

that video where a guy is playing bass in a plaza and more and more people join until it’s a full orchestra and choir and everyone in the crowd singing along and the children all looking so happy and interested

it’s not a flash mob

it’s an ad

for the bank whose sign is clearly visible in the background

and it even ends with the name of the bank on screen with a slogan

and my brain just doesn’t get all the people in the notes talking about how beautiful it is that people can come together like that when the end clearly reveals that it was all a commercial so there was nothing sincere about it at all–even the enthusiastic/enchanted onlookers may have been paid, or at least had to sign a release for their likeness to be used (if it works like the US)

Mens shirts, womens shirts, what bullSHIT

When will clothing stores admit that all clothes are “mens clothes” bc noone puts FUCKING darts in their patterns to accomodate BOOBS anymore?

All shirts nowadays only accomodate a flat chest

Flat as a board or nothing




you want to know one of the things that pisses me off most about dune? it’s not a valid complaint or problematic or anything. it’s that the litany against fear works and I hate it.

I used to recite the Desiderata in my head when I was a kid at my mom’s insistence but it’s so fucking long and full of compound sentences and the stupid fucking litany just… works better lol. Stop asking me questions during blood donation I’m busy mentally humiliating myself by being a fucking insufferable nerd.

For those who, like me, are unfamiliar with the litany, from the Dune wiki:

“I must not fear.

Fear is the mind-killer.

Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration.

I will face my fear.

I will permit it to pass over me and through me.

And when it has gone past, I will turn the inner eye to see its path.

Where the fear has gone there will be nothing.

Only I will remain.”

…how does it work.

Is it because it’s so clunky you have to laboriously drag every sentence and clause out of your brain over every jolt and hitch and the sheer effort is so all-consuming that you don’t have spaceto still feel afraid?

Is it because it’s so ugly your brain cringes away from the slop and splatter of the words and in doing so pulls away also from the thoughts of your fear?
