
“Well loser has to give something to the winner, right Gao?“ Kei said rubbing Gao suggestively.“Uh,

“Well loser has to give something to the winner, right Gao?“ Kei said rubbing Gao suggestively.

“Uh, maybe I could do something else for you guys,“ Gao said, “I didn’t really expect tonight to go this way.“

“I’m sure you’ve got something good in mind,“ Shu said.

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“That’s it, you need to loosen up Shu,“ Gao said attempting to lift up Shu’s shirt.“What huh!?“ Shu

“That’s it, you need to loosen up Shu,“ Gao said attempting to lift up Shu’s shirt.

“What huh!?“ Shu said caught off guard as his shirt was lifted over his head.

“Come on Shu, stop bein’ so modest,“ Kei said pullin down the squirming grovile’s shorts.

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“Well, you have to admit, seeing two buff dudes grapping is kinda hot,“ Gao said.“Eh,“ Kei shrugged,

“Well, you have to admit, seeing two buff dudes grapping is kinda hot,“ Gao said.

“Eh,“ Kei shrugged, “I guess.“

“Uh, what are you doing Gao?“ Shu said as he noticed Gao unbuttoning his shorts.

“What?  It getting warm in here, I need to cool off,’ Gao said, “You don’t mind…do you?”

“Well I…uh,“ Shu said.

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“Man, the headmaster really is good, check out that grapple,“ Gao said.“Pff, some secret techniques,

“Man, the headmaster really is good, check out that grapple,“ Gao said.

“Pff, some secret techniques, this is pretty basic stuff,“ Kei said.

“Well, this looks pretty old, so at the time it may have been secret,“ Shu said, “Though, there’s a lot more grabbing and trash talking than I thought there would be.“

“Hey, did he…just spank that other guy?“ Kei asked.

“Huh, never heard of that move before, does that work?“ Gao responded.

“Oooookay, the shorts are off…“ Shu said shocked.

“Oh my god, what the hell Gao?!  Is this one of your perverted porno scenarios?“ Kei accused.

“Hey man, I didn’t know the headmaster was into this kind of stuff, honest!“ Gao pleaded, “This was supposed to be a normal movie night.”

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“Oh hey check it out, it’s my headmaster,” Gao said enthusiastically, “whoa,

“Oh hey check it out, it’s my headmaster,” Gao said enthusiastically, “whoa, he looks young, this must be a really old.”

“Why are they wearing such tight shorts?” Kei asked.

“Well it’s grappling right?  It’s so they don’t rip their clothes,” Shu said.

“Yeah, that makes sense,” Gao agreed.

“Are you sure that’s the reason?” Kei said skeptically.

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#anthro    #pokemon combat academy    #marshtomp    #grovile    #combusken    #groudon    #kyogre    
“Movie Night!” Gao exclaimed as he jumped off the couch.  He had invited some guys from

“Movie Night!” Gao exclaimed as he jumped off the couch.  He had invited some guys from neighboring combat academies to watch movies and chill.

“So what have you got for us this time, Gao?” the combusken asked, “please tell me it’s something recent.”

“Nope!  Sorry Kei, it’s something better.”  Gao replied.

“Really?!  Where’d you get it?” the grovile perked up.

“I swiped it from the headmaster’s back room, hiding in a box back there.  I think it’s a secret training tape,” Gao said, “What do you think Shu, wanna see the headmasters secret techniques?”

“Oh yeah!  That sounds great!” Shu replied.

“What were you doing in the headmaster’s back room?” Kei asked skeptically.

“I was curious.  Well it says on the label, ‘Secret Grappling Techniques - GKR - 65,”  Gao said, “Wonder what that means?”

“Well only one way to find out, through it in the player and let’s watch it,” Shu said.

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Hoenn Mid-evolution Anthro StartersWe’ve got a marshtomp, a grovile, and a combusken.

Hoenn Mid-evolution Anthro Starters

We’ve got a marshtomp, a grovile, and a combusken.

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