#green eggs and ham netflix


Mother’s cooking. Ain’t nothing quite like it. Happy Mother’s Day to all the cool and heroic moms out there!


Adorable artwork by Green Eggs and Ham S1/S2 Storyboard Artist, Ray Nadeau.


Im not disappointed anymore im just kinda mad that we had like 3 episodes out of 10 where sam and guy interact. Its so upsetting because its their show and they barely talk at all this season >=(

Oh my god I missed this fluffy guy somuchguys

animation test from season 2 don’t know why this is already out there but

warmup of everyone’s favorite mercenary biker killer

“I’m sorry for…missing all of that. For missing your whole life.”

The ending between Sam and Pam in You Only Mom Twice did something to my brain chemistry and I mean that lovingly.

just experimenting with covers

idk what vibe i’m getting from this but i kinda like it ?

ANYWAYS i’m making an AU so have this :P
