#haechan reactions


Y/n and Haechan are settling in to watch Christmas movies. What is supposed to be a relaxing evening together though soon turns into a heated debate on if the move “The Nightmare Before Christmas” is a Christmas or Halloween movie.

Part of the long term couples series. Can be read as a stand alone. 

           Settling on the couch with a bowl of popcorn and a mug of hot chocolate you look back towards the kitchen where your boyfriend Haechan was grabbing more snacks for the two of you. It had started to snow earlier today and the two of you had decided the enjoy the snowy weather by snuggling up on the couch and watching Christmas movies with one another. Haechan came walking out of the kitchen with his own mug of hot chocolate and bags of chips.

           Haechan sat down the snacks on the coffee table before he settled on the couch next to you and started to scroll through the list of movies that was available to the two of you. You watch as Haechan scrolls past movie after movie before he turns to you to see if any of the movies he has gone past has piqued your interest.

           “Seen anything that you want to watch?”

           “Not really but I was thinking that we could start with The Nightmare Before Christmas.” You tell Haechan. You feel his body start to shake and turn to look over at him to see what the cause of his movement could be. You cock your head to the side wondering why he would be laughing.

           “Why are you laughing?”

           “Y/n we can’t watch that movie. It’s not a Christmas movie it’s a Halloween movie.” Haechan points out to you like it is the most obvious thing in the world and he finds it’s hilarious that you would even have made this suggestion.

“What do you mean it’s not a Christmas movie? Of course, it is, it even has the word Christmas in the title!” You stand from the couch and place your hands on your hips and peer down at Haechan in complete disbelief.

           “You’re wrong. Just because Christmas is in the title doesn’t make it a Christmas movie. It’s more about Halloween and how Jack is going through an identity crisis.” Haechan argues back. You throw your head back in frustration before setting your glare on him.

           When Haechan had asked you what Christmas movie you wanted to watch tonight you did not think that your suggestion would lead to the two of you going over why or why not The Nightmare Before Christmas was or was not a Christmas movie. It shouldn’t have surprised you that you two were having this discussion though. Just last week you two had gotten into a heated conversation over which food was better to eat at a baseball game hamburgers or hot dogs. The answer is clearly hamburgers, Haechan had different thoughts on this those and argued his point for hot dogs.

           “Santa is in the movie!” You almost scream. “How can you say that it’s not a Christmas movie when Santa Clause is in the movie?”

           “He’s a side character he is not the main character making the movie a Halloween movie not a Christmas movie.” Is Haechan’s argument back.

           “You can’t be serious? That would be saying that every Hallmark movie isn’t a Christmas movie because Santa isn’t the main character.” Waiting to see what Haechan will come up with next you start to smile thinking that you have won this argument because he hasn’t come up with a response and your about to do a victory dance when Haechan responds.

           “But their main focus is all about Christmas while the Nightmare Before Christmas is all focused-on Jack and how he doesn’t know if he wants to be the pumpkin king anymore. It’s like any movie that talks about Santa’s child not knowing if they want to follow in their father’s footsteps.”

           “The movie takes place during the Christmas season!” This time you do shout in exasperation. Haechan for his part continues to calmly look up at you from his spot on the couch. The only give away that you get from him is the slight twitch of his lip.

           “Hey love birds what are you two up to?” Both of you turn to see Johnny standing at the entryway of the living room.

           “Finally! Someone with good judgement is here,” you exclaim. Haechan just shakes his head at you, but you ignore him and focus on Johnny instead.

           “Serious questions are The Nightmare Before Christmas a Halloween movie or a Christmas movie?” Johnny looks between the two of you before he burst out into laughter.

           “You two have the weirdest arguments.” Normally you would make an argument back about Johnny’s comment but you’re more concerned with winning the argument you are having with Haechan. When Johnny realizes that you are not going to say anything until he answers your question he sighs.

           “I think that it’s a Christmas movie.” You pump your arms up in the air and shout out in glee while Haechan whines and starts to protest claiming that Johnny was only saying that because he knew that was what you wanted.

           “Stop whining just because Johnny agrees with me and is clearly choosing right!” You demand, Johnny just smirks at you as he makes his way out of the living room leaving the two of you alone. You move back onto the couch and snuggle into Haechan who continues to whine. While you start to pull up the movie.

           “I can’t believe Hyung agreed with you over me! I have never felt so betrayed before.” Haechan goes on as you press play on the movie.

           “Haechan you should just accept that you are wrong and enjoy the fact that you get to sit on the couch with me curled up next to you and watch a movie together.” You inform him.

           “Fine but I get to choose the next Christmas movie.” Haechan wraps his arms around you and snuggles himself and you into the couch. You both turn towards the movie and start to watch it in silence. You turn your head towards Haechan and kiss the underside of his jaw before you settle yourself more onto him and turn your attention back to the movie.

           “I still think it’s a Halloween movie,” Haechan whispers causing you to silently laugh as you both continue to watch the movie.  

Haechan and Y/n can’t stop thinking about one another. They are both afraid though that the other isn’t intererested and seek out some advice from their friends. 

Part of the long term couples series

Tossing the controller to the side Haechan let’s out a deep sigh and glares at the screen in front of him. He’s bored and is tired of not being able to move about easily. He misses performing and is used to being active. When he was first told that he would have to stay off his leg he thought it would be a fun an extended vacation that he didn’t plan. That quickly changed when he realized that he was going to be spending most of his healing time alone in the dorm. Everyone was busy and it wasn’t like they could sit around all day and entertain him.

           Looking down at his cast Haechan wonders if you are working today or if it’s your day off. This isn’t the first time that you have crossed his mind. Ever since he met you at the hospital and you wrote on his cast, he hasn’t been able to get you out of his head. There was something about you that intrigued him. Maybe it was the fact that even though you knew who he was and were a fan you still treated him like a person. He didn’t get that a lot anymore. Sure, his members treated him like a normal person, but the staff were paid and while they were all nice to him, he wasn’t always sure if they meant it or were doing it because it was their job.

           You were different though from the moment you met him you treated him just like everyone else expect at the end. When he found out that you had stayed past your working hours just to see him after he got his cast and sign it, he had this strange feeling in his chest. While he didn’t like what you wrote on his cast it made him smile. You were not afraid to tease him, and it wasn’t often that someone could make his manager laugh like he did when he had told Haechan about what you wrote.

           “Hey Hyuck,” Looking up Haechan smiles over at Taeil’s girlfriend as she makes her way towards him and takes a seat next to him. Haechan doesn’t hesitate to move into Taeil’s girlfriend and rest his head against their shoulder. Their hand comes up and they start to run their fingers through his hair.

           Haechan snuggles in closer to them, they were always good at taking care of him. He often thought that if he had an older sister, he hoped that it would have been someone like you. Who took care of him, didn’t mind his constant need for attention, and would lovingly tease him. Haechan often told Taeil that he couldn’t do better than you and if he wasn’t careful, he was going to steal you from him. Taeil never believed the threat and would just roll his eyes as he walked away from him.

           “How are you holding up?”

           “Alright, I’m bored and wish that I could join the others.” Haechan admitted.

           “You’ll be back with them soon. Only a few more weeks to go.” They assure him.

           “Can I ask you something and promise you won’t tell Taeil about it.” Haechan peeks up at them. Their hand stills in his hair and they look down at him studying his face for a moment before nodding their head.

           “How did you know that you liked Hyung,” Haechan felt you shift but he ignores it and continued on staring at the wall opposite the two of you, “How did you know that he was the one you wanted to be with and that he liked you back and wasn’t just being nice?”

           “Is there someone that you think you might like?” This time Haechan did look up at them and they were smiling down at him with gentle eyes. Pulling away from them Haechan sat up and turn to full face them as best he could without jolting his leg to much.

           “There was an intern at the hospital when I went in to get my leg checked out. She was nice to be me, but it felt different from other people’s nice. It felt…” Haechan hesitated he wasn’t sure how to describe how it felt. “It felt like when you are nice to me but more than that. It didn’t feel like she was doing it because she had to but because she wanted to. And then she stayed after she was done with work just to see me after I got my cast and to sign it.”

           “Hyuck to be honest with you I don’t know if the first time I met Taeil I knew that I liked him and wanted to be with him. I was definitely interested in him. I liked his smile and how he was easy to talk to. He made me feel comfortable and he was honest with me. But at first, I didn’t know where it was going to go. Sometimes you just have to take a risk and see where it goes. I can tell you that I felt like Taeil was worth the risk. Sometimes there are people who come into your life, and they just fit into it so easily that it just seems right to let them in. To give them a chance and see where it goes maybe that is what this person is for you.”

           “Maybe, but what if they don’t want to give me a chance?”

           “Then that’s their loss not yours. If this person is smart at all they will see what a wonderful person you are and will give you a chance. Even if you can be slightly annoying.” Haechan grumbles at that but smiles nonetheless and leans back into them.

           “I still don’t know exactly how I feel about them.” Haechan whispers to them. Their fingers return to his hair, and they give a soft hum in return.

           “That’s okay. Tell them that when you see them next and be honest that you want to see them, but you don’t know where this will go.”

           “Okay, thanks Noona.”

           “Anytime Hyuck,” Haechan feels them lean down and place a soft kiss to the top of his head and he smiles and tells you that he’s going to tell Taeil that they’re going around kissing other men behind his back. They just laugh and tell him to go right ahead. The two of then settle into comfortable silence and Haechan starts to drift off to sleep with their fingers running through his hair.

Setting the drinks in your hand down on the table you settle into your seat with your friends and take a sip from your drink. You and your friends tried to get together once a week. It didn’t always happen what with all of you having crazy schedules and it had been almost a month since you saw each other meaning that you were all long overdue for a night out together. This was the downside to none of you living together anymore. While you liked having your own place you missed coming home to them and the place always being filled with laughter and someone to talk to.

“I can’t believe it’s been so long since we’ve all seen each other we have so much to catch up on!” One of your friends stated at you all settled into your seats.

“Let’s start with the boring and move into the exciting,” another friend chirped, “how work and school going?”

You all laughed as she asked the question that was boring. You all answer though talking about how school was either almost over and some of you were stressed out. You are being one of those stressed-out people. You had thought with school only being your internship you would be less stressed but that wasn’t the case. Then about your jobs some were good, others boring, and some of you wanted to kill your boss and you all came up with different ways to get rid of said bosses. The drinks kept flowing and you all settled into the ease that was your friendship.

“Now the important question!” exclaimed another friend, “How is everyone’s love life going.”

This conversation went much deeper than the school and work topic. Most of your friends were in relationships and all at various stages. Some had been dating their significant other for years and others were just starting a relationship, and some of you just had people that you were interested in, but nothing had happened yet. Then there was you, you who had no one. Well, maybe not no one but then again you weren’t sure if you could even count them as a person of interest.

“Y/n what about you? You’ve been awfully quiet on this topic,” You shake yourself out of your thoughts and look around the table at your friends who are all watching you closely. You pick up your drink and take a big sip.

“To be honest I’m not sure what I have going on with me.” You tell them. This of course peeks all of their interest and they all lean in closer. You almost laugh at this if your thoughts weren’t so filled with a certain someone who liked to whine and had an adorable smile that made you want to cover their face in kisses.

“Tell us everything! Don’t leave a single detail out.”

“We’re going to need more drinks.” You tell your friends and one of them disappears to buy the next round. Once you all have full glasses. You tell them everything about your encounter with Haechan. Well almost everything, you leave out the part about him being an idol and his name. Those are things that you can’t share for obvious reason.

“It’s not like I’m going to see him again anyway,” you tell them as you take another large gulp from your drink, “I might not be there when he comes back in to get his cast removed and he travels all the time for work. Making it impossible for us to date. And I talk to him that one time. He probably doesn’t even remember me or think about me.”

“You signed his cast. He’s thinking about you,” your friend assures you. You give her a skeptical look.

“I’m serious!” They exclaim as the rest all nod in agreement, “Listen talk to your supervisor see if you can there when he comes in for his next appointment. Say that you want to practice patient follow up or something like that. And if he tells you no. Then take a peek into his file and see what day he comes in next, and you then just happen to be in the area and bump into him.”

“I’m not looking into his file when I’m not supposed to be,” There was no way you were about to risk losing your internship just because Haechan was taking up more space in your head than any other person ever has. “But…I’ll talk to my supervisor.”

The table cheers and you duck down in embarrassment. You could not believe that you were seriously going to ask your supervisor if you could be in on Haechan’s next appointment. Part of you did want to make sure that he had healed up alright and could return to work but that wasn’t the main reason you wanted to be in on his appointment. You want to see him again, to see his boyish grin and to have him tease you once again. You weren’t sure if this was a good idea or not but there was something about Haechan that was pulling you in.

Haechan is back at the doctors. This time though is to have his cast removed and maybe to ask Y/n out on a date. If they are there. 

Part of the long term couples series

Six weeks since he’s been able to walk around on his own, six weeks since he’s seen you, six weeks since he has heard your voice. Over this time Haechan often thought about you and would catch himself trying to look at what you wrote on his cast. He would find himself smiling as he thought about how you didn’t put up with any of his shit and handed it right back to him. It didn’t matter to you that he was an idol or that he was part of a group that you listened to. You treated him just like anyone else and he found it refreshing. 

Bouncing his leg up and down he is hoping that you’ll be in the exam room today with him. He wasn’t sure what your job was exactly and he feared that your job did not require you to be in the room for when patients returned to have their cast removed. One of Haechan’s managers glances down at his bouncing leg and he notices that they are fighting back a smile. Rolling his eyes Haechan crosses his arms over his chest and slumps down in his chair with a loud huff. Everyone thought it was funny how smitten he’s become with you after just one meeting. He didn’t think it was the tiniest bit funny. 

Finally Haechan is called back into an exam room and he hobbles his way to the room. This cast cannot get removed fast enough he thinks as he makes his way into the exam room. Looking around his mouth pulls down at the ends, disappointment evident on his face. Sitting in one of the chairs, Haechan ignores the conversation that his manager and the nurse are having. He doesn’t tune back into the conversation until he hears the nurse saying that Dr. Kim and you would be in a little bit to remove the cast and look his leg over. 

Perking up at hearing that you are in fact here and will be examining him, Haechan can’t stop the smile that spreads across his face. His manager just rolls his eyes at him and doesn’t even bother trying to stop themselves from smiling. They just grab the chair next to him and wait for the doctor to arrive. In what feels like hours but it is probably only a few minutes, the door opens and in walks Dr. Kim followed closely by you. Haechan forgot just how cute you were and his heart rate picks up at seeing you. You’re looking over his chart and when you do look up your eyes lock. You give him a small smile and Haechan almost swears that he sees a small blush coming across your cheeks. But Dr.Kim steps in front of you blocking his view.

“Ready to get your cast removed?” Dr. Kim smiles down at Haechan.

“More than ready. I have been going crazy with this thing on,” Haechan admits. 

“How have you been feeling? Any pain?” Haechan shakes his head no as Dr. Kim and you wash your hands, put gloves on, and ready the tools to remove his cast. 

“Okay Haechan why don’t you lay back for us and if it’s alright with you I’m going to let my intern Ms. Y/L/N remove your cast.”

Looking over at you Haechan sees you holding a small saw in your hand you smile at him and Haechan doesn’t hesitate to return the smile.

“As long as she promises not to cut anything important I’m fine with it,” Haechan lays back down. You let out a breathy laugh and tell him not to worry before he hears the sound of the saw and you go to work at removing the cast. 

In no time at all his cast is removed and Haechan is looking down at his leg. It looks a little less muscular but otherwise it looks like it’s fine. Dr.Kim is talking about how they are going to get some x-rays to make sure that it’s healed correctly and then they’ll bring him back here to talk about therapy and any restrictions that he might have. You roll a wheelchair in front and Haechan frowns down at the chair.

“Seriously I can’t walk to my x-ray?” Haechan whines.

“Nope, you know the rules. Once we know that you’re fully healed you can cartwheel out of here for all I care but until then you’re in the chair.” You smirk. Haechan glares at you but gets in the chair. 

The two of you don’t speak as Haechan is pushed to his x-ray. He didn’t think that he’d be seeing you and didn’t think much past just being able to see you. But this is probably going to be one of the fews times that he is going to be alone with you and if he wants to make a move it is going to have to be made now. Parking the wheel chair next to the exam table Haechan watches as you lock the wheelchair in place and move to stand in front of you. Looking up at you Haechan takes a deep breath before he opens his mouth.

“I was hoping that I would get to see you today,” Haechan started off. You raise an eyebrow in question before reaching out to help Haechan stand and onto the exam table, “there is something that I wanted to ask you.”

“Still not going to tell you who my bias is.” Haechan chuckles at that.

“As much as I want to know the answer to that, I have a more important question to ask you.” You pause what you are doing and wait for Haechan to continue on. “I wanted to know if you would go out on a date with me sometime.” 

Haechan rushes out. He watches as your eyes widen. You stare at him for a few beats before you recover and go back to preparing him for his x-ray. Haechan starts to panic as you go about your work and not answer him. Maybe he was reading what the two of you had the last time you saw each other wrong. He had thought there was a connection but maybe it was all just on his end and you were only being nice to him because he was injured. 

“It’s cute watching you panic,” you tell him before taking a step back from the table, “and yes I loved to go out on a date with you.” 

“Really?” Haechan questions, almost unable to remain calm. 

“Really but first let’s get you out of that cast and then you can tell me more about this date.”

“Deal,” Haechan smiles at you and before you have a chance to walk away he reaches out for your wrist and grabs it. “And eventually you are going to tell me who your bias is. Believe it or not I can be a patient man.”

Smiling as you pull your wrist out of his hold, “You’ll have to be.” you tell him before walking out of the room and leaving Haechan smiling like a fool on the exam table.
