#grey mcconnell



“If there’s anything else you wanna say, anything else you wanna tell me, you better tell me right now.”

“I’m sorry…”

(I can’t get over the tiny smile that ghosted across his face before he spoke…..)


This has been a year of all sorts of surprises, yes? Most of 2020 has been filled with tragedy on a global scale, compromised mental health, and the bone-deep and crushing realization that things are… even more depressingly messed up many of us had already gauged.

But then, some days, there was sunshine. Because finally, after literal years of biding our time —we even did an episode with him as Thirst Object already because we thought the call would nevercome!—we got a wonderful delivery, direct to our Zoom. 


Jake Johnson, the man behind the immortal Nick Miller, came into the virtual Thirst studio and we got to ask him a bunch of questions, and he answered them!

Yes, Bim was in a closet that looks like it’s been the setting for many a hostage video, and yes, Nichole’s curious cat padded into the interview space a couple times, and sure, Jake was also in a closet in AirPods that may or may not amplify an echo on the call. But look: producer Cher was weafring a Cubs T-shirt, and Jake noticed, and complimented her on it, and we mean… 

Look at this happy-making shit:


Here are a few things we got to talk to Jake about:

  • His new animated show on Netflix, Hoops
  • His generationally important portrayal of Peter B. Parker, a depressed and struggling Spider man in In Into The Spider-Verse
  • Of course: Nick Miller, the internet’s boyfriend since the pandemic started and multiple watches and rewatches of New Girl commenced (BUT: also those of us who loved Nick and NG long before Covid came for us in 2019/20)

Along the way, we discussed Brad Pitt, farmer’s market produce and the ladies that want to purchase some with him in tow, guacamole, giving encouragement to America’s children, one voicemail at a time, dick jokes, how broken his character in Stumptown seems to be, the titular two appetizer-celebration he loves to use to mark his wins, the New Girl group chat, maybe a New Girl reunion…And so much more. It’s a fun time. 

We laughed a lot. You’ll love it. (many,manypeoplealreadydid)


You can listen to the whole episode RIGHT HERE (more ways to listen are listed below).



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We’re on Twitter at @thirstaidkit. And you can send us love letters and short drabbles to [email protected]. We also would not be upset if you left a (five star? ) rating and a review on Apple Podcasts. Thank you!

Hope you do something to make yourself feel good today and all days. It’s what Peter B. Parker would want for you.


Stay thirsty.

Okay, but I loved their perceptions of Grey in this interview


Kinda hoping we get to see Max again…

Hey guys I’ve not been around much - had a lot on IRL but I’m very nearly finished with Chapter 3 of my Stumptown fic ‘Crossing the Line’

It’s turned out a little longer than I’d planned but I hope you’ll like it I ended up re-writing big sections of it and it hasn’t been as easy as the first two.

I’ve also been busy rewatching Season 1 and solidifying my love for these characters and the show!
