#guardians of gahoole fanart

Her Pureness, born under a lunar eclipse, grown to become the beautifully vile owl of all owl kingdo

Her Pureness, born under a lunar eclipse, grown to become the beautifully vile owl of all owl kingdoms.

book nyra is absolutely BRUTAL. holy hell man. 

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even MORE ga’hoole art. based off books 2-4. it’s fun to make my own interpretations of these characeven MORE ga’hoole art. based off books 2-4. it’s fun to make my own interpretations of these characeven MORE ga’hoole art. based off books 2-4. it’s fun to make my own interpretations of these charac

even MORE ga’hoole art. based off books 2-4. it’s fun to make my own interpretations of these characters, a lot of inspiration coming from the books, film, and real life photos.

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more book 2-3 ga’hoole art. including some Kludd!!! finally can draw him and i tell ya, i was SHOOK

more book 2-3 ga’hoole art. including some Kludd!!! finally can draw him and i tell ya, i was SHOOK reading book 3 oh my GOD.

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