#guardians of gahoole



Me: *rereading Ga'Hoole*

Me: i know the true reason Hoolean trilogy had been hidden

Have you ever looked at one of my owl arts and thought, huh, that would make a good print.

Well now it’s a print!

The Owlbabe INPRNT Shop

Hello dear hooligan friends, I want to share with you a Ga’hoole inspired Spotify playlist that I’ve been putting together in between work and art!

It has themes from the film and game, as well as other various soundtracks that share a similar vibe. If you’re curious to know what I listen to when I draw, this is it.

I hope you like it <3

Tiny Soren, tiny Kludd, and an even tinier Eglantine.

I just started my first reread of Ga'hoole and I’m so pleasantly surprised! I want to take notes and everything and make sure I get the most out of the books.

Hey there Gahooligans what if, hypothetically speaking, there was an epic Ga’hoole map put together. What would the featured song track be?

Short film update under the break!

The storyboard is officially done and set in stone! I’m very excited to slowly start sharing some of the concepts of the characters and the environments, but for now here are some props.

I do want everyone to know that the film’s story is original and doesn’t take place in the Ga’hoole world, but is very inspired by it. My professor encouraged me to make something of my own (but I couldn’t resist referencing the Ga’hoole film art book many times during development haha). Hopefully soon I’ll be posting more interesting stuff, I love reading everyone’s comments and tags about your excitement for this mini project. Maybe this film can be an experiment for 2D animation styles and techniques for something more ambitious later down the road. One can only dream! Thanks for the support everyone <3

What if I… made a proper shop…. and sold proper owl goodies….. just what if…


i was bored in math class so i made a guardians’ of ga’hoole shitpost in mspaint

Might I add a suggestion?

I can’t promise much due to college being super overwhelming, but who else would you like to see me draw from Ga’hoole?

mahouwl:I tried doing a fully done drawing instead of just doodles, so here’s a Coryn, fresh out of


I tried doing a fully done drawing instead of just doodles, so here’s a Coryn, fresh out of the volcano with the ember of Hoole!

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Her Pureness, born under a lunar eclipse, grown to become the beautifully vile owl of all owl kingdo

Her Pureness, born under a lunar eclipse, grown to become the beautifully vile owl of all owl kingdoms.

book nyra is absolutely BRUTAL. holy hell man. 

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even MORE ga’hoole art. based off books 2-4. it’s fun to make my own interpretations of these characeven MORE ga’hoole art. based off books 2-4. it’s fun to make my own interpretations of these characeven MORE ga’hoole art. based off books 2-4. it’s fun to make my own interpretations of these charac

even MORE ga’hoole art. based off books 2-4. it’s fun to make my own interpretations of these characters, a lot of inspiration coming from the books, film, and real life photos.

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more book 2-3 ga’hoole art. including some Kludd!!! finally can draw him and i tell ya, i was SHOOK

more book 2-3 ga’hoole art. including some Kludd!!! finally can draw him and i tell ya, i was SHOOK reading book 3 oh my GOD.

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Question: how many books does the movie adapt ?

after finishing book 2 of GoG I wanted to draw Ezylryb! I referenced the scene where they go to the

after finishing book 2 of GoG I wanted to draw Ezylryb! I referenced the scene where they go to the library and the ol’ whiskered owl is there, giving nothing but chills to our beloved Soren and Gylfie.

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