
[COMMISSION STATUS: CLOSED]Commissions for @thatjerkrmed, @jaymzeecat, and @ghostlyghosti! Thank you[COMMISSION STATUS: CLOSED]Commissions for @thatjerkrmed, @jaymzeecat, and @ghostlyghosti! Thank you[COMMISSION STATUS: CLOSED]Commissions for @thatjerkrmed, @jaymzeecat, and @ghostlyghosti! Thank you


Commissions for @thatjerkrmed,@jaymzeecat, and @ghostlyghosti! Thank you all for commissioning me! ♥

Image descriptions below the cut!

The top image depicts a Pokemon trainer with his Squirtle. The trainer is holding back his hot-headed Squirtle from getting into a fight offscreen. The Squirtle is apparently swearing by saying, “SQUIRT!! SQUIRTLE SQUIRTLE!!”, prompting its trainer to scold it by saying, “Language!”

The bottom-left image depicts Karamatsu Matsuno from the Osomatsu-san series, wearing a blue kigurumi and posing seductively on some pink pillows while holding a glass of red wine. Karamatsu has a smug expression on his face as he’s looking towards the camera with sparkles near his face. What a dork.

The bottom-right image depicts two characters: Oswood(left) and Graeskar(right), enjoying some crepes together. Graeskar is wiping some stray crumbs from Oswood’s face, saying “Ah, let me get that for you~” to which Oswood shyly responds with “Th-thank you…”, blushing and averting their gaze from the handsome pumpkin man. :3

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