#guide of the dead

“The Fumigation from Storax. Hermes I call, whom Fate decrees to dwell in the dire path which “The Fumigation from Storax. Hermes I call, whom Fate decrees to dwell in the dire path which

“The Fumigation from Storax.
Hermes I call, whom Fate decrees to dwell in the dire path which leads to deepest hades.O Bakkheios Hermes, progeny divine of Dionysos, parent of the vine, and of celestial Aphrodite, Paphian queen, dark eye-lash’d Goddess of a lovely mien: Who constant wand'rest thro’ the sacred feats
where hell’s dread empress, Persephone, retreats;
To wretched souls the leader of thc way when Fate decrees, to regions void of day: Thine is the wand which causes sleep to fly, or lulls to slumb'rous rest the weary eye;
For Persephone’s thro’ Tart'rus dark and wide gave thee forever flowing souls to guide.
Come, blessed pow'r the sacrifice attend, and grant our mystic works a happy end.”

Orphic Hymn 56 to Hermes Chthonius

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