#haikyuu x self insert



part one

[6:03pm] It has been ages that Suna came home so early. To be frank, the brown haired male himself didn’t know what made him do so. He didn’t even really care, did he? If he did, he wouldn’t come home so late. If he cared, he would willingly spend time with you, he wouldn’t spend so much time in the gym even after practice had ended, he wouldn’t roam around without any destination for long hours at night. No, if he cared, he would rush to your shared home, he would throw himself into your arms, he would caress your figure as he nuzzled his face into the crook of your neck, inhaling your scent like his personal drug.

Wasn’t this what it was like once? Maybe Suna just missed it. Maybe he missed your sweet spoken words, maybe he missed the glow in your eyes whenever he came home right on time, maybe he missed the soft touches you two exchanged, the longing kisses and cuddles after a long, exhausting day. No matter how often he told himself that he didn’t want that, he didn’t crave you, you were nothing more than a nuisance to him. You weren‘t important, you were nothing more than a mere way to pass time, a person to take care of his household, plate him meals and warm his bed. So why did he miss you after so many months of silence between you? Why did he miss your voice, your laugh?

Suna could easily ignore the sunken feeling he had when he entered your shared home. Sure, it wasn’t like you to have all the lights turned off, it wasn’t like you to not be swaying your hips in the kitchen and hum along the music you were playing, it wasn’t like you to not give him a warm smile as you finally saw him. It wasn’t like you to not be home when he finally returned. Still he didn’t really bother, he only shrugged his gym bag off and went to take a quick shower. You‘d be home once he got out of the bathroom, right? You‘d be happy, eyes lighting up as you launched yourself onto him, surprised, yes, but elated. You‘d tell him how glad you were that he was home and that you could finally spend some quality time together again.

Yet as he stepped out of the steam filled bathroom and yelled out your name, expecting some sort of answer, you were still nowhere to be seen. Maybe you hid somewhere, maybe you wanted to scare him? You loved that, you always did. Perhaps you were hiding in the shadows? A deep chuckle escaped Suna as he shook his head, finding his way into the living room and sitting down. He took his phone out, deciding that you sure would come out sooner or later, like you had done so many times; surely today wasn’t different.

It was only when he looked at the clock and widened his yellow eyes that he realized that you weren’t coming home - after all you haven’t been for a month now.

© sunarent. all rights reserved. do not modify, copy or claim as your own. do not repost. reblogs are appreciated
