#haikyuu writing


part III - do girls poop?


That afternoon the whole crew went out with baby Aki to buy basic baby necessities such as a crib, toys, diapers, food and infant-friendly soap.

In addition to that, it was also decided that she will stay in Bokuto’s and Hinata’s shared room since the two seemed to get along with the baby the most.

But her cries at four forty in the morning causes Bokuto to rethink the entire situation.

“Shh, it’s okay,” he whispers in vail.

Hinata also wakes up, yawning: “is she hungry?”

“No, we fed her already.”

“Maybe she needs to burp?”

“Don’t think so.”

Then it hits them. The two make eye contact with each other.

“No way,” they say at the same time.

Bokuto slowly lifts Aki’s butt to his nose and inhales.

He cringes at the smell.

“Yes way.”


“Did you grab the diaper?” Bokuto whisper-shouts at Hinata in the bathing room, where they set up the changing station.

“Yes! And here are the wipes,” Hinata runs with the necessities in his arms.

Aki is laying on the changing station, still with a dirty diaper but fortunately she isn’t crying as violently as she was before. But the whimpers and sniffles here and there seem to break out into another crying spree any minute.

“Here,” Hinata says, handing Bokuto a face mask, “I took them from Sakusa.”

They both put on their masks and rubber gloves before getting to work.

“Where is the…,” Boktuo mumbles.

“The strap is here,” Hinata points, holding onto the velcro that keeps the diaper in one piece.

He looks Bokuto into his eyes: “are you ready?”

Hinata takes his shaking head as a yes.


After who knows how many minutes of gagging and cringing, Aki is clean and happy in a new diaper while Bokuto and Hinata celebrate their victory.

“We did it!” they shout, high-fiving each other with their elbows instead of their poop stained gloves.

“What’s all the commotion abou-,” Atsumu stops once he sees the scene in the bathroom. Bokuto and Hinata wearing white surgical masks and blue gloves, a tons of diapers on the floor after many failed attempts and baby powder everywhere.

Atsumu tiptoes his way to Aki without a word, picks her up and puts her back into her crib.

“Please clean this mess before Sakusa wakes up,” he says, walking into the kitchen.

The two exchange heavy sighs as they put all the diapers in the trash back and cleaning themselves up.


After finishing the mess in the bathroom, they flop back onto their beds.

“We changed a diaper,” Bokuto whispers.

Before Hinata falls asleep, he asks: “how do even girls poop?”

Bokuto looks at him and raises an eyebrow: “The same we do?”

“So they just…,” Hinata trails off, “…do it?”

Bokuto nods: “Probably.”

Soon after, the two are sleeping…

Only to be woken up ten minutes later.

“What the hell?” Bokuto groans.

“Five more minutes please,” Hinata moans.

Bokuto stops the alarm: “How long did it take for us to change her diaper?”

“A good hour and a half. Breakfast is ready,” Atsumu says, walking into their room to pick up baby Aki.

“Bah!”, she shouts, smiling at the setter as she stretches her little arms out to him.

“Good morning, Aki,” Atsumu smiles back.

The zines are in! Finally we have everything we need! Packaging is happening as we speak!Thank you aThe zines are in! Finally we have everything we need! Packaging is happening as we speak!Thank you a

The zines are in! Finally we have everything we need! Packaging is happening as we speak!

Thank you all so much for sticking with this project! We are so happy to finally be able to get it sent to all of you! 

Much love and Excitement!


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