

I need ideas, what are names for Nessian’s daughter???

I can’t stop picturing her as looking like Nesta except growing up taller, having darker skin, Cassian’s smile, and rivaling Cassian as the greatest Illyarian warrior while staring her enemies down with her chin raised and her own I will slay my enemies look

Also any artists want to capture this?

The reason I love Nessian is because they are a realistically messy couple. They are never portrayed as perfect or without faults like freysand is portrayed (which has issues that are ignored or glossed over). Nesta and Cassian are so alike, and their stubbornness and fire clash all the time. They hurt each other in the same ways and what I loved about ACOSF is they slowly realize it and try to change.

The last fight between them along the Sidra shows that, as Cassian uses a *very* poor choice of words and immediately regrets it and try’s to take it back. Nesta stops herself from saying things to hurt him like he hurt her by sending him away. Both made mistakes but acknowledged that. For me this shows potential of a healthy realationship.

My problems with freysand that they are portrayed as perfect when they are not. Despite SJM stressing that they are equals, Rhysand’s actions and attitude toward Feyre portray the opposite. Rhys continues to be hostile to Nesta even after Freye tells him to stop and is super critical of Nesta despite knowing how traumatized she is (he literally feels her trama during Nesta’s nightmare and is horrified by it, yet doesn’t change his attitude towards her). When Feyre does disagree with Rhys she quickly forgives him and they go have s*x. Finally, from Rhys’ point of view Freye never makes a mistake. I can not think of one time Rhys is critical of Feyre. I know it is a fantasy series but that is not a remotely realistic relationship. Nor is it healthy for one side to put the other on a pedestal while making all the decisions himself. 

I want more Nessian in future books and I want them to continue to be messy and fight. Not only because it leads to amazing s*xual tension, but because relationships take continued effort by both partners.

A piece of advice that has stayed with me is “Love is what you do when you are feeling unloving”. Even when Nessian fight, they want the best for the other.
