#hal is legendary



ok DC fans. We’ve had AU fics about the JL finding out that Batman has kids. That he’s not always a terrifying demon but is actually soft with his 55 Found Family members. We’ve had them, and let me tell you, I’ll gladly read 13643 iterations of that same plot. Love them. Send any reading recs my way.


WHERE are the fics where the JL finds out that Hal Jordan is, among other things, a universal legend.

Imagine an AU in which the JL know literally nothing about Hal’s outer space exploits (much like the ‘JL meets the Batfam’ fics are set in AUs where no one knows anything of Gotham or Batman outside the JL). Imagine that all Earth’s heroes know about the Green Lantern Corps is that they’re interplanetary space cops, and that sometimes Hal needs to ‘report for duty’, assumedly stopping volcanic eruptions or evacuating alien citizens from a doomed planet. When asked, Hal confirms that those are among the things he does.

But then they start to get more space missions, and coincidentally learn more about the GL corps. 

More specifically that Hal - the comeback king, the irresponsible, goofy, mildly irritating/extremely annoying guy on the team that rarely takes orders and never shuts his mouth, is one of the most highly revered beings among the known star systems?? 

This dude steps into a bar in Sector who-knows-where, uses constructs to block every exit and announces his name, the patrons are practically yelling the information he needs. Citizens cheer when he lands on certain planets. Also, the guy has been dead so many times. He has become pure will (which destroyed an enemy planet) and has even been Corps Leader. He’s broken the limitations of the ring so regularly that the JL assumed that all GLs could just do the things he does. Nope! 

There are some other gems too. For a man with no regard for rules, his best friend is his old drill sergeant? Wait, are you telling us that this ‘Sinestro’ guy, the Joker to the Green Lantern’s Batman, personally trained Hal???? Hal, be honest here, are you a reformed hero????? Why are people so scared of you???? I thought you were just some guy with anime magic jewellery???????

Omg yes we need all this pretty please

@wajjs have you seen this ?
