

Hey y‘all! I know I‘ve been vocal about my political views since Monday, but for safety reasons, I will now be deleting them. I will start reaching out to those who reblogged my posts to have them taken down. Thank you so much for understanding!



if you’re a filo and are currently scared of what’s currently happening rn, i’m sending hugs to you.

this election is so frustrating and heartbroken. but the fight isn’t over. for the youth’s future.

YES! kinabukasan ng kabataan at ng buong bayan ito. maninindigan tayo hanggang sa dulo.


at ang midnight snack po natin ay sama ng loob

if you’re a filo and are currently scared of what’s currently happening rn, i’m sending hugs to you.

i think one of the worst parts about the possibility of bongbong marcos becoming president again is that there are victims from the ferdinand marcos regime that are still alive and watching their worst nightmare happening all over again.

these people experienced severe torture, rape, harassment, beatings, and long imprisonment for refusing to stay silent back then and with bongbong marcos becoming re-elected, there traumas and experiences are being silenced again.

for their sake, we can’t let another marcos become president.


All I’m saying is it would be so unfortunate if somebody were to, say, burn Malacañang Palace to the ground rather than let that fascist mother of lies lowlife dishonor us all by setting foot on it once more with her famous Graft shoes. All I’m saying is wouldn’t it be unfortunate if anything should happen but that indignity.


All I’m saying is it would be so unfortunate if somebody were to, say, burn Malacañang Palace to the ground rather than let that fascist mother of lies lowlife dishonor us all by setting foot on it once more with her famous Graft shoes. All I’m saying is wouldn’t it be unfortunate if anything should happen but that indignity.

We only have a week left before election day in Philippines. If you are a Filipino and a registered voter, please dedicate your time to do research on who to vote for. Our economy is in the hands of our future president for the coming years. This shouldn’t be about your personal interest, this is about the lives of 112 million Filipinos.

Look at their accomplishments, have they kept their promises as a public servant in the past? Their track records, achievements and educational attainment are one of the factors that can qualify a President, not their “surnames”. Are they corrupt? Do they pay their taxes? It’s not too late to change your mind. Vote wisely.

Can someone adopt me and get me away from this country?

Can’t believe our country chose an actor for the senate rather than a qualified lawyer.

Truly a disappointing era in the Philippines rn.

hello friends!

I am deeply pained by the recent election process and results in my country

What’s happening?

WATCH: Philippines Election: Last Week Tonight With John Oliver (HBO)

John Oliver discusses the current presidential elections in The Philippines and why Bong Bong Marcos is - albeit in a very limited and unflattering way - sort of like Ant-Man

  • If you do not want to read long posts, WATCH THIS! Understand what exactly is happening by means of satire comedy. Come see why I am extremely disheartened at how the rest of the world remembers what he did while my country continues to forget our precious history.

READ: “What is happening in the Philippines?” Twitter thread by user zoraideale

  • this thread contains trigger warning of murder, rape, and political detainment as it also mentions what is martial law


SHORT READ: Infographs on what happened recently at the Philippines’ presidential election last Monday on twitter by user richard_mercz

  • short but very insightful infograph. dont feel like watching or reading long post? check this one out instead!





Hey guys, I know I don’t post much in this blog anymore and I am not exactly sure who will see this but I’m posting this because today is the Philippine Presidential Elections and, just like what other people here are already saying, we’re fighting for our lives right now.

We are fighting against the return of dictatorship in the country. We are fighting against the continuation of corruption and injustice. We are fighting for a better future. We are fighting, so that we may finally know peace.

Today,multiple issues regarding the elections have come up. Vote-Counting Machines (VCMs) “malfunctioning”, SD cards missing, people getting PAID for voting for the dictator’s son and his party, and more. Even the commission in charge of ENSURING FAIR ELECTIONS is failing to fully understand the grasp said issues, wasting people’s time and votes.

If you do find this post and read it, all I ask is that you share the news about the Philippines. Anything about today (May 9, 2022),
about Halalan 2022/PH Elections 2022,
about BBM and the Marcos Family,
about Leni Robredo, Kiko Pangilinan, Chel Diokno and the rest of Robredo’s senatorial slate (+ Neri Colmenares),

and if this is inspires you to learn everything else, then please do.

We are asking for your help, not in votes, but in sharing what is happening here to the rest of the world. Whatever happens, whatever the results are, we want the whole world to see what is going on. (But thank you to the foreign news outlets who have been speaking on this).

All the Filipinos are asking for is a fair government, where lives are recognized and uplifted. We cannot be kept in the dark again, we have had enough.

And if we need to meet in EDSA once again, then so be it.

I have been crying for the past 3 days. I believe that aside from the faulty VCMs, the multi-million widespread disinformation projects that they’ve been doing has misled other Filipinos’ thinking by spreading fake news and history revisionism has lead people to vote for the Mar/cos and Du/ter/te tandem. I’m so frustrated and angry that they took advantage of the ones who simply has no means to verify these kinds of information. I’m so disappointed at the ones who has the means to research but simply turn a blind eye.

I fear for historial revisionism. That those who died under the Marcos regime will only go in vain. It sickens me that they will do absolutely anything to get their power back and for what? To revise history put it on their favor?

Given that they will now have their power back, we will continue to fight for a just and better government. So I ask the very few people here to follow me to share what is happening here in the Philippines with the rest of the world for awareness.

If you’re a fellow Filipino who plans to go abroad because of all this shit, tandaan na mas malapit ang kalsada kaysa lumipad papunta sa ibang bansa (remember that the streets are closer than any other country). We will take it to the streets if we have to.

Just a few days after elections and there’s already a spread of rumors about r/ed-ta/gging. None of them are confirmed yet it does not lessen the fact that majority of the Fili/pino y/outh right now fear for their lives as our freed/om is being th/reatened. The fact the I have to censor this post because I’m afraid of being traced already says how I feel.

I want to give them the benefit of the doubt. That maybe, just maybe, we were wrong and they can be good l/eaders too. But fear still reigns over my mind and heart.

I cry for my parents, my comm/unity and my younger siblings. We are not rich. We have no prot/ection if we become targ/ets of their op/pressio/n. I worry that what we have sacrificed as a family up to this point will go to waste because in this lea/dership, only the rich thrives. We have no place in this adm/inistrat/ion.

Our studentry is also affected. We’re figh/ting to regain motivation within ourselves to continue studying despite the fact that someone was ele/cted without regards to his edu/cation.

This is just the beginning. I cry for this country. I want to shout for help, for redemption, but the devil has won again.

Apparently, there are no irregularities in voting turnouts. The “68-32” pattern seems to good to be true, but that is what happening.

If we lose this election against the son of the dictator, that means we failed to protect pur country. Disinformation and historical revisionism won. The EDSA Revolution is a failure.

I feel so sorry for my fellow Filipinos, especially those who are living in poverty. To our farmers, fishermen, and laborers who are hoping for a change.

I’ve been crying for days. I missed a lot of classes and school works. Everything is too hard to take in.

There is only one thing that keeps me going, and that is hope. During the campaign and elections, I have seen the spirit of volunteerism and patriotism of the woke Filipinos.

“Ang namulat, hindi na muling pipikit.”

As for me, if things come to worst, I will never accept him as a our president. But I will watch him. I will criticize him. By all means, I hope he will prove me, us, wrong.

I was not able to take a screenshot of the tweet (which I should have) nor was I able to save it (which I should have), but I will try to look for it.*

Things have been circulating online about for the elections itself, it has started in the precinct level palang. There are photos of people being given multiple ballots to shade, watchers (who are not allowed to vote or to aid in voting) shading ballots themselves or directing the person in shading**, and more daw. DAW. (operative word is daw in case this gets out and i am tracked down)

So if PPCRV getting results consistent to the ones from COMELEC mismo, I think it’s because they are also taking into account ballots that should be invalid. Therefore, whatever recount has been made and will be done is already doomed to find no irregularities.

*will update with the tweet if i find it

**one person said that they called out a watcher who she saw was doing this (the watcher was her neighbor), and the watcher said that what they were doing is not illegal because they are not going to get caught.

I would put this under my RE: ACADEMIC WALK-OUTS post, but this might be hidden for how long this can get.

An academic institution is not successful because they are able to produce batches of individuals who are merely knowledgeable of concepts and theories. They are the most successful when students are able to apply what they have learned in the context of the real world, and to uphold values necessary to be the best version of themselves.

If anything, an academic institution has failed if it has produced individuals who chose to be ignorant and turn a blind eye to events such as the current ones. This would be the truest waste of money.

The universities here are far from perfect, but if their students have decided to take initiative and take this fight to the streets at “the expense of study time”, then they have succeeded.

“Matatanda na yung mga yan” or “They are old/mature enough [to call for an academic walkout on their own].”

Do not underestimate the students. We know what we are doing. We know what we are choosing to do.


Don’t Lose Hope.

After watching our candidate, her team, and supporters put all their work, effort, time, money, and tears into the 2022 Elections, it feels like a dark shadow has been cast on our country again and there’s nothing we can do about it.

I’m so sorry to the families who were victimized by the Marcoses. I’m so sorry to those who died trying to stop a ruthless and corrupt dictator, only for his son to wind up as President of our poor and starving country. I’m sorry to victims of the Marcos family, to those victims whose bodies were found and those whose bodies are lost in a place that their loved ones cannot find. I’m sorry to those who witnessed Martial Law and celebrated when Ferdinand Marcos was ousted, thinking their children won’t have to suffer the way the Filipinos did in the 70s-80s. I’m sorry to those in lower socioeconomic status families who voted for Leni with hopes that she would be able to bring about change as our President. I’m sorry to everyone who hoped for a better future, only for evil to prevail.

Our hearts ache. Today, I watched my 81 year old grandfather sit on his own in a depressed mood because he couldn’t believe that after doing his part in history by joining the EDSA revolution and voting on May 9, he was watching history repeat itself. He is too old to worry…but he worries because he cares the future of his family and country when he is gone.

But this is only the beginning. Before things will get better, they will get worse. But things can still get better. We cannot lose hope, because that’s exactly what our corrupt government wants.

If you are lucky enough to be in class A and B, please do your part to help the less fortunate. We will suffer, but we will not suffer as gravely as those who live hand to mouth on a daily basis. It is easy to think that they might deserve it because they were the bulk of the voters who supported the Marcos family’s return. But the truth is that their return has been carefully prepared for, for decades. Fake news, vote buying, poll manipulation, cronyism, corruption, political dynasties. The real evil lies in those with power and privilege who are educated enough to know better but choose not to do better. There is a reason why education is normally given the smallest budget, because these corrupt politicians benefit from the less fortunate’s ignorance and miseducation.

The day will come when we are called to rally again and fight for our freedom. Until then, do not lose hope and do not forget to act as the miracle in other people’s lives. The evilness of our government should not push us to tolerate and enable such behavior or worse, be as uncaring and without compassion as they are. Our country can be better if we continue to push ourselves to be better and demand our government to be better.

God bless you guys. To the non-Filipinos, please pray for our country or help spread the news about what is happening to us. We really need it.


if bbm wins im quitting

…guess im quitting

if bbm wins im quitting

“I’m sorry…”

I failed you, didn’t I? The future I hoped you’d have, snatched away from you in the dead of the night.

We’d fight for you Philippines. I’d walk up under the scorching sun and raise my voice just like what our ancestors once did. But I know that they hoped it would only happen just that one time Feburary 22-25, 1986. But here we are. Schools and Universities are threatening to shut down, running up to the comelec office demanding for the democracy unfairly taken away from them. The economy is going down with foreign investors pulling out all together.

Students and people who step up against the Marcoses are being red-tagged. Fake forms are circulating, gathering information of people who are against the government.

I’m scared for my people. You may be celebrating your candidate’s win, but I’m scared of that inevitable day that he will turn against you.

I’m really sorry. Maybe I should’ve done more.


to all my non-filipino moots out there who probably have no idea what i’ve been sharing with my filipino anons right now,


imagine choosing a dictator’s son—whose family robbed many people’s lives, our nation’s funds, and even our people’s freedom of speech and expression—whose only platform is “unity”, faked his degree in oxford, has been jobless for six years, and is charged for multiple cases of tax evasion over a woman who has received a post graduate degree, is an attorney, is a strong mother to three daughters who are all successful, who has been the main proponent for the country’s solutions to covid-19, who is not afraid to take on any circumstances despite any hatred and judgement she has faced from misogynists, fake news peddlers, and misinformed people.

imagine choosing a mediocre actor and comedian who has no background in political science and law or whatsoever over an attorney whose platforms are evidence-based and are relevant to the country’s current struggles, just because of his looks.

i personally am worried for my future, and for the future of my fellow countrymen if this is the kind of mindset that majority of people will stick to. i am in pain. i am filled with anxiety about how the next six years will turn out to be for me if corruption and unjust governance will lead the country. though these might be the unofficial results of yesterday’s election, it shows everyone that people can be stupid and fucked in the head, letting themselves make the same mistakes they did decades ago.

stocks are plummeting with the spread of this sad news and the foreign investors are probably laughing at us right now. i know why. this leading candidate is banned in many countries for his crimes yet people are still voting for him.

the worst part is people believe that keeping a good character is enough to lead a country. sure, it is integral, but judging how people want to vote for an undergraduate and his evil upbringing, many people are starting to question if their hard work for getting a degree is still worthwhile, and this includes me.

i am speaking in behalf of many filipinos who are not satisfied with the results of the election. it’s very saddening for me to see selfish adults celebrating the “win” of a thief while their children are filled with horror and anguish.

fuck the marcoses. fuck the idiocy of the people of this country. i stand proudly to fight for what’s right and i keep my moral integrity in me.



there have been many cases already international clients dropping their commissions from filipino artists or avoiding commissioning filipino creators altogether, either due to a fear of consequences getting associated with us because of current events or the misguided notion that not supporting us somehow hurts the oppressive government we’re under. lemme address both those issues:

for the first reason, nothing will happen to you, a foreigner, for supporting filipinos. theres nothing to be afraid of, youre not in this country and wont suffer any consequences. many of us, however? we’re afraid. especially artists and creators who rely on commissions to support themselves and their families

for the second reason, you are not hurting our oppressors at all. you are hurting filipinos, majority of which did not want this to happen and are actively speaking out against the looming dictatorship. dropping filipino creators does nothing but hurt us. our inflation rates are predicted to rise, and money is fast becoming an even bigger issue for so so many

so if youre looking for art, dont give up on us. commission filipino artists and/or boost commission posts! 1 USD is literally enough to buy a meal here, it really helps. here is a link to a thread of filipino artists posting their commission rates. and here is another thread of filipino commission rates. tips and donations outside of comms to these artists help even more.

edit: fixed links
