not something “funny” or remotely harmless, it’s absolutely devastated us.

I reblogged this only a couple of days ago when this hand only 2k-ish notes.Now this has 10k notes FULL of ace , aro and aroace people talking about how much the “ace discourse” emotionally and mentally traumatized them and how so many of them stopped coming out as ace even among their most lgbtqa friendly peers and groups and its just SO  SO heartbreaking to read.

The ace discourse has been going on here for around 3 years now with no signs of stopping considering of how many excusionist and aphobic ace discourse keep popping up here and 99% of them are just really horrible people who keep bullying,harassing and mocking ace people as a form of “discourse”

Ace discourse hasnt made ANYONE feel safe in the lgbtqa community except people who are as much of a bully towards ace people as aphobes are and has just created a huge divide among the community bc many lgbtqaACE people too feel like they cant trust other lgbtqa people non ace people since they  might turn out to be aphobic.

I hope anyone who has EVER contributed to this disgusting agenda against the existence of ace people reads this and realizes how they have only played the part of the bullies and bigots they hated in schools and societies, towards ace people and have contributed to the unsafeness and self hatred ace people feel for being ace.

No matter how many “hot takes” people write with as many leftist buzzwords and masterpost aphobes make ,ace people arent EVER going to stop existing.Its their LIVES and not some internet identity they make up so all this harassment of ace people is only EVER going to make ace people hide themselves not erase themselves.


the anxiety of having a job interview tomorrow that i’ve dreamt about for over 1 ½ years

Update: I think it went well!! Definitely some things I could have done better/explained better but I think overall I left a good impression

stevensgrant:#That’s it. #That’s the show stevensgrant:#That’s it. #That’s the show stevensgrant:#That’s it. #That’s the show 


#That’s it. #That’s the show 

Post link



My husband was playing a video game tutorial, and it said something about the “vehicle”. It took me almost half an hour to stop mumbling “vehicle” over and over.

A while back my husband was listening to an audiobook of the Bible and there’s a bit in the Old Testament somewhere that lists all these places “and their suburbs” and for several days I added “and their suburbs” to everything. “What do you want for dinner?” “Chicken.” “And their suburbs?” 

And a little jug of oil.


Since it’s November 5th again, let me throw some statistics here:

  • Since I started running this blog (Jan 22), Supernatural trended for 106 days, which makes it 36.8% of the days between Jan 22 and Nov 5, 2021
  • Since November 5, I found 132 confirmed trending dates*, which makes for 36.2% of the days during the last year
  • As the second point only includes confirmed dates, it’s possible that Supernatural trended for up to 38.4% days in the last year, more or less

Do with it what you will. These might not be exact figures, as I’m barely awake and going to sleep in about 3 minutes, but it’s safe to say that during the last year, Supernatural has trended for over 1/3 of the year.

“Hey, you wanna do up my Zipper?”

“Hey, you wanna do up my Zipper?”

Post link
Hmmmand also Hmmm


and also


Post link


People who are not Black should not be commenting on Hoodoo or what descendants of enslaved Africans can or can’t do within the Hoodoo religion.

For ex: some Hoodoos do use the Bible in their workings and some do not. No one, especially non Black people, has any authority to tell you that is wrong unless you’re advised by Spirit or Black Elders

L + ratio + no friends + career destroyed + wanted by the mafia + hunting partner killed by a bear + village destroyed + house destroyed + nowhere to shelter from the weather + everyone hates you + blizzard and freezing temperatures + mauled by a bear + no money + no food + no game on the mountain + weak immune system + grieving + ugly hat


For me the funniest moment in Gilmore Girls is when Rory skipped school and went to a city she’s never been to in her uniform just so she could say goodbye to Jess and then five minutes later swore she wasn’t falling for him


Draw ‘em all, or have someone send you a character and a number… it’s your wonderland, Alice. Reblog, add your own. Have a good time.

  1. hasn’t slept in 48 hours
  2. tasted something gross
  3. in a long, slow line at the DMV
  4. listening to blind date talk about their ex
  5. reading YouTube comments
  6. favorite song just came on
  7. song they hate just came on
  8. had their favorite show spoiled
  9. just fell in love (a.k.a. “Dreamweaver face”)
  10. saw a wasp
  11. had a fist fight (they won)
  12. had a fist fight (they lost)
  13. food coma
  14. hello darkness, my old friend
  15. “was that Batman?”
  16. forgot what they were about to say
  17. “oh no, they’re hot…”
  18. their best friend’s cooking is not as good as they think
  19. brainfreeze!
  20. texted the wrong person
  21. check out this box of kittens/puppies/bunnies/ducklings/whatever’s cutest to them!
  22. their favorite TV show character dies
  23. having an increasingly awkward conversation with Bob of Modus Operandi
  24. parent/guardian is showing their baby pictures
  25. stepped on a Lego
  26. stepped on an Eggo… you know… the waffle
  27. 102 degrees indoors and there’s no A/C
  28. watching the end of The Iron Giant… or maybe the opening to Up… or w-when Shadow is stuck in Homeward Bound…??
  29. woken up out of a dead sleep
  30. nailed it.

(some suggestions were lovingly crowd-sourced from kayzigsamwisedamgeemarianascostageekysideburnsbriandanielwolfsarahfuandindigoats.com!)



Lord of the Rings Trilogy but it’s EVERY scene where two female characters interact



Azula was just as abused and misguided as Zuko.

The only difference was that she had to be perfect while he was the failure, and his exile was actually the best thing that ever happened to him.

Meanwhile in the palace, she was being warped under her father’s evil ideals almost to the point of no return.

Her abuse destroyed her mentally and emotionally and yes she was a wonderful villain.

But she was also a victim and I will not tolerate Azula bashing in this house.


WHY is the Larry vs Kahmunrah fight in Night at the Museum 2 more hype than 99% of big Marvel movie action scenes?? The whole scene is just Ben Stiller beating up a wax model (?) of a pharaoh with a flashlight and I can’t seem to stop watching it


Hey! I’m spending the week with @alirienge (or, as I like to call her, my sister), and she wants to draw some sketches, but she doesn’t know what of. Do you want to maybe volunteer your ocs? Dropping a description of them in her askbox??
