#guy a3



I can’t stop laughing at Guy’s new card, ‘cause:

Look at him. That is the face of someone on their third consecutive hour of choir practice, during which every other choir member had messed up their parts every single run-through they did while he, alone, nailed everything but was still forced to keep rehearsing endlessly as collateral anyway



Please know that you’re now in a safe place where you’re allowed to smile, to cry and to be yourself. You’re not an android, you’re a human being loved by many people!

T/N: Thank you to @augustmishas​ for providing this backstage!

Hisoka: (Still can’t… think of any memories.)

Guy: Welcome.

Hisoka: … Welcome.

Customer: Good evening.

Guy: Long time no see.

Customer: Ehh, you remember me, huh.

Guy: Yes. You have visited before. I believe you said you ran a shop.

Customer: I see. Haha, thanks for remembering.

Guy: At that time, Mikage had a day off.

Hisoka: … I’m Mikage.

Customer: Furuta. It’s a pleasure.

Guy: Last time, you mentioned heading abroad for work.

Furuta: Yes. I went to purchase something the other day and I found something promising.

Guy: I hope it went well.

Furuta: It did, but apart from management, there was this problem…

Guy: Problem?

Furuta: Actually, the kid doing part time had to go home and rest.
So I haven’t gone on a business trip in a while, since I have to manage the store myself, but there is a day where I have to leave the store closed.
I’ve been trying to find someone who can work that day…
Many of our customers and those who call are foreigners. So it’s difficult if you don’t speak English.
But I haven’t found anyone yet… Well, it’s alright if it’s only one day.

Hisoka: … What kinda store?

Furuta: It’s a general store. We handle mainly imported antiques and miscellaneous goods.
It’s quite popular to enthusiasts and locals because of the rare items.

Hisoka: Imported antiques and miscellaneous goods…
(Maybe I’ll find something that’ll give me a memory.)
… I can probably do it.

Furuta: Eh? You… can work part time?

Hisoka: Yes.

Guy: Mikage can speak English. It’s alright.

Furuta: That’s good! I’m saved! Thank you.

Hisoka: … Please take care of me.

Furuta: No problem.
Ah, I forgot to mention. There is one more important thing…


Furuta: Here’s the apron.

Hisoka: Thanks.

Cat: Mew.

Furuta: Ah, that’s good. The cat seems to like Mikage-kun. This is Nosta.

Cat: Me~ow.

Hisoka: (There was a cat in the candy store where I worked part time too… I wonder if cats and stores just go together.)
(This store… It has a lot of things. Miscellaneous goods, accessories, and mysterious figurines…)

Furuta: For this place, people would normally check the site and choose whatever they want.
I always believed shopping can bring fateful encounters.

Hisoka: Fateful encounters?

Furuta: Yes. It’s the same as people meeting, I believe objects and people can have a once-in-a-lifetime encounter. Like it’s destiny.
What you pick up from the store, can quite possibly change your life around.
It’s a fate, simply romantic, isn’t it.

Hisoka: So this is the meeting place?

Furuta: Haha, I wish that was the case.
Ah, it’s time to head out.
Nosta is fairly spoiled and capricious, so I hope you two get along. The snacks are on that shelf.
Alright then, time to go. Thank you for doing this.

Hisoka: Yeah.

Nosta: Meow.


Foreign Customer: <Thank you. Thanks to you, I was able to shop smoothly.>

Hisoka: <No problem.>
… Fuu.
(It’s a small shop, but there’s still a lot of people. It’s already evening.)
I haven’t spoken English in a while, I’m tired.
(Before, it was normal to speak English or my native language… Now, Japanese, which I had a hard time with before, is more familiar to me.)
… I wonder.
… Ah. I’ve been so busy that I forgot to look for something for the bromide.

Nosta: Mew.

Hisoka: Nosta, don’t jump on the products.

Nosta: Mew mew~.

Hisoka: (I wonder if he’s playing with the accessories on purpose. Right, snacks…)

Nosta: Meow.

Hisoka: Ah…
An accessory fell off the shelf. I hope it didn’t break…
… It’s… a rosary.

Nosta: Meow.

Hisoka: Rosary… cat…


hes finally here
