
Through Lonely Mists Together by @maya-the-yellow-bee​you can read the fic ️here!️summary:The world

Through Lonely Mists Togetherby@maya-the-yellow-bee

you can read the fic ️here!️

The world has ended. Geralt couldn’t reliably say when it happened, if it was years or perhaps only months ago. Time doesn’t have meaning anymore. Neither does space. Neither does anything else. He doesn’t feel hunger, or exhaustion. Pain, though, is very much still here. It’s everywhere. Pain, and Fear, and Despair. 
Not Death, no. Death is too merciful.

Geralt has to find Ciri. He couldn’t save the world, but he won’t leave her alone in the worst version of Hell. When all hope seems lost, help comes from the most unexpected source…

click for better quality! 

My partner for this event, Bee, is an absolutely SUPERB writer, and she was a dream to work with. Please check out her wonderful fic if you like ~creepy~ goings-on, Geraskier banter, and dad!Geralt. It’s set in the Magnus Archives universe but you don’t need to be up to date or even be in that fandom to understand what’s happening!

This piece was made as part of the @geraskierreversebang​ and I really enjoyed working on it, even though it’s a bit different to my normal style.

Thank you so much to the mods for running this event! ️️

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