#greenpeace international

SAFEPASSAGE27.02.2016 molyvos, lesbos/greece. local and international activist came together at the


27.02.2016 molyvos, lesbos/greece. local and international activist came together at the beach of molyvos today at 13 o´clock, to show their solidarity with the refugees and to demand a humanitarian approach to the refugee crisis in europa. this event took place all over europa. 

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RESIST THE BEGINNINGS13.02.2016 - EUROPEAN UNIONaccording to the magazine “the spiegel”,


13.02.2016 - EUROPEAN UNION

according to the magazine “the spiegel”, 4 members of the eu in the east, hungary, polen, czech republic and slovakia are meeting next monday to have talks and agree on ways to close the balkan route for refugees entirely.
first of all this will be a breach of a whole bunch of laws and treaty´s, since these country´s have signed the geneva convention for refugees and the the european convention for the protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms. they would also breach some other european laws about cooperations.
also that would imply that these country would disavow on fundamental ethic grounds of the eu.
it is a unilateralist move that could have the power to destroy the fundaments of the european union.
the same time the eu and the nato, led by germany, is sending military forces to greece to handle the boarder situation with turkey, militarizing a crisis that is caused by refugees fleeing from a genocide like war in syria. this way the eu betrays every ethic and moral grounds that it is claiming to stand for.
the last time fear was leading the european politics this way, there was no good end to it, it was in the late 20s and beginning 30s of the last century. the uprising of the far right, the barbaric ideology of fascism, especially in the east of europa, but also in most other country´s of the european union, has reached a point where these forces are able to drive the political process in front of them.
in germany, after ww2, we had the saying: “resist the beginnings” and we used that phrase to remind our selfs and our fellow human beings to let this kind of horror, the holocaust, the fascist movement in germany, never happen again.
we are in the middle of the beginnings already, on a european scale this time.
if you wan´t to live in a free society, based on ethical standards, on democratic standards, you have to stand up for your rights and beliefs NOW. you have to leave your comfort zone, your private bubble and take a stand. there is no time for wait and see anymore, for nobody. stop distracting yourself with bullshit and talk about the important topics, get activ, find better solutions for everyone. don´t wait for others to clean up the mess. act!
if you don´t, you will ask yourself in a few years: how could that happen? like our ancestors did.
and like our ancestors, you will ask yourself this question in the ruins of europa.
neal mcqueen

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ON THE ROADSIDE08.02.2016 near skalochori, lesbos/greece. facing all this intense moments within the


08.02.2016 near skalochori, lesbos/greece. facing all this intense moments within the refugee situation on lesbos, it is sometime almost hitting you how beautiful this island can be. there is actually a good reason why it is so popular among tourist that seek for nature beauty, birdwatching and to come to ease. this part of the island is still there, even if some of it is now facing this crisis, but even in these parts of the island you just go around the next corner, stop and think: “wow, thats beautiful!”

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HANDOVER07.02.2016  harbor of molyvos, lesbos/greece. greenpeace is with 2 rescue boats on the islan


07.02.2016  harbor of molyvos, lesbos/greece. greenpeace is with 2 rescue boats on the island for some time now. it is a cooperation with doctors without boarders. new teams for the boats came on the island and this is the handover and training day of the new teams. 

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