#grace burgess x reader


Dating Modern Tommy & Grace Shelby

Note: I’m so in love with these two you don’t even understand!! I think they’re so well matched (ik a lot of people disagree skjgnre) and wanted to explore what they’d be like with a third partner. Also the beautiful divider was made by @firefly-graphics

Tommy Shelby x GN!Reader x Grace Shelby

♡ How you meet them

  • around the time when Charlie turns two, Grace decides it’s time for her to get back to work
  • Tommy and her had been talking about it for a while and they decided to hire a full time nanny, since Grace had basically been taking care of him the whole time
  • and sometimes the rest of the family would watch him when Grace was busy
  • enters you a student considering taking a gap year to save up some money and try out different experiences
  • one day as you’re browsing through job listings, you stumble through a full time nanny position
  • the pay is more than decent, and you would be a live in nanny so you wouldn’t have to worry about rent
  • it almost seems too good to be true, especially when you end up getting a call for an interview pretty quickly
  • on your way there, you kinda wonder if you’re gonna go back home with all your organs
  • Grace, wanting to make sure she left her baby with the right person, is the one conducting the interview
  • you’re taken aback by her beauty, like you had to do your best not to stare at her creepily during the interview
  • her smile and calm presence put you at ease pretty quickly
  • the interview turns into a lengthy conversation about everything and nothing, and she ends up hiring you by the end of it
  • Charlie loves you almost immediately
  • it’s a bit rough at first, since he was so used to being with his mom all the time, but he gets over that pretty quickly
  • he’s a little angel with the cutest chubby cheeks
  • Tommy’s away on a business trip for your first three weeks, which allows you and Grace to form somewhat of a friendship
  • she’s not really used to opening up to anyone other than Tommy. She doesn’t have many friends and isn’t that close to the rest of the Shelby clan
  • and she doesn’t magically open up to you either, but you do spend quite some time with her and Charlie after she comes home from work so you get close
  • this did not help you get over the little crush you had on her
  • especially not when you two would get tipsy on wine and start giggling about anything
  • ok now imagine you first meet Tommy when you’re in that state vjefnwd
  • he comes home early from his business trip only to find you and Grace giggling like schoolgirls in the living room
  • he hadn’t seen Grace behave that way around someone else in a while, so he doesn’t know if he should feel happy or suspicious
  • it’s Thomas Shelby we’re talking about come on, of course he’s suspicious. He’d already ran a background check on you, but he just wanted to make sure you were there for the right reasons
  • when you finally realize he’s there, you freeze like a deer in headlights
  • part of it was from fear. His presence is intimidating and you weren’t dumb, you knew exactly what Tommy Shelby was capable of
  • the other part was because you realized that fuck, they’re both hot and you didn’t know if you wanted to be with them or be them
  • Grace thinks your reaction’s hilarious, but she tries her best not to laugh so she doesn’t make it worse for you
  • you get saved by little Charlie who starts crying right after his mom introduces you to his dad

♡ How you get together

  • a few months into your job, you basically became an honorary Shelby
  • you did your best to put aside any attraction you felt for your employers
  • you weren’t about to lose this opportunity by letting your thirst control you
  • plus you and Grace are practically besties (she hates that term) and you value your friendship with her
  • and even Tommy would occasionally say more than two sentences to you
  • he once even cracked a small smile *gasps*, though you’d convinced yourself you’d imagined it
  • they (and by they I mean Grace) ask you to join them during some family activities, especially during picnics
  • Charlie loves it cause it just means he has more people to play with
  • a few weeks before Christmas, Grace goes on a business trip for the first time since Charlie’s birth
  • it’s only for a few days, but she gets pretty anxious about it. So depending on who’s with Charlie, you or Tommy facetime her every night to reassure her
  • you and Tommy end up having a few discussions over dinner for those few days, and although you’re still very much terrified of him, you’re glad to see you’re one of the few people he kinda talks to
  • for the holidays, they allow you to take a few days off. You’d been pretty excited about it, since a friend had offered you to spend the holidays with them
  • your absence is definitely noticed by the little family who’d been so used to having you around
  • Grace’s trip a few weeks prior allowed her to come to terms with her feelings for you, and judging by the way Tommy behaved around you, she knew he held the same sentiment as her for you
  • a shift in your dynamic with them is immediately noticed upon your return from vacation
  • not that it was a bad thing. The way Tommy’s gaze would occasionally linger on your lips during your daily chats or the way Grace’s hugs would last a little longer than usual made your little crush on them resurface
  • a part of you considers acting on your feelings at times. You decide against it because you’re convinced that despite them showing interest, it wasn’t possible to actually be with them. They were married to each other after all
  • at one point it does become a bit too much for you and around that time you decided to finally go back to school. You’d saved up more than enough by that point and felt motivated enough to want to finish what you started
  • you announce it to Grace the week you get accepted, to give her and Tommy the occasion to look for your replacement
  • she’s convinced her and Tommy pushed you too far, she thinks she might’ve misread your feelings which drove you away from them. Especially when she noticed you wouldn’t look her in the eye when you told her you were leaving
  • she tells Tommy that night, after he noticed how distraught you two looked when he got home
  • unlike her, he didn’t think they pushed you too far, he thought you were probably just confused because they had been beating around the bush for so long
  • so after Grace falls asleep he tiptoes to the garden, knowing you like to go there to clear your head after putting Charlie to bed
  • he finds you on the patio swing staring at the treehouse he’d built for Charlie
  • when he sits next to you and lights a cigarette, you think he’s for sure about to fire you or do something worse for upsetting Grace
  • so when instead of doing that, he asks you if you reciprocate his and Grace’s feelings for you, you almost cry in relief
  • you end up confessing everything, from the way you had a crush on Grace from the beginning to how you ended up falling in love head over heels for them both
  • you explained how going back to school was the perfect solution for you, since you didn’t want to ruin the friendship you had with them
  • eventually you start wondering why he’s still staring at you expectantly and you finally realize you hadn’t expressed any of your thoughts out loud
  • so you take a deep breath, smile at him and begin a discussion with him you knew would last all night long
  • in the end you were both able to clear any misunderstandings and talk about what kind of relationship could come out of this
  • of course you still needed Grace’s opinion before you could do anything, but Tommy assured you there was nothing to worry about
  • so when the morning came and she had woken up, you both share the good news with her
  • after some rest and long conversations, the three of you decide to give this a chance and begin a relationship

♡ what being with them is like

  • okay listen, now that you don’t have to pretend you’re not absolutely in love with them anymore, you fully take advantage of that
  • Tommy’s not the most affectionate person *surprised pikachu meme*, but he has his moments. He expresses his love in more discreet ways
  • Grace however doesn’t shy away from being affectionate with you. Usually you’re the one who initiates, but she has no problem returning your affection… especially if you’re tipsy
  • they treat you like an equal. You’re involved in their lives as much as they are in each other’s. They come to you for your advice or your opinion as much as you do with them
  • Charlie mostly calls you by your name, or at least his interpretation of your name since he can’t pronounce it properly yet.
  • you’re a parental figure in his life, but you thought it would be less confusing for him to refer to you by your name
  • going to events with them!!!! most of the time it’s never actually all three of you since you have conflicting schedules, but you cherish the rare occasions you get to all be together
  • when Tommy’s taking a quick (smoking) break, Grace and you make sure to distract anyone at those events looking for him, knowing how much he hates socializing
  • gifts, so many gifs, especially from Tommy
  • it’s one of the ways he can express his love best. He puts a lot of thought behind each gift he gets you or Grace
  • at one point after enough begging he even lets you adopt a cat that he ironically ends up spoiling the most
  • depending on the night, either you or Grace sleep in the middle. Tommy feels too trapped, due to his time in the army
  • you’re also used to him having nightmares and not really wanting to talk about them. You’ve learnt to help him deal with them in more discreet ways: making him a cup of tea when he wakes up, making sure he goes back to sleep after, etc.
  • you wished he’d get professional help, since that was something that had helped you, but you knew how he felt about it. Although you had managed to convince Grace to see a therapist so you remained hopeful
  • you’re usually the one who picks Charlie up from daycare, often with a piece of candy in you. It’s your little secret, even if Grace and Tommy are aware
  • you sometimes feel insecure because you came later into the relationship and you’re afraid they’ll eventually get bored of you and want to stay with each other instead. Usually as soon as you voice your concerns, they’re quick to remind you that won’t happen
  • family vacations!!! These don’t happen often because Grace and Tommy are unfortunately workaholics, but you insist on doing it at least twice a year
  • Charlie usually has a blast, especially if you go to a tropical location. You’re all required to participate when he builds sandcastles. He also makes you bury him under the sand and makes puppy eyes at Tommy to force him to join (as if Tommy could ever say no to him)
  • one of the gifts Tommy got you was a polaroid camera which you most often used during these moments
  • on your anniversary, you give your little family a scrapbook filled with pictures captured throughout the years by you. Some of them are planned, but most are candids. Your favourite is one where Charlie’s chubby cheeks are covered in birthday cake, while his father’s holding him. Both had the brightest smiles on their faces