#gw2 characters



Tethrius| Whisper’s Commander | Valiant

The door slammed open, and the sharp sound echoed through the chamber. A slender figure stood there, shadowed, and snarled, “You want your fucking chosen one? Well… here I am.”

He steps forward, his glare withering. The pain of losing Tybalt still evident in his face. He stalks to the table, tense and determined.

“It’s time to stop running from destiny,” Tethrius says, to the concerned gazes that turn his way. He brushes past Kaonn and Rytlock to take his rightful place at the war council. “Before my selfishness kills anyone else.”

– • – • –

And here’s Teth! A little belated because I keep forgetting to post. He belongs to my partner, and I’ve just had the pleasure of drawing him and writing up all the lore they’ve told me. In this verse, it’s Tethrius who is the “chosen one” with the dream of killing dragons (and, given Kaonn exists too—though there’s a little time travel on his part —it gets messy). Tethrius doesn’t want to be the one with that destiny, but unfortunately, fate might push him that way whether he wants to or not.

Tethrius| Whisper’s Commander | Valiant

The door slammed open, and the sharp sound echoed through the chamber. A slender figure stood there, shadowed, and snarled, “You want your fucking chosen one? Well… here I am.”

He steps forward, his glare withering. The pain of losing Tybalt still evident in his face. He stalks to the table, tense and determined.

“It’s time to stop running from destiny,” Tethrius says, to the concerned gazes that turn his way. He brushes past Kaonn and Rytlock to take his rightful place at the war council. “Before my selfishness kills anyone else.”

– • – • –

And here’s Teth! A little belated because I keep forgetting to post. He belongs to my partner, and I’ve just had the pleasure of drawing him and writing up all the lore they’ve told me. In this verse, it’s Tethrius who is the “chosen one” with the dream of killing dragons (and, given Kaonn exists too—though there’s a little time travel on his part —it gets messy). Tethrius doesn’t want to be the one with that destiny, but unfortunately, fate might push him that way whether he wants to or not.
