

“I’m sorry…”

I failed you, didn’t I? The future I hoped you’d have, snatched away from you in the dead of the night.

We’d fight for you Philippines. I’d walk up under the scorching sun and raise my voice just like what our ancestors once did. But I know that they hoped it would only happen just that one time Feburary 22-25, 1986. But here we are. Schools and Universities are threatening to shut down, running up to the comelec office demanding for the democracy unfairly taken away from them. The economy is going down with foreign investors pulling out all together.

Students and people who step up against the Marcoses are being red-tagged. Fake forms are circulating, gathering information of people who are against the government.

I’m scared for my people. You may be celebrating your candidate’s win, but I’m scared of that inevitable day that he will turn against you.

I’m really sorry. Maybe I should’ve done more.


to all my non-filipino moots out there who probably have no idea what i’ve been sharing with my filipino anons right now,


imagine choosing a dictator’s son—whose family robbed many people’s lives, our nation’s funds, and even our people’s freedom of speech and expression—whose only platform is “unity”, faked his degree in oxford, has been jobless for six years, and is charged for multiple cases of tax evasion over a woman who has received a post graduate degree, is an attorney, is a strong mother to three daughters who are all successful, who has been the main proponent for the country’s solutions to covid-19, who is not afraid to take on any circumstances despite any hatred and judgement she has faced from misogynists, fake news peddlers, and misinformed people.

imagine choosing a mediocre actor and comedian who has no background in political science and law or whatsoever over an attorney whose platforms are evidence-based and are relevant to the country’s current struggles, just because of his looks.

i personally am worried for my future, and for the future of my fellow countrymen if this is the kind of mindset that majority of people will stick to. i am in pain. i am filled with anxiety about how the next six years will turn out to be for me if corruption and unjust governance will lead the country. though these might be the unofficial results of yesterday’s election, it shows everyone that people can be stupid and fucked in the head, letting themselves make the same mistakes they did decades ago.

stocks are plummeting with the spread of this sad news and the foreign investors are probably laughing at us right now. i know why. this leading candidate is banned in many countries for his crimes yet people are still voting for him.

the worst part is people believe that keeping a good character is enough to lead a country. sure, it is integral, but judging how people want to vote for an undergraduate and his evil upbringing, many people are starting to question if their hard work for getting a degree is still worthwhile, and this includes me.

i am speaking in behalf of many filipinos who are not satisfied with the results of the election. it’s very saddening for me to see selfish adults celebrating the “win” of a thief while their children are filled with horror and anguish.

fuck the marcoses. fuck the idiocy of the people of this country. i stand proudly to fight for what’s right and i keep my moral integrity in me.



there have been many cases already international clients dropping their commissions from filipino artists or avoiding commissioning filipino creators altogether, either due to a fear of consequences getting associated with us because of current events or the misguided notion that not supporting us somehow hurts the oppressive government we’re under. lemme address both those issues:

for the first reason, nothing will happen to you, a foreigner, for supporting filipinos. theres nothing to be afraid of, youre not in this country and wont suffer any consequences. many of us, however? we’re afraid. especially artists and creators who rely on commissions to support themselves and their families

for the second reason, you are not hurting our oppressors at all. you are hurting filipinos, majority of which did not want this to happen and are actively speaking out against the looming dictatorship. dropping filipino creators does nothing but hurt us. our inflation rates are predicted to rise, and money is fast becoming an even bigger issue for so so many

so if youre looking for art, dont give up on us. commission filipino artists and/or boost commission posts! 1 USD is literally enough to buy a meal here, it really helps. here is a link to a thread of filipino artists posting their commission rates. and here is another thread of filipino commission rates. tips and donations outside of comms to these artists help even more.

edit: fixed links
