#a3 translation


T/N: Thank you to @augustmishas​ for providing this backstage!

Hisoka: (Still can’t… think of any memories.)

Guy: Welcome.

Hisoka: … Welcome.

Customer: Good evening.

Guy: Long time no see.

Customer: Ehh, you remember me, huh.

Guy: Yes. You have visited before. I believe you said you ran a shop.

Customer: I see. Haha, thanks for remembering.

Guy: At that time, Mikage had a day off.

Hisoka: … I’m Mikage.

Customer: Furuta. It’s a pleasure.

Guy: Last time, you mentioned heading abroad for work.

Furuta: Yes. I went to purchase something the other day and I found something promising.

Guy: I hope it went well.

Furuta: It did, but apart from management, there was this problem…

Guy: Problem?

Furuta: Actually, the kid doing part time had to go home and rest.
So I haven’t gone on a business trip in a while, since I have to manage the store myself, but there is a day where I have to leave the store closed.
I’ve been trying to find someone who can work that day…
Many of our customers and those who call are foreigners. So it’s difficult if you don’t speak English.
But I haven’t found anyone yet… Well, it’s alright if it’s only one day.

Hisoka: … What kinda store?

Furuta: It’s a general store. We handle mainly imported antiques and miscellaneous goods.
It’s quite popular to enthusiasts and locals because of the rare items.

Hisoka: Imported antiques and miscellaneous goods…
(Maybe I’ll find something that’ll give me a memory.)
… I can probably do it.

Furuta: Eh? You… can work part time?

Hisoka: Yes.

Guy: Mikage can speak English. It’s alright.

Furuta: That’s good! I’m saved! Thank you.

Hisoka: … Please take care of me.

Furuta: No problem.
Ah, I forgot to mention. There is one more important thing…


Furuta: Here’s the apron.

Hisoka: Thanks.

Cat: Mew.

Furuta: Ah, that’s good. The cat seems to like Mikage-kun. This is Nosta.

Cat: Me~ow.

Hisoka: (There was a cat in the candy store where I worked part time too… I wonder if cats and stores just go together.)
(This store… It has a lot of things. Miscellaneous goods, accessories, and mysterious figurines…)

Furuta: For this place, people would normally check the site and choose whatever they want.
I always believed shopping can bring fateful encounters.

Hisoka: Fateful encounters?

Furuta: Yes. It’s the same as people meeting, I believe objects and people can have a once-in-a-lifetime encounter. Like it’s destiny.
What you pick up from the store, can quite possibly change your life around.
It’s a fate, simply romantic, isn’t it.

Hisoka: So this is the meeting place?

Furuta: Haha, I wish that was the case.
Ah, it’s time to head out.
Nosta is fairly spoiled and capricious, so I hope you two get along. The snacks are on that shelf.
Alright then, time to go. Thank you for doing this.

Hisoka: Yeah.

Nosta: Meow.


Foreign Customer: <Thank you. Thanks to you, I was able to shop smoothly.>

Hisoka: <No problem.>
… Fuu.
(It’s a small shop, but there’s still a lot of people. It’s already evening.)
I haven’t spoken English in a while, I’m tired.
(Before, it was normal to speak English or my native language… Now, Japanese, which I had a hard time with before, is more familiar to me.)
… I wonder.
… Ah. I’ve been so busy that I forgot to look for something for the bromide.

Nosta: Mew.

Hisoka: Nosta, don’t jump on the products.

Nosta: Mew mew~.

Hisoka: (I wonder if he’s playing with the accessories on purpose. Right, snacks…)

Nosta: Meow.

Hisoka: Ah…
An accessory fell off the shelf. I hope it didn’t break…
… It’s… a rosary.

Nosta: Meow.

Hisoka: Rosary… cat…



T/N: Thank you to @augustmishas​ for providing this backstage!


Hisoka: Zzz…

Izumi: Ah, figured he’d be here.
(Brought a warm blanket again…)
Wake up, Hisoka-san.

Hisoka: Zzz…

Izumi: Nothing… Alright, guess I gotta take out the big guns.
Hisoka-saaan, here’s a marshmallow~.

Hisoka: … MONCH.

Izumi: Ah, good morning.

Hisoka: This marshmallow tastes like… caramel… and ginger?

Izumi: Yep. It’s limited time only.

Hisoka: … It’s good.

Izumi: (He’s silently asking for another one…)
I’ll give you the rest after I tell you something.
It’s about your bromide for your birthday shoot.

Hisoka: Ahh… Forgot about that.

Izumi: You see… uum…

Hisoka: … I have to include a memory from before joining the company.

Izumi: … Yeah.
As an added bonus to the picture, everyone would give a memory too.
Hisoka-san spent a lot of time with memory loss while he was in the company, but it seems that he’s regained a lot of memories—.
But I still feel like you might struggle with it.

Hisoka: … Thanks for the thought.
I don’t think I’ll be able to give anything detailed, but maybe something similar is fine.

Izumi: Really? That’s a relief…
Then, I’ll let you know when the photoshoot is.

Hisoka: Wait.

Izumi: ?

Hisoka: … Marshmallows.

Izumi: That’s right! Sorry sorry. Here ya go.

Hisoka: Thanks.

Izumi: Alright, I’ll take my leave now.

Hisoka: Okay.
… Munch munch.
(I know what I said… but do I have something?)

(Can’t think of anything… Maybe ‘cause it’s all bad.)
Munch munch…
(Welp, it can’t be helped so I have to ask him.)



Hisoka: (… It’s cloudy, I can’t see the moon well…)
Ah, he’s back.



Chikage: Hm?

Hisoka: …

Chikage: This guy…



Hisoka: Welcome home.

Chikage: I’m home. Let’s keep it short now.

Hisoka: … It’s my turn for the birthday bromide photoshoot.
For the shoot, I need to choose a memory from before joining Mankai.

Chikage: Yeah.

Hisoka: Do you have any ideas, Chikage?

Chikage: You want me to help you choose one of your memories? Absolutely not.
You have most of your memories back, don’t you?

Hisoka: …Yeah. But I don’t exactly trust it completely.
But… before joining Mankai, there’s a lot of memories I don’t wanna remember.
I have my memories, but they hold no emotions for me.

Chikage: … I suppose that makes sense.

Hisoka: You don’t understand emotions.

Chikage: Shut up.
Anyway, you’ll have to find one yourself. And I’ll do something on my own as well.

Hisoka: … Useless.

Chikage: I’ll pretend I didn’t hear that. I’ll head down first.

Hisoka: Haa…
(If it’s at the marketplace, then I can probably find some at this time of year.)




“Now, I put on the wedding veil for the bride… and it’s done.”



“Now, I put on the wedding veil for the bride… and it’s done.”


【A3! Translation】 Sumeragi Tenma SSR: MANKAI Party (3/3)


(translation under the cut)

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【A3! Translation】 Sumeragi Tenma SSR: MANKAI Party (3/3)


(translation under the cut)

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【A3! Translation】 Sumeragi Tenma SSR: MANKAI Party (1/3)


i love you i love you i love you thank you for coming home

(translation under the cut)

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【A3! Translation】 Sumeragi Tenma SSR: MANKAI Party (1/3)


i love you i love you i love you thank you for coming home

(translation under the cut)

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*Please read disclaimer on blog; default name set as Izumi

Muku: The first new issue of “Clear Skies After First Love” after a year…
I can’t wait to read it.
Yoru-kun and Asako-chan’s feelings clashed in volume 5, but I’m sure this time…

Itaru: Hm? It’s Muku.


Muku: Itaru-san!

Itaru: Hey there. Are you on your way back from school?

Muku: Yes! I just stopped at a bookstore to purchase a new book.
Are you on your way home from work too, Itaru-san?

Itaru: Yep. I just dropped by an arcade for a change of pace.

Muku: Oh, I see.
And that large bag is…


Itaru: Ahh, these are prize plushies I got from the crane game.
I was on a roll today.
I got a way too many of them, right?

Muku: All of those are…!?
That’s amazing!

Itaru: I got a variant of Penpen.
And for some reason, a lion plushie fell along with it.
See? This one.

Muku: That lion is adorable…!

Itaru: You like it?
I’ll give it to you then.

Muku: Eh!?
But you went through so much effort to acquire this plushie…

Itaru: Well, I’m not sure what I’ll do with it. And senpai will probably make a sarcastic comment if I leave it in our room. If it’s alright with you, then why don’t you take it?

Muku: If you put it that way…
Thank you very much, Itaru-san.

Itaru: You’re welcome. Don’t mention it.


Muku: Ehehe…

Kumon: Huh? What’s up with that plushie, Muku?


Muku: I got it from Itaru-san.
It’s so adorable, isn’t it? Petting it feels really nice.

Kumon: Ooh, I see!
Ahaha, the mane is fluffy too~.

Tsumugi: That reminds me, you play a beastmaster in the upcoming play, don’t you?

Muku: That’s right. The lion in the show is called Leo, so I thought I’d give this little guy the same name.

Tsumugi: I see. Then this might help you prepare for your role.


Muku: Yeah!


Citron: Ohh, this cheese snack tastes so good~!

Kumon: I like this series too~!


*door opens*

Muku: I’m home.

Izumi: Ah, Muku-kun. Welcome back.

Tsuzuru: Welcome home.

Citron: Eat some snacks with us, Muku!

Muku: Okay!
Ah, but I need to visit Leo first…
I’m going to head to my room for a second.


*door closes*

Citron: Muku and Leo have been attached at the hip lately.
They’re bosom buddies.*

Kumon: Bosom buddies?

Tsuzuru: I haven’t heard that phrase in a long time.

*door opens*

Muku: K-Kyu-chan, what do I do…!

Kumon: Muku? What’s wrong?

Muku: Leo’s… Leo’s nowhere to be found…!

*Citron says “ニコイチ” which is a slang way to say “BFFs” or people who are really close. But it’s a bit outdated now, hence Tsuzuru’s comment and Kumon not knowing it. No one uses bosom buddies anymore, right–

| next

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Practise Conversation 1

All of us have been to a wedding venue before when we had the photoshoot for that tuxedo pamphlet, right~?

That chapel’s triangular roof was such a nice triangle!

The venue this time is close to the sea, isn’t it?

I wonder what kinda triangles will be there~!

This is the first time I’m gonna take part in the Bridegroom Battle Royale. But Citron and the others said it was super exciting, so I’m looking forward to it!

All of us will have fun and do our best to take the crown!

Practise Conversation 2

Today, Tsuzuru’s younger brothers came to the dorm to help us practise taking care of little kids.

I had such a blast playing with everyone!

Banri, Azami, Takeru, Yuzuru and I searched for triangles and made triangle hats out of big sheets of paper.

When we went to mine and Kumon’s room, Takeru and Yuzuru were shocked and amazed at all the triangles everywhere!

Both of them looked happy when I gave them sparkly triangle stones as a present~. They said they were gonna show them to their older brothers back home!

Practise Conversation 3

My triangle pocketchief is hidden in my pocket?

You’re right! Um, like this… bring it up…

Huh? It’s not staying…

Wow, thanks for fixing it for me, Director-san!

It’s a proper pretty triangle now!

We kinda look like a bride and groom when we’re at a chapel like this~.

“I swear I will love you forever.”

“My bride… I love you. Let’s be happy together.”

Did I look cool~? Ehehe, thanks!

Director-san’s cheeks are also puffed up and red. It’s so cute!

I’ll try my very best in both the Bridegroom Battle Royale and the play.

Keep your eyes on me, alright, Director-san!

Misumi & Masumi Talk

Misumi: Wipe the table and chairs sparkling clean~.

Masumi: I’m done over here.
I’m going to clean the windows next.

Misumi: Sure! I’ll cover the handrail once I’m done then~.


Misumi: Cleaning’s done!
Everything’s sooo neat and tidy now~!

Masumi: I’m sure she’ll be happy too.
Cleaning is part of our training for the upcoming event.
Director will think that I’m putting lots of effort in for the Battle Royale too.

Misumi: Yep! It’s two birds with one stone: we get to practise, and the dorm gets cleaned~.

Masumi: …I feel a little sleepy now that we’re finished.

Misumi: Masumi?


Misumi: He fell asleep. He worked really hard to clean, hm?
Great job, Masumi.
Let’s eat some triangle snacks together after you wake up.


*Please read disclaimer on blog

Taichi: …There goes!

*jumps and skates*

Taichi: Kyu-chan, wanna take a quick breather!

Kumon: Okay!
You know, we made a lot of memories over there… acting, practicing skateboarding, and going sightseeing.


Taichi: That’s true. I was really shocked when we received a request for a show because of my video.
But I’m glad that all of us were able to make the play a success together!

Kumon: Yeah!

Taichi: Say, Kyu-chan.
A lotta things happened during this show, didn’t it?
I got to act in a play with a skateboarding theme that I love, and I also got to co-lead in this play with you…
I felt so happy and had such a blast!

Kumon: Taichi-san…!
Thanks. So did I!

Taichi: Hehe…!


Kumon: Anyways, I couldn’t ollie during the run of our show, and so I’ve been practicing here and there since we returned home…
But it’s pretty darn hard to land one.
I guess it’ll take a lot more time until I can pull one off.

Taichi: Hey, but you’ve made more progress compared to before.
So I know you’ll get the hang of it some day!

Kumon: Yeah, you’re right!
Hehe. Alriiight, I’ll do my best to practise some more~!

Taichi: I’ll support you until you succeed with one too!


Kumon: Ha…!
…Urk, uwahh!



Kumon: Umm, maybe I should do it more like this…
Hey, Taichi-san, can you show me how it’s done?

Taichi: Comin’ right up!

*jumps and lands*

Kumon: Oh, snap! You look so cool when you ollie, Taichi-san…! I wanna be you so bad!
I wanna skate and fly like that…
I wanna… fly just like Taichi-san!!


Taichi: AHH!


Kumon: I-I flew…
I flew just now, didn’t I!? I left the ground with my board, right!?


Taichi: YOU FLEW!

Kumon: WOOHOO—!!!

Taichi: Congrats, dude!
You looked rad as hell!

Kumon: Ha, I’m stoked…
UuUh, I feel so touched I’m gonna cry…!
Thanks, Taichi-san!

Taichi: Aww, man. I’m too happy that my tears are falling with you…!


Kumon: Alright. One more time while I haven’t forgotten the feeling…!


Taichi: Are you okay, Kyu-chan!?

Kumon: I’m fine!
But that’s weird. One more time…!
…HA! …Wah, wah!



Kumon: I-I can’t do it, no matter how many times I try…

Taichi: You left the ground for sure last time…


Kumon: It looks like that one time was a miracle…

Taichi: Don’t feel down, Kyu-chan!
I mean, you were able to do it once. So I’m sure you’ll be able to do it again if you keep at it!

Kumon: Taichi-san… yeah, you’re right.
I’ll work hard and practise until I master the ollie!
Please keep coaching me from now on, Taichi-san!

Taichi: Of course! Let’s ollie together!




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TaichI: It’s such a nice and chill island, huh~?
I feel so at ease~.

Kumon: It looks like there’s old, Japanese-style houses and sugarcane fields too.


Taichi: The sugarcane fields really set the mood, huh?

Kumon: Lookie there, it’s a beach!

Taichi: Uwah, it’s gorgeous…!
The water’s so blue and clear…!

Kumon: The sand here is smooth and white… it feels nice…!
I’d love to take a swim with everyone next time.
Or do snorkeling!

Taichi: Great idea~!
That sounds fun and I bet we’ll be able to see some tropical fish.
By the way, Kyu-chan. Was there something that you wanted to see on this island?

Kumon: Yep!
Errm… ah, that’s it!

Taichi: Woahhh! That rock is shaped like a heart!


Kumon: That’s what I wanted to see.
It’s adorable, isn’t it~?

TaichI: The heart shape is so romantic~!

Kumon: I heard it’s really popular with tourists too.

Taichi: Right, there are lots of others who came to see it…
…Hold on, if you take a good look around us—it’s full of couples!

Kumon: I see, this sorta cute spot is a big hit with couples…!

Taichi: Urgh, I will, someday…! I wanna come look at this romantic heart-shaped rock with my cute girlfriend!


Kumon: Yep, yep! I’m supporting you too!
I mean if it’s you, Taichi-san, then it’s definitely possible!
Today, you made sure to book a rental car in advance, and your side profile while you were driving looked super dashing!

Taichi: You mean it?
Hehehe, I’ll blush if you say it like that~.
I’ll escort and drive her against the backdrop of the emerald sea… Then we’ll come to this spot with the heart-shaped rock…
With a smile, I’ll say, “I wanted to look at this together with you”…!
Won’t her heart skip a beat at that smile…!

Kumon: Aw, man. That’s sounds so cool!
I’m sure Muku would love that too.

Taichi: I’m gonna do all I can to become that kinda man!
Anyways, whatever. Don’t mind those around us!
We should just enjoy the moment.

Kumon: Right!
Ah, Taichi-san.
Since we came all the way here, let’s take a selfie together with the heart-shaped rock.

Taichi: Hell yeah!
I bet it’ll turn out great, so let’s post it to inste ♪

Kumon: Alright, get in frame~… say cheese!

Taichi: Ooh, it looks legit!

Kumon: Okay!
It’s been posted to inste too!


Kumon:*Sigh*, that was fun~!

Taichi: Both the bridge and the island were gorgeous.
Plus, we took loads of photos!
…Ah, there’s a skatepark here too.


Kumon: Hey, you’re right!
We skated a whole lot here, huh?
But I’m gonna wanna skate again once we’re back home!

Taichi: I know, right? Let’s drop by the park again together!



*Please read disclaimer on blog; default name at Izumi

Homare: The show was a huge success.

Tsumugi: I’m glad all of us were able to make it all the way to our closing day safely.
I had tons of fun as well.


Izumi: It was packed each day and it looked like the audience loved it too.
Seriously, job well done, everyone!
You get to spend today freely, so please take your time to rest up and enjoy seeing the sights.

Masumi: I want to spend my time together with you.

Azuma: I suppose I’ll relax and go browse for souvenirs.

Omi: It would be nice to search for some sweets as well.

Muku: Wow, that sounds great. I’d love to eat some too!


Taichi: Hey, hey, Kyu-chan. If it’s chill with you, why don’t we go out together?
You see, I wanted to drive around the area.
I’m thinking we can go for a drive.

Kumon: Woah, a drive sounds lit! Sure, I’d love to go with you!
Actually, I looked up tourist-y spots around here and there are some places that caught my eye…


Taichi: Oh, really? ‘Kay, I’ll drive us to all of ‘em!

Kumon: Woohoo! Let’s go, let’s go!

Taichi: If that’s settled, then let’s leave right now!
Hm, hm. I’ve already booked a reservation for a rental car in advance.

Kumon: Seriously!
You’re so cool, Taichi-san!

Taichi: Hehe, I’m just like a popular guy, right!?
Alright, let’s go


Kumon: Uwah, this bridge is super long and huge…!

TaichI: This bridge was mentioned when I was searchin’ stuff up at the dorm.
I knew I wanted to drive along it for sure!


Kumon: The emerald sea spreading out on both sides of the bridge…
Sick! It’s like we’re cruising on top of the ocean!

Taichi: Yay, this view’s the best! And the wind feels good too~.
My blood’s totally pumping!

Kumon: The weather’s nice and the both the sea and sky look super pretty…!
You can gaze out until forever…!

Taichi: You can see the island that you said you wanted to visit over there, right?

Kumon: I was surprised that the place I wanted to go and the place that you wanted to drive along were so close! What a coincidence!
Hehe, I’m so happy that we get to enjoy the places we wanna go together!

Taichi: Alriiight, then we’ll head towards that island while taking in the view of the seascape!

Kumon: GO, GO!



*Please read disclaimer on blog; default name set as Izumi

Sakyo: The talk show ended without a hitch.

Taichi: The picture we took with everyone looks awesome~!

Izumi: Sakoda-san’s pro at taking photos, huh!

Sakoda: Hehe, guess so!


Izumi: What you called out when you took it was strange though…
Oh, right! May I also take your polaroid, Omi-kun?

Omi: Yeah, go ahead. I’ll leave it to you.



Izumi: Okay, I got it.


Taichi: Omi-kun’s totally not used to this!

Sakyo: Is it alright for the person who normally takes the photos to be like that?

Izumi: Fufu. This is how Omi-kun is, so isn’t it fine?

Sakoda: True, I think it’s fine the way it is!

Omi: Haha, thanks.


*dream starts*

Izumi: Mm…

???: …Are you finally awake?


Izumi: !?

???: Geez… I picked up somethin’ weird and now I gotta take care of it again.
I can’t just go back and leave her like this.

Izumi: (This tone and appearance. This isn’t Omi-kun.
Also, the atmosphere around us… could this be the world from Stranger?)
(Which also means the person in front of me is Wolf.)
Umm… I’m sorry for causing you so much trouble.

Wolf: You better be.

Izumi: (Uhh, he’s not like Omi-kun at all…)

Wolf: —!
Tch… looks like our pursuers have arrived.
We’ll meet up with that person later.
Let’s get outta here for now.


Izumi: R-right!
Err, this motorcycle…

Wolf:  Hop on the back.

Izumi: Is that alright?

Wolf: Get a move on. I have qualms ‘bout leavin’ you behind.

Izumi: I-I’m getting on!
(If this was Wolf from during the play, then I’m sure he would’ve just left me without a word. But…)
I guess he softened up thanks to meeting Zero…

Wolf: Did you say somethin’?

Izumi: Nope, it’s nothing.

*engine rumbles*

Wolf: …Hold on tight.


*dream ends*

Izumi: Mm…
(Is this the lounge? …I dozed off.)
(Huh? There’s a blanket over me.)

Omi: Oh, did you wake up?


Izumi: Wait, did you put this on me, Omi-kun?

Omi: Yeah. You looked tired, so I thought I’d let you sleep.
But it looks like I woke you up instead. My bad.

Izumi: Oh, no, don’t worry.
Thank you.

Option 1: “Aren’t you tired?”

Izumi: Aren’t you tired, Omi-kun?
Today was busy with the talk show, wasn’t it?

Omi: No, I’m fine.
I had lots of fun at the talk show too.
It’s the same way with our regular shows, but when everyone gets excited together like that, it actually gives me energy.

Izumi: Fufu, I see.

Omi: Besides… even if I feel tired, just talking with you like this recharges me.

Izumi: !
(It feels a bit embarrassing if he says that with such a kind smile on his face…)

Option 2: “My dream just now…”

Izumi: Actually, Wolf appeared in my dream just now.

Omi: Really?

Izumi: Maybe it’s because I saw you in your Wolf outfit during the day.

Omi: Haha, that’s kind of embarrassing…
But I’m really glad.
I’ll be sure to keep playing attractive roles that you can dream about and become a great actor!

Izumi: Omi-kun…
Yeah, I’m looking forward to it!

Izumi: (Hm? There’s something on the table.)
Ah, this is…

Omi: Right, it’s the commemorative photo all of us took together today.
I got it developed right away afterwards.


Izumi: Woah… it really is an amazing photo.
(Huh? There’s a yellow sticker stuck to the edge.)
(He has used this sticker before, hasn’t he?
I’m sure it must have some sort of meaning…)

Omi: Group photos are nice…
But I’d love to take your photo for the first time in a while too.

Izumi: Eh?

Omi: Can’t I?

Izumi: —!
I-I feel nervous, so maybe next time!

Omi: Haha, I got it.



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Izumi: Are you ready for the talk show, everyone?

Omi: Yeah. We’ve finished changing, so we’re good to go.

Taichi: It’s ridiculously hard for Sakyo-nii to use his hands, as usual!

Sakyo: This is my costume, so there’s no way around it.


Izumi: (Yep, all of them look like they’re in great shape.)


Taichi: Hm?

Sakyo: Did you bring your camera again?

Omi: Haha, sorry.

Sakyo: Anyways, don’t forget that you’re gonna be photographed today too.

Omi: Eh?


Izumi: You’re talking about how the main star is going to take a polaroid photo for a present after the talk show, right?

Omi: Ah, that’s right.
I feel a bit nervous about that…

Taichi: You’ll be fine!
Just relax and take it with a smile!

Sakyo: It’s almost time, huh? Let’s go.

Taichi: Okay~!

Izumi: Have fun with the talk show, alright?

Omi: …

Izumi: Huh? Are you taking that camera with you, Omi-kun?

Omi: Yeah… I have a little something up my sleeve.

Izumi: ?


Taichi: I wasn’t sure what to do when it was decided that I’ll play the role of a girl!

Sakyo: If it’s between Autumn troupe, then Nanao’s the one who fits the bill.

Omi: That’s true.


Taichi: Ehh? There might be people who wanna watch an Autumn troupe show where someone like Omi-kun or Sakyo-nii plays a female role!
See! There’s fans nodding, saying yes!

Sakyo: No way in hell.

Audience: Ahahaha!

Taichi: Wolf really fit Omi-kun, didn’t he~!

Sakyo: He had a lotta trouble in the beginning though.

Omi: Haha… sorry about back then.

Taichi: Ah, it looks like it’s about time for the next segment!
Then up next is~…


Sakyo: Looks like it’s about time to wrap this up.

Taichi: Eh! I wanna chat some more~!

Omi: Ahh, excuse me. Can I have a moment?


Sakyo: What’s wrong?

Omi: Sorry, I’ll be right back.


Omi: Thank you for waiting.

Taichi: Is that a camera?


Omi: Yeah. I’d love to take a picture with everyone here.

Audience A: EH!? We can take one together?

Audience B: I’m so happy!

Omi: Autumn troupe all took a group photo together after our Strangershow.
I thought… that we should take one together with the audience this time around.

Sakyo: Geez…
But that’s just like you, Fushimi.

Omi: Alright, it seems we don’t have much time, so I’ll take it—.

Taichi: EHH!?

Sakyo: Oi, there’s no point if you’re not in it.

Taichi: What he said!

Omi: Really? But…

Manager: Hey, heyyy! I’ll take it!


Omi: Sorry about this. Can I leave it to you then?

Taichi: ‘Kay, cool!
…But can he really take it properly?

Sakyo: I’ve got a bad feeling about this.

Manager: C’mon, don’t worry~! Alright, here I go!
Say cheese!


Omi: Thank you.
Let’s see now…

Sakyo: Oi, ain’t it blurry?

Taichi: Frankly, this sucks!

Manager: Ehh! That’s weird~…

Geez, guess we have no choice.
Sakoda! You’re here, ain’t you?

Sakoda: Yessiree~!


Audience: ?

Sakyo: This guy’s like a staff member around here, so don’t mind him.

Omi: Alright then. Please go ahead, Sakoda-san.

Sakoda: Leave it to me!
Here goesss! Say kimchi!




*Please read disclaimer on blog; default name set as Izumi

Azami: …Aight, thanks for your help.


Izumi: No problem!
I see, the hair and makeup course also gives out assignments.
What kind of hairstyle are you going to do?

Azami: The theme is bridal, so I’m thinkin’ of arranging it while assuming they’ll wear a bridal veil.
I have a vague image in mind, so I’d like to test it out on you for real.

Izumi: Bridal, huh~?
I can’t wait to see how the hairstyle turns out.

Azami: I’ll start by makin’ light waves all around with the iron.

Izumi: (That’s Azami-kun for you… he knows what he’s doing.)
I bet it’d be useful if you owned a mannequin like the ones hairstylists use.

Azami: Ah… I’ve thought of that before. But right now, I don’t think I need one yet.

Izumi: Why’s that?

Azami: A lotta those are designed as women with long hair.
All our troupe members are dudes, so I rarely get the chance to arrange hairstyles for women.
And ‘sides, when it comes to it, you’ll be my practise partner. Won’t you, Director?

Option 1:“Of course”

Izumi: Of course.
If you’re fine with my head, then I’ll lend it to you any time!

Azami: Do you have to say it like that?

Izumi: But if I’m going to let Azami touch my hair, then I have make sure I take care of it~.

Azami: It ain’t bad right now, but don’t get careless.
I bought some hair oil that was trendin’ recently. It worked well, so I’ll lend it to you later.

Izumi: Really? Thanks!

Option 2: “I don’t know about that”

Izumi: I don’t know about that~.

Azami: …I’ll ask Azuma-san then.

Izumi: Kidding, kidding! I’m just joking.
But Azuma-san might be taking better care of himself.

Azami: Well, Azuma-san makes sure to maintain himself.
You should learn from him too, Director.

Izumi: …I’ll keep that in mind.

Izumi: That reminds me, I also have a friend’s wedding coming up soon.

Azami: Ken-san told me they’re havin’ a wedding over at Ginsenkai too. There really are a lot this season, huh?


Izumi: It’s “June Bride”, after all. I’m going to prepare my gift envelope, and I’d like to buy a new outfit… I also have to book a hair styling.

Azami: If it’s hairstyling, then you don’t have to reserve one. I’ll do it.

Izumi: You mean it!?
If you’re the one doing it, then I’m sure it’ll turn out great.

Azami: Well, duh.
I’ll make you look as cute as the bride.

Izumi: Fufu, how dependable.


Azami: …Aight, there.
Somethin’ like this?


Izumi: Is it done?

Azami: Yeah. Here’s the mirror.

Izumi: It looks adorable! As expected of Azami-kun.
You’ll hit your assignment out of the park with this.

Azami: I hope so.


*door opens*

Azami: I’m home.


Izumi: Welcome back.
How did your assignment go?

Azami: I got real good feedback thanks to you.

Izumi: Really!? That’s great~.

Azami: It’s all thanks to you, Director. I appreciate it.

Izumi: Same here. I’m glad if I could help.
But if you’re able to do bridal hair styling, then maybe you could also do my hair and makeup when I get married.

Azami: …I dunno about that.


Izumi: You’re not going to do it for me!?

Azami: It’s still too early… for your wedding, ain’t it?
Right now, all I can do is style your hair for you to attend one.

Izumi: …That’s true.
I don’t plan to tie the knot yet!
Oh, that reminds me, I have to get ready for my friend’s wedding!

Azami: Hurry up and pick out the clothes that you’ll wear for the wedding.
I’ll style your hair to match the design, so I won’t let you wear anythin’ sloppy.

Izumi: That’s some immense pressure…
I-I’ll do my best!



*Please read disclaimer on blog; default name set as Izumi

Hair and Makeup Man: This isn’t a part-time gig… but I happen to know someone who’s recruiting students for a practical hair and makeup course right now.
If you’d like, why don’t you apply?
I think it’s great for students to take since it’s only for a short period on the weekends. Plus, it’s for practical experience, so it doesn’t cost that much.

Azami: Students for a practical hair and makeup course…


Kumon: Ooh, sounds fun!

Hair and Makeup Man: We can discuss a part-time job at the next opportunity, so what do you say? If you’re even a smidge interested, then I’ll give my friend a holler.

Azami: …


Azami: …And that’s why I’ve decided to take part in a practical hair and makeup course.

Taichi: A hair and makeup course!?
That’s awesome, A-chan!


Izumi: I’m sure it’ll be really educational.
When does it start?

Azami: The first class is next Sunday.

Izumi: I see. Good luck!

Kumon: You got this, Azami!

Taichi: You’ve got our support!


Azami: (Is this the hair and makeup classroom…?
There’s quite a few students, huh?)


Yamabe: Thank you very much for coming today, Izumida-san.
I’m Yamabe, and I’m in charge of this course.

Azami: …Thanks.
Same here. Thanks for reachin’ out to me.

Yamabe: I’ve heard. You already have quite the track record for hair and makeup in the theatre field… that’s impressive for someone so young.

Azami: Well… I do it ‘cause I like it.

Yam: Fufu, is that so?
Now then, we don’t have much time together, but let’s do our best today.

Azami: Great.


Azami: I’m home.


Izumi: Welcome back, Azami-kun!

Yuki: It was the first day of your course, right?
How did it go?

Azami: …I’m beat.

Omi: Dinner’s ready.
Wanna eat?

Azami: Yeah, thanks.


Yuki: So, what was it like?

Azami: The class is short, but there’s loads of info so I use a lotta energy to concentrate.
But the instructor is doin’ a great job, and I’m havin’ a good time, more or less.

Izumi: I’m glad to hear that.

Azami: ‘Cept it was just the first day.
I dunno how it’s gonna be after this.

Yuki: I see.
Well, good luck and don’t overdo it.


Yamabe: Alright, that concludes our class for the day.
Great work.

Azami: …G’job today.
(Today’s class also flew by in the blink of an eye.)


Yamabe: I want to give you all an assignment for next week’s class. Please have it ready for the next time we meet.

Azami: (…An assignment?)

Yamabe: The theme will be—.


Izumi: …Phew.
It also looks like work’s going to settle down next week.
(Come to think of it, I have a friend’s wedding coming up soon.
I have to prepare for that.)

Azami: Are you there, Director?


Izumi: Azami-kun? What’s up?

Azami: …I’ve got a favour to ask you.



*Please read disclaimer on blog

Azami: I’m back.

Sakoda: Ohh, Azami!
Welcome home!

Makita: Welcome back, Bon-chan.


Azami: So, what’re you two doin’ together?

Sakoda: Yep! We have a member who’s gettin’ hitched soon, so we’re folding cranes for that.

Makita: It’s a Ginsenkai tradition to do crane showers at weddings, ain’t it?

Azami: Ah, right, we’ve talked about that before.*

Sakoda: Azami, if you’ve got time, join us too!

Azami: If you say so, Ken-san.
Should I use this paper here?

Makita: Yeah, thanks.

Sakoda: Anyways, there’s lotsa weddings this time of the year, eh?
“June brides” sure are amazin’!

Azami: But it also rains a lot, so I don’t feel like it’s the right season for weddings.

Sakoda: You’re so cool, Azami~!
So you aren’t thinkin’ of getting married in June~?

Azami: Bah… that thought never crossed my mind!


Makita: In Bon-chan’s case, I bet he could get involved with weddings through hair ‘n makeup, right?

Sakoda: Ohh, great idea! He always does the hair and makeup for his troupe members, so he’s got tons of experience!

Azami: …I think the hair and makeup for stage and bridal are different though.

Makita: I’m sure you could handle it, Bon-chan.

Sakoda: I think so too!

Azami: …


Azami: (Bridal hair and makeup, huh…
I don’t know much about it right now though.)


Kumon: Azamiii!
Over here, over here!
Man~, to think you just happened to be out too. Talk about nice timing!

Azami: It’s just a coincidence, y’know?
Anyways, you contacted me outta nowhere.
So where’s the place you wanna go?

Kumon: The ramen shop!
I was craving it all of a sudden!


Azami: Same as usual, huh?

Kumon: It’s fine!
And let’s go to the batting cage after we eat to digest!

Azami: The batting cage, of course.

???: Oh?
Could you be…

Azami: ?


Kumon: Do you know him, Azami?

Hair and Makeup Man: Don’t you remember? You helped me out at the Amabi Fashion Show in the past.

Azami: Ahh… that time.

Hair and Makeup Man: You were still a junior high student back then, right? I also asked if you would work part-time as my assistant after you graduated.**

Kumon: Ooh, really!

Hair and Makeup Man: You know, I was waiting, wondering if you were going to contact me after that.

Azami: I had rehearsals, school, and lotsa other stuff goin’ on…
Sorry ‘bout that.

Hair and Makeup Man: I’m just kidding. It’s natural to be busy if you’re an actor slash hair and makeup artist, and a student on top of that.
…Ah, that’s right.

Azami: ?

*References Azami’s SR Wish Upon a Paper Crane card
**References Act 7 Ep 12


【A3! Translation】 Special Edition: Veludo Summer Evening Festival (Epilogue)

previous chapter/masterlist

it took six months to post but here it finally is

(translation under the cut)

(glitch text ignore)

EPILOGUE:Showing Off What We Got at the Festival

Citron:We’re home~!

Izumi:Welcome back!

Azuma: We bought a lot from the food stalls, so feel free to help yourself.

Izumi:Thank you!

Banri: We each got what we wanted, so we ended up buying a lot.

Tsuzuru:We probably ended up with a lot of duplicates.

Izumi:That’d be pretty funny, if that’s the case.

Izumi:Now that we finished the photoshoot… we can start the inste live in a bit.

Kazunari:Alrighty! We’ll do fine!

Tenma:Well then, before that… Here, Director. This is for you.

Izumi:Wow, what a beautiful comb…! What’s this for?

Tsuzuru:The kimono shop we helped out also had a stall at the festival, they were selling kimono accessories.

Banri:Citron said it’d look great on you, so we all pitched in and bought it.

Izumi:I see. I’m really happy, thanks everyone!

Citron:When Director’s happy, we’re happy too!

Izumi: Looks like everyone’s ready, let’s go ahead and start the live.

Kazunari:Okey-doke! Then, I’ll press the button!

Kazunari:Hi, everyone!

Citron:We are MANKAI Company!

Banri:Oh, looks like we’ve got a big crowd watchin’. We’ll also be reading comments, so feel free to send as many as ‘ya want.

Kazunari:Today we have…. Tenten! Woah, the comments started going super fast.

Tenma:Wow, you’re right… Thank you for your comments, everyone.

Tsuzuru: Um, let’s explain why Tenma’s here. He’s got an announcement to make today.

Tenma:Tsuzuru-san and I will be on the cover of the next issue of VELUDO.

Tenma:The picture turned out pretty good, so stay tuned.

Banri:There’ll also be a special feature page with photos and interviews of us in yukata.

Azuma:That’s all the information we can give you right now, but we’ll be announcing the details any day now, so look forward to it.

Kazunari: Ooh~, everyone’s saying they’d enjoy that! Thanksies!

Citron:Make sure to check out the next VELUDO issue too!

Azuma:Now, while on the topic yukata… We’ll be showing you what we bought at the local summer festival.

Citron:I’ll go first! I bought a mask of this nationally famous character, Okame-san!*

Banri:I don’t know about 'nationally famous’.

Azuma: The comments are saying it’s well known.

Kazunari:Loads of them!

Tsuzuru: I’ll show mine next.

Tsuzuru:This is the pinwheel I got from the festival. I wanted something that was cool-looking but could also help me cool off.

Kazunari:I got some amezaiku! Isn’t it beautiful, almost like glass?*

Banri:Here’s mine and Azuma-san’s.

Tenma:Aren’t those children’s toys?

Azuma: Yes, they are.

Banri:Actually, we both had the idea to enter the 1000 string lottery challenge, just curious to see if we could win the luxury prizes.*

Azuma:We tried to play until the last minute, but in the end, we didn’t win any of those prizes.

Banri:Seriously, it’s gotta be a scam.

Kazunari:What the, how much did you guys spend?

Azuma:Fufu, that’s a secret. I’ll leave it to your imagination.

Izumi:(That means it was a lot….)

Tenma:Last is me, this is my yo-yo balloon.

Citron:Oh! Tenma, you were finally able to get one!? Yesterday, no matter how many times you tried, it tore apart.* *pulls tenma*


Tenma: Citron, you promised not to tell…!

Kazunari: So everyone, how was today’s live?

Azuma:I hope you enjoyed it.

Tsuzuru:Thank you for watching this time, too.

Banri:And for all your comments.

Citron: Now then…

Everyone:We’ve been MANKAI Company!

Tenma: See ya.

*this is an okame mask

*example of amezaiku, basically handmade candy art of people/animals

*example of the game, pull strings and hope the one you pull has a good prize attached to it

*yo-yo fishing is where you use a small strip of thin paper to try and 'fish’ out a balloon with a rubber loop. the balloons are in water so the paper tears easily once wet.(also what they’re doing in the cg)

【A3! Translation】 Golden Hathi (11/11)

previous chapter/masterlist

we’ve reached the end! thank you all for reading

(translation under the cut)

(glitch text ignore)

EPILOGUE: Popular Secret Curry…!?

Omi:Heh, did we get a letter from Bollywood Studios’ Inda-san?

Izumi:Yeah. It said to let everyone know how much she appreciated our help.

Izumi:Since then, the show’s been really well-received. The elephant gimmick’s so popular in fact, that they’re actually planning on a full-scale renovation of it during their next maintenance session.

Chikage:Our repair was more of just a temporary fix.

Tasuku:Well, if they plan on doing a full renovation, it’s safe to say it’s in good hands.

Izumi:Also inside the envelope was this coupon to Bollywood Studios, for the whole company.

Taichi:Yay! Now we can all go!

Misumi:Hooray~, everyone can dance together~!

Chikage: Coordinating everyone’s vacation time will be quite the challenge.

Azuma: Fufu, you don’t look as bothered by that as before though, Chikage-san.


Tasuku:What the. When did this happen?

Hisoka: Right… Look at that.

Taichi:Oh! Bollywood Studios is being featured on a talk show!

Azuma: Really, now. They’re talking about the streets, food stalls…. and the show as well.

Omi: It hasn’t been long since it’s opened, but it seems like it’s been a huge success.

TV Reporter: “Just look at this huge line of visitors waiting to get into the park!”

TV Reporter: “What are you guys in line for?”

Waiting Customer A: “I want to try the curry from this shop’s secret menu!”

WaitingCustomer B: “Same here.”


Taichi: Everyone already knows about the secret menu!?

Tasuku: Now that the word’s out, it’s not really a ‘secret’ menu anymore.

TV Reporter: “This curry’s become super popular, and more and more people are coming to visit Bollywood Studios!”

TV Reporter: “If it’s a secret menu, how did you guys find out about it?”

Waiting Customer A: “Word of mouth.”

WaitingCustomer B: “Same, I heard rumors and wanted to try it.”

Waiting Customer C: “My favorite blogger introduced me to it.”

Izumi:(Blogger? Could it be…)

Izumi: (Um, 'Chikausa’s Spicy~ Blog’…. I knew it! There’s a post about the curry from the secret menu!)


Chikage: What? That curry was delicious, it’d be a waste to leave it a secret.

Izumi:Well, I get how you feel.

Izumi:(Still, looks like that post had a huge influence…)

Tasuku: ….I remembered it and started sweating again.

Chikage: It was delicious, wasn’t it? Next time, when we go with everyone, I want to eat that shop’s curry again.

Tasuku: I’ll pass.

【A3! Translation】 Golden Hathi (Card Details)

(translations under the cut)

(glitch text ignore)

Sumeragi Tenma SSR++: Dancer of the Sun

lead skill: Clear Skies and an Extraordinary Smile

adlib skill: Under the Clear Blue Sky

backstage:Bollywood Dream

quote:“I watched a Bollywood film recently, and just watching through a screen was fun. It’s helped me express myself in many different ways.”

Utsuki Chikage SSR: Blessed Paani*

lead skill: Excitingly Dangerous Aroma

adlib skill: Rain of Prayers and Wishes

backstage:Sweet and Spicy

quote:“I always thought my love for spices was rather mundane, but depending on what I’m making, perhaps it can inspire an enthusiasm for cooking.”

*hindi for water

Nanao Taichi SR: Dazzling Step

lead skill: I’ll Take a Tuk-Tuk!

adlib skill: Overflowing Vitality

backstage:Tuk-Tuk Drive

quote: “I’m surprised I can drive a Tuk-Tuk with just a regular driver’s license. Now, please let me escort you to the car!”

*this is a tuk-tuk (pictured in unbloomed)

Mikage Hisoka R: Brilliantly Beautiful

lead skill: Fine Aromas and Smoke

adlib skill: Fresh Flower Bangle

backstage:Interior Design Search?

quote:“Shisha, I’ve been told, has a sweet aroma. But I don’t want smoke, I want the real thing. You can’t beat marshmallows.”*

*aka hookah, waterpipe used to smoke molasses mixed with tobacco/tea etc (pictured in unbloomed)

【A3! Translation】 Golden Hathi (10/11)

previous chapter / epilogue

(translation under the cut)

(glitch text ignore)

Misumi:The stage was a huge success~! The customers looked really happy too~!

Izumi: Yeah! Both the play and the dance came out very good.

Inda: Really, everyone, I can’t thank you enough! That was a wonderful performance.

Chikage: I’m happy the elephant worked properly, too.

Inda: Yes! We owe everything to you guys.

Inda: So, how can we repay you? Whatever you want, just ask.

Taichi:The MVPs were the two who fixed the elephant!

Azuma: Agreed. Chikage, Tasuku, is there anything you’d like?

Tasuku:No, I’m fine. Just getting to do a play here is enough.

Tasuku: I learned a lot from performing on a different stage, and I had a lot of fun.

Hisoka: Tasuku… you’ve got no desire.

Tasuku:What about you, Utsuki?

Chikage:I also don’t especially… Oh, yes I do.

Chikage:I think I’m interested in trying that curry shop you recommended us, Inda-san. Back on our first day here.

Omi:Ah, that curry shop, huh.

Inda: Of course, I’d be pleased to invite you! You guys can have what ever you’d like!

Taichi: Yay! To be honest, I was getting kinda hungry~.

Misumi:I’m hungry too~. I wonder if they have triangle curry?

Azuma:Fufu, I’m looking forward to it.

Inda:Here you go, your menus.

Omi:Wow, they’ve got so many different kinds of curry and side dishes.

Taichi:I can’t decide~. Which curry should I pick~?

Izumi:They all look really delicious…! I want to eat them all…!

Hisoka:Director’s eyes are shining.

Omi:Oh, Misumi, they’ve got samosa.

Misumi:Wahh~! Samosa triangles!*

Tasuku:Which one will I go with…

Chikage:Which menu do you recommend, Inda-san?

Inda:In that case, please wait here a moment.


Inda: Sorry for the wait, this is our secret menu.

Inda: Out of all of my travels, I think the curry on this menu is the best I’ve ever eaten.

Chikage:I see, then I’ll have that one, please.

Tasuku:The best curry you ever had, huh… Then, I’ll have that one too.


Waiter:Sorry for the wait.

Chikage:Thank you very much. Heh, so there’s multiple types of roux.*

Inda: It’s an assortment of the ones I thought were delicious.

Chikage:I’m looking forward to trying them. Let’s hurry up and eat.

Tasuku: Let’s eat.




Tasuku: ….How can you eat so much of that.

Chikage: Really? Why, it’s delicious. Not only is it spicy, but you can also taste the spices’ complex flavor.

Chikage: It something that can’t be expressed in words.

Tasuku: ….I don’t get it.

Hisoka: ….Chikage seems more excited than usual.

Izumi:It’s got to be painful if Chikage-san is praising it so much, but I’m still curious….!

Taichi: Tasuku-san had one bite and had to drink water immediately.

Tasuku: ….I can’t even begin to describe how spicy that is.

Azuma:Fufu, I wonder if Inda-san is also a fan of spice.

Taichi: The level of spiciness that Chikage-san finds delicious…Eek~… Sounds terrifying.

Omi:Haha, we probably shouldn’t try that back home.

Misumi:Chikage, I’m glad you found a delicious curry~!

Chikage: You okay, Tasuku?


*triangular/cone shaped fried pastry with savory filling

*flour/fat mixture used as base for sauces

*(not a t/n, just a funny tidbit. vega informed me that thalis (the arrangement they’re eating off of in the cg) always comes with some form of yogurt/curd in order to aid against the spice (also visible in cg) while water makes the spice worse. chikage most likely knows both of these things and is just trolling tasuku.)

【A3! Translation】 Golden Hathi (9/11)

previous chapter/next chapter

special thanks to anandvega for helping me out with the performance names!

(translation under the cut)

(glitch text ignore)

Izumi:(It’s Bollywood Studios’ opening day… Finally, the main stage performance is about to begin.)

Izumi: (In the end, our suggestion was approved, and the company members were asked to perform on opening day as a substitute….)

Azuma:Fufu, good thing the three of you were able to fit into your costumes.

Chikage: Well, there are some more muscular performers too.

Omi:To be honest, I was a little worried.

Taichi: You look great, Omi-kun!

Misumi: Yeah, yeah! Everyone looks super cool!


Azuma: Tasuku’s already getting into character.

Hisoka: He’s concentrating, we’d better leave him alone.

Izumi: (Everyone seems to be doing well, hopefully the rest of the day goes the same.)


Aarush (Tasuku):“…..”

Anik (Taichi): “……”

Anik:“Hey, brother. It’s said that if you wish upon this golden elephant statue, anything can come true.”

Anik:“Sometimes after work, I sneak off to come pray like this… What is it you always pray for, brother?”

Aarush: “That one day, we will be released from this status…. That is what I pray for.”

Anik: “Being released from this social status? ….That’s impossible. Praying for that is pointless.”


Ishaan (Omi): “Oi, what are lowlifes like you doing in a place like this?”

Kamal (Hisoka): “Tch… You’re in the way, move.” *kicks*


Aarush: “Anik! Gh…!”

Ishaan: “What’s with that look? Cheeky bastard…!” *steps on him*

Anik: “Uugh….! Ouch…”

Kamal: “Hah, people like you deserved to get kicked and crawl around on the ground like this.”

Aarush: “Ah… Anyone, please… Help us…”

Atharv (Chikage): “….What’s going on here?”



Ishaan:“H-Hey, let’s go.”


Atharv:“Are you okay?”

Aarush: “My wish really came true…”

Shaurya(Misumi): “Atharv-sama? Where are you?”


Atharv:“…Don’t tell anyone you saw me. Okay?”

Aarush:“Ah..! W-Wait, please!”

Aarush:“…He’s gone.”


Aarush: “I want to thank the person who saved us the other day. Where can I meet him again?”

Anik: “Give it up, brother. It’s dangerous to go looking for him.”

Anik:“We’ll just get used as stress relievers like before.”

Anik: “Besides, with this awful drought we can’t even grow crops. We have no money or anything to give in return.”

Aarush: “I know. Still, that person helped us, and he didn’t look down on us for our low status…”

Aarush: “I really want to thank him.”

Izumi: (Aarush wanders around the city looking for his savior…)

Aarush:“Even if I wander the streets like this, I can’t simply meet with him. How am I supposed to meet him again…”

Vishaan (Azuma):“…!”

Vishaan: “Why is such a low-ranking person wandering onto our property?”

Vishaan: “Hey, I don’t want that someone like that in my sight. Someone get rid of him!”

Aarush: “! M-My apologies, I’m just…”

Shaurya: “What’s the matter?”

Atharv:“What’s all this ruckus about?”

Aarush: “…! Y-You’re…! Ah, I finally found you again…!”

Atharv: “From that time…”

Shaurya: “How dare you speak to Atharv-sama! Know your place!” *slap*


Atharv:“Shaurya, quit….”

Vishaan:“Wonderful, just in time. That’s the one who’s been causing this drought.”



Vishaan: “Go on, take him away.”

Shaurya: “Now, come on!”




Atharv: “….Why did you come? I told you to forget about that.”

Aarush:“I wanted to thank you. I couldn’t believe someone of your status would reach out to help someone like me.”

Aarush: “I was overjoyed. You really saved me.”

Atharv:“You… Do you have any idea about what’s going to happen to you, about what you’ve just done?”


Aarush:“I’m poor, and I can’t even make life easier for my younger brother.”

Aarush: “But just by giving one of my lives, I can bring enough rain to save everyone in the country.”



Ritual Performer: “Please, bless this land with rain…!”

*rain begins to pour*

Citizen A:“Rain…?”

Citizen B: “It’s raining! Oh, blessed rain!”

Citizen C: “Yes, with this we can survive…! Thank you, thank you..!”

Citizen D: “Come on, let’s all dance in celebration…!”


Izumi:(Among the crowds of people singing and dancing in joy, the tears shed by Atharv vanish into the rain….)

*note: human sacrifice is extremely frowned upon in hinduism. the ending of this play is not an accurate representation of its religious practices. coming of rain and hindu rituals generally involve just singing and dancing, while a ‘sacrifice’ (butter/honey/etc.) is poured into a sacrificial fire (yagna). in rare cases where a live sacrifice is made it is never human (chicken/etc is used and is made clear the animal’s life will not be wasted & the soul will be honored). do not use this play as a reference for real hinduism.

【A3! Translation】 Golden Hathi (8/11)

previous chapter/next chapter

(translation under the cut)

(glitch text ignore)

Chikage:….So, if you have any spare parts similar to this, please let me know.


Inda: It’s an emergency remodeling…. But with the opening day so close, we can’t afford to keep the show as is.

Inda:So I’d like to trust you with the remodel.

Izumi:Thank you so much!

Inda: For now, I’ll lead you to our warehouse.


Inda:Here is all of our maintenance tools and parts used during renovations.

Inda:Feel free to use whatever you need.

Izumi:Will this do, Chikage-san, Tasuku-san?

Tasuku: There’s a bigger selection than I expected. If we combine them, I think we can make something good.

Chikage:Agreed. This has all the tools and parts we’ll need.

Izumi:(That’s a relief…! I’ll leave the rest to you two!)

Chikage:First, I think we should dismantle the foundation.

Tasuku:Then I’ll attach this hose here…. There we go.

Chikage:Yes, just right. Let’s use this part too.

Tasuku:….I’m glad I dismantled the dorm’s washing machine before. Thanks to that experience, I’m coming up with ideas for this remodel.

Chikage: Pfft, is that so. You couldn’t fix it that time though.*

Chikage: At any rate, thank god the elephant’s hollow.

Tasuku:So you want to put it in there, right. Okay, this way and…

*machine clink*

Tasuku:I never thought my hobby would come in handy like this.

Chikage: And to think it wasn’t acting.

Chikage:….Heh, you sound like you’re having fun, Tasuku.

Tasuku: I could say the same about you.

Chikage: I am having fun.

Chikage: I’ve been called the ‘repair guy’ of the troupe, and I’ve fixed, built, and modified a lot of different things. I enjoyed every single one of them, though.

Tasuku:Well, the same goes for me too. At first, I didn’t think you had such a hobby, Utsuki.

Chikage:Just incase you weren’t aware, I’m a boy, too.

Tasuku: 'Boys’ aren’t that old.

Chikage:You’re a real demon, y'know.

Chikage: Anyway, do you really think we could build an entire stage someday? The two of us.

Tasuku: No, if you’re involved, the stage will end up with all kinds of noise and flashing lights.

Chikage:And to think I liked you, Tasuku.

Tasuku:I’ve felt the same about you too until recently, Utsuki.

Chikage: Everyone seems to think we’re just two guys who like lighting things up.

Tasuku:Seriously, it’s a real nuisance.

Taichi:Ah, Tasuku-san, Chikage-san!

Misumi:How’s Elephant-san doing~?

Chikage:We did a small test run, and there doesn’t seem to be any problems.

Misumi: Really!? Yay~!

Tasuku: How’s the script?

Azuma:We thought about it and decided to change the standing positions along with a bit of the dialogue.

Hisoka: But there’s no major changes.

Chikage:I see. We don’t have much time to change too much, after all…

Taichi:We still have to tell the performers about the changes and have them memorize them in time.

Izumi:(It’s only small changes, and if it were just our troupe it’d be easy, but when you add dozens of performers on top of that…)

Tasuku:In that case, let’s go onstage first.

Omi:Well, originally, we were allowed to look around the theme park on the opening day as thanks for this…

Omi:So there’s no problem with our schedule.

Tasuku: Right. Do you guys have the script memorized?


Taichi: 'Course I do!

Hisoka: Sudden changes like this are the norm for us.

Azuma: As well as I can.

Izumi: Then, I’ll make the suggestion to Inda-san!

Chikage:Let’s get to work, Director-san.

*referencing bridegroom battle royale event story (i think)

【A3! Translation】 Golden Hathi (7/11)

previous chapter/next chapter

(translation under the cut)

(glitch text ignore)

Izumi:Today we’ll be practicing with the performers who will actually be on stage.

Izumi:We’ll continue practicing for the show while also informing them of any changes we’re making. Let’s get to work, everyone!

Misumi: Okay~! Good luck everyone~!

Omi: Let’s get to work.

Performers: Same to you, let’s get work.

Izumi:Now then, let’s try this together, with all of the company members participating.


Izumi:(Good, the climax of the dance looks gorgeous, too. And finally, the elephant moves at the end of the story…)


Izumi: ….Huh? The elephant isn’t moving…?

Staff A: What’s wrong? It’s supposed to move here.

Staff B: I-I know, but it’s not moving when I press the button.

Staff C: Huh!? Is it malfunctioning…!?


Taichi:If the elephant doesn’t move here, doesn’t that mean the story can’t finish!?

Misumi:What do we do…

Staff B: W-What are we going to do! Can we fix it quickly?

Staff A: Even if we can fix it, it’s not a guaranteed we can get all the parts in and repairs done in only one day.

Inda: Everyone, please calm down. We’ll consider what measures need to be taken at once.

Inda: Tachibana-san, I’m sorry, but we’ll have to suspend practice immediately.

Izumi:I understand.

Taichi:It’s nice to be back here for a bit, but…

Omi:What are we going to do now…

Izumi: Right now, the staff is still trying to find the reason why the elephant isn’t moving.

Tasuku:Though, even when they find the cause, will they still be able to have it ready by opening day?

Azuma:Could we make the risky choice of changing the script?

Omi: Changing it from the elephant setting, huh.

Hisoka:That’s a lot of changes.

Taichi: Nailing a new script in one day… I mean, it’s not impossible, but…

Misumi:Will everyone be able to memorize it by then~….?

Izumi: But, when considering changes…. have to keep in mind it’s not members of the company who will actually be performing.

Tasuku:Not to mention, the number of performers is pretty large. It’d be difficult for everyone to stay on pace with each other with that many changes.

Hisoka: In that case, we could use the script from before we supervised.

Taichi:W-We could… but everyone’s worked so hard…

Azuma: But, it may be our most realistic option. If the changes are made after the elephant gets fixed, they can still be ready for opening day.

Izumi:(Azuma-san’s right, but I also understand Taichi-kun’s feelings… Is there any way we can make this work…)

Chikage: If the elephant can at least do some action during the finale, all we’d have to do is change the ending.

Tasuku:Any ideas?

Chikage:Possibly… but I’ll need Tasuku’s help.

Izumi:…What’s your idea?

Chikage:We remodel the elephant.

Taichi:Huh!? Remodel it!?

Omi:Can you do that?

Chikage: When I heard that the original structures here were still partially intact, it hit me.

Chikage:It’s just a possibility, but I think that stage was originally a fountain or something of the sort.

Hisoka:A fountain…

Azuma: I see what you mean.

Chikage: I noticed it when I saw the water falling from above and the pipes underneath.

Chikage: I think we can use those to remodel the elephant.

Tasuku:Remodeling, huh… We can try.

Izumi:Alright, maybe I can suggest that to them.

Izumi:Chikage-san, let’s go to Inda-san’s office together to negotiate.


Omi:Then, while you two do that, we’ll discuss what to do about the script.



【A3! Translation】 Golden Hathi (6/11)

previous chapter/next chapter

over the halfway point woohoo

(translation under the cut)

(glitch text ignore)

Azuma: I see, so this is what it looks like from the audience’s perspective.

Izumi: I’d like to take better advantage of stage effects here. For example….

Tasuku:Agreed. I’ll go up on stage and move around a bit, you can use that to check.

Chikage:Rodger that.

Tasuku: …..How’s this?

Izumi: If water will be flowing from here, people around that area should probably move away a bit.

Chikage:But if you move too far, it’ll hard to be seen from the end seats.

Tasuku:Then, the standing position should be….

Azuma:…We should actually perform on stage while making adjustments, so any fine tuning can be made to the show.

Tasuku:This is turning out to be more like a training camp than I expected.

Hisoka: …Maybe it’s because of Tasuku.

Tasuku: Azuma-san, could you take a look at it from here?

Azuma:Alright. I’ve been called, so I’m off. Good luck with your dance, Hisoka.


Izumi:(Tasuku-san’s so lively, with playing the roles himself and making various suggestions and all.)

Izumi:(He did watch that Indian film recently. He seems to have gotten some good inspiration from the themes, stage, and performances.)

Izumi:(Tasuku-san’s attitude is having a positive impact on everyone else, too.)

Misumi:Hey, hey, how about this dance?

(misumi dances and flips around)

Taichi:That’s some super cool choreography, but it’s way too superhuman!

Omi:Given that other people will be performing the dances in the future, maybe it’s best to go with something a little simpler.

Misumi: I get it~. Hmm….

Taichi: Hisoka-san, how about these steps here?

(taichi dances)

Hisoka:There… should be a little more like this.

(hisoka dances)

Hisoka:It’s a small change, but if done correctly it’ll get the costumes to move a lot more… I think.

Taichi: I see, I see!

Hisoka:If you wanna add that choreography in, I think it’d fit well in the next section.

Misumi:Wahh~, that looks nice~! Then jump here like this~…

Omi:I think we could pull that off ourselves.

Inda: Amazing…! Ideas I never would’ve thought of before are popping up now…!

Izumi:Thank you very much. I hope with everyone together we can make your stage even better than before.

Izumi:Regarding the stage mechanics, you mentioned that at the end of the dance, this elephant also moves…

Inda: Right. Our staff will move it when the time comes.

Inda: Would you like to try it out?

Tasuku:Sure, I have been wanting to see it in action.

Omi:And again, new ideas could arise too.

Inda:Understood. Then, I’ll go move it.


Misumi: Wahh~, Elephant-san moved!

Omi:So the entire foundation moves, I see.

Taichi:Whoa, water’s shooting out! Awesome–!

Hisoka: Everything suddenly got cooler.

Azuma:It’s more dynamic than I imagined.

Inda:For safety reasons, the inside of the elephant is practically hollow, in order to reduce the weight of it.

Chikage:So in the unlikely event it would fall over, nobody would get hurt.

Tasuku:So if the elephant moves like this…

Tasuku:Excuse me, Director. I came up with another idea using this…

Izumi:Yes! Tell me!

Hisoka:Tasuku’s fired up again.

Azuma:Fufu, he looks like he’s having a lot of fun coming up with all kinds of ideas to implement into the stage.

Azuma: Why don’t we go the extra mile too.

Hisoka: Got it.

Izumi: (Everyone’s coming up with for different ideas and effects for the stage.)

Izumi: (It looks like this training camp is going to be a really great experience, too.)

Tasuku:Oi, Director. Are you listening?

Izumi:Of course! Let’s give it a try.

【A3! Translation】 Golden Hathi (5/11)

previous chapter/next chapter

(translation under the cut)

(glitch text ignore)

Inda: This is our main stage.

Azuma: Water is flowing all around us… it’s quite beautiful.

Hisoka: Everything’s sparkling.

Taichi: Woah~, this is stunning!*

Izumi: It’s so gorgeous…!

Inda: Of course. Curry shops are one thing, but we also wanted to make sure we had a spectacular stage for an equally spectacular performance.

Inda:The elephant centerpiece is especially exciting. It’s built so that, during the show, it moves around.

Misumi:Elephant-san moves, how amazing!

Tasuku:So this is the stage you’ll be using for your performance…

Izumi:We can see it tomorrow. We’ll make sure to get a good look during the performance.

Tasuku:That’s right.

Chikage: They’ve got a pretty unusually shaped stage.

Omi: Really? Stages with water features are pretty rare, but…

Tasuku: No, I was thinking the same thing.

Chikage:This plumbing… Could it be–.

Omi: Chikage-san, Tasuku-san, it looks like we’re leaving.



Inda:Here will be your accommodations during your stay.

Taichi: This is sick–! It looks super luxurious too!

Azuma: I’m surprised they already have a facility of this level prepared.

Hisoka:It’s spacious…

Izumi:Seriously… You’d think I wouldn’t be so shocked considering the gigantic scale of everything else we’ve seen here.

Inda: Actually, there was another theme park built here originally.

Inda:But when that business closed, the entire vacant lot was converted into an India-based theme park.

Inda: We still use some of the original facilities today since they were kept in good condition.

Omi: Is that so.

Chikage: I see.

Inda:The building we’re in now is one of them.

Tasuku:So the original place must’ve been pretty amazing too.

Inda:Starting tomorrow, I’d like to ask all of you to supervise the stage. Is that okay?

Izumi:Yes, of course.

Inda:Thank you so much.

Inda: I’m sure you’re tired from walking today, please get some rest.

Tasuku:Utsuki, did you really only bring that one carry-on bag? I wish I had less luggage.

Chikage: Really now?

Chikage: Even still, you seem to have quite a small amount.

Tasuku: ….I don’t have much stuff of my own. But some of these are….


Chikage: ….Several bags of marshmallows.

Tasuku:This should’ve been packed with Azuma-san’s things. I’ll have to hand them over when I get the chance.

Chikage: Jeez, that guy…

Tasuku:Well, I’m used to it now.

Chikage: That’s reassuring.

Chikage:Since both Tasuku and Omi are at the camp this time, we’ve got a lot of people to carry him when he falls asleep. That’ll be quite helpful.

Tasuku: You’re the one who brought him here, he’s your responsibility.

Chikage:This is supposed to be about cooperation.

Tasuku: ….Can we at least take turns, please.

Tasuku: (Alright, so the performance is described in the materials as… Then the standing performance will be…)


Chikage:….When I heard there was a water feature, I wondered how it worked. Now that I can see the actual thing, it’s pretty easy to imagine.

Tasuku:Utsuki? So you came too.

Chikage:Just for a bit. I didn’t have time to look at the stage much earlier.

Chikage:Besides, after hearing what Inda-san said, I wanted to check out how this place was built again.

Tasuku: You wanted to learn about the stage’s construction? I’m sure you’ll be able to build a stage and all of its different contraptions sooner or later.

Chikage:Haha, I’m no match for Tetsuro-san.

Tasuku: Pfft, guess you’re right.

Chikage:…..What about you, Tasuku? Doing some preliminary checks for tomorrow?


Chikage: Shall I join you?

Tasuku:….You brought the script with you?

Chikage:Where you were going, and what you were doing once you left the room… I could kind of guess.

Tasuku: ….That’s a really roundabout way of answering.

Chikage: Here, do you want me to or not?

Tasuku: Sigh…. Alright then, please do.

*taichi originally says ‘exotic’ but i changed it due to the implications of the word

【A3! Translation】 Golden Hathi (4/11)

previous chapter/next chapter

(translation under the cut)

(glitch text ignore)

Taichi:This is the Indian film theme park, ‘Bollywood Studios’…!

Taichi:It looks just like that movie we watched the other day! Awesome!

Misumi:Look, look~ that building looks like a castle!

Tasuku:It’s a lot bigger and more authentic than I expected.

Izumi:It really is. Let’s see, studio…

Tasuku: By the way…


Tasuku:Why did he come.

Hisoka:Chikage forced me to join.

Chikage:We’re supposed to be giving them performance advice, so wouldn’t it be a good idea to have someone who can dance?

Hisoka:…This is definitely revenge for Easter.*

Chikage:I don’t know what you’re talking about.

Azuma:Now now, since we’re here, try to enjoy yourself too, Hisoka. Think of it like a trip.


Tasuku: Like I said earlier, it’s not a–

Azuma:Maybe they sell Indian sweets, too. We can go look for them together.

Hisoka:….! I want to go. Indian sweets… I’m looking forward to them.


Omi: Oh well, it’s a theme park after all. Why don’t we just say that having fun is also part of the training camp.

Tasuku:…..So be it. You were also asked directly by Director, right, Fushimi? Was that okay?

Omi:Of course. This was a great opportunity, even at work people have been asking me if I needed some time off.

Tasuku:I hoped that was the case.

Misumi:Over there, and over here too! There’s so many different things to do here~.

Taichi:Oh! That! What’s that called again… Y'know the thing that looks like a cute little motorcycle… but like a car!

Chikage:Do you mean a tuk-tuk?*

Taichi:That’s it!

???:You can ride those throughout the theme park.

Izumi:Oh, hello.

Inda:Hello, and welcome. I’m Inda, the manager of Bollywood Studios.

Izumi: I’m Tachibana, MANKAI Company’s director. Thank you so much for this opportunity, we’re very grateful.

Troupe Members: Pleased to work with you.

Inda:Same to you all, let’s get to work.

Izumi:Yes, let’s.


Hisoka:There’s so many food stalls lined up…

Omi:Can you eat while walking? They sound good.

Azuma:There’s also a souvenir shop over there.

Taichi: And so many curry shops!

Inda: Some of our shows, souvenirs, and so on, are geared towards Japanese people….

Inda:As for the curry shops, some were actually opened by locals, others are more famous and popular, and there’s a few who are very particular about their cuisine.

India: I especially recommend that shop over there.

Inda:I stumbled upon it when I was looking for curry, and instantly fell in love after just one bite.

Inda:I asked them if they could possibly open up a shop in the theme park.

Chikage:Heh, if you talk it up that much, I’m curious to try it.

Izumi: I want to eat some too!

Omi:Haha, as expected of you two.

Tasuku:Fine, but you guys can do that after we’re done with everything.

Inda:Let’s move on to the next location.

*reference to the 'Rabbits Party!’ event, hisoka forces chikage to join lol

*this is a tuk-tuk , also pictured in taichi’s event SR unbloomed
