#haikyuu karasuno radio club


I might as well throw them here as an archive.

Karasuno Haikyuu radio club! Original radio drama (script written by Furudate Haruichi!)

[These are fan translations. I do not consent to anyone using them for videos fanclips etc because these will be sold at a later date via CD please support the original by purchasing them when they are released.]


You can listen to the audio drama here!  ( starts at 27min 59seconds)   please note that this eventualy gets archived and sold as a CD so the link may not work a few weeks later!

H: Huh…? The gym isnt open?
H:… oh a text message! Tanaka-san!…overslept…he said he has the key and to wait a sec.
K: mmmmkay.

[birds chirping]

H: hey Kageyama.
K: Huh?
H: You know how after morning practice you have second breakfast?
K: Yeah.
H: Even then, when it gets to second period I get super hungry.
K: u-huh…
H:But if you bought extra and ate every period you’d get stupidly sleepy right?
H:But then if you didnt bring extra and anded up eating lunch early…y-you get what I mean right!?
H: After school is just empty stomach hell!What am I supposed to do about it!?
If I hold back from eating lunch early I just spend periods 3 and 4 thinking about my lunch!
When I think, ‘oh, its been about 10minutes’ and I look a the clock only 30 seconds have passed!!

K: Protein shakes…I discussed it with coach Ukai
H: …wha- and he said that protien is okay!?
K: In order to keep your body from feeling hungry, your body supplements itself with energy, meaning you could possibly lose muscle.
H: What did you say!?
K:If you drink protein shakes and consume carbohydrates, it’ll elimiate energy loss.
H:I see!
K:You blood glucose level doesn’t go up either so you wont get sleepy.
H: Whhaaaat! I-I’m going to do that too! Me too!
That’s right, preotien shakes seemed like a post practice thing! I’m going to do it too!
K: You can make it with easily with just water and the powder.
H:Shaking and drinking the protein shake during break seems pretty cool!
I what should I do… maybe I’ll drink it next to someone eating junk food!
“Hey, you still eating junk food? I’ve graduated from junk food. Of course there are times when I want to have a chocolate or two. But, you know, I’m an 'athelete’,”
K: I feel like smashing a ball into your face.
H: Why!?
K: …what flavor do you normally drink.
H:…what about you!?
K:[smirks] Like.
K: What?
H: Y-your’re just trying to be cool!
K: Huh!?
H:Since you made a more adult choice.
K:What are ytou talking about?
H:Lime….lime huh….
…..is lime good?
K: Huh? It’s good.
H: Really!? Maybe I’ll buy it!!
But I wanted to try the strawberries and cream flavor next.
K: Either way. I won this time.
H:Wait, what? What did you win?
K: I asked the coach about it first and I worried about this first.
H: What!? I was the first to think about getting hungry and what I should do about it, way before you!
K:I thought about it before you!
H: How do you know!?
K:I’ve been worried about this since I was a child.
H:Well I have too! Right after having breakfast I would think, “What are we having for lunch?”
K: I thought about lunch while I was eating breakfast!
H:I think we should focus on the meal before us!!
K:….guh…..I was hungry the moment I was born and cried.
H: So was I! Oh, my birthday is earlier than yours, meaning I was born before you so I wi-
K: Tanaka-san! Morning!
H: Morning!
