

It’s not Finnish flag in every pillow or decorative item you’ll see. Finnish flag is commonly considered somewhat a sacred item. The Finnish flag has strict law how it is supposed to be flown and taken care of. Therefore items that have Finnish flags are not really common in Finnish homes. In Finnish home you’ll probably see Finnish flags usually only in small tourist memorabilia, or when people celebrate some national flag-raising day or have really formal family party, such as wedding.

Finns like to celebrate Finnishness by decorating their homes with Finnish design. If you spot furniture from Artek and Lundia, decorative items, curtains and sheets from Marimekko, plates, glasses and cups from Arabia and Iittala, kitchen equipment from Hackman and your quilt and pillow are made by Finlayson, you can be pretty sure you’re in a Finnish home.

But if you find a sauna and it’s warming up for you, then you can be 100% sure you’re in a Finnish home. 
