#half marathon training

This morning I ran the perfect 10 miler for the 3rd year in a row! It was perfect temp and a little drizzly. The miles flewwwwwww by. I love how short everything feels after running a marathon! I ran with sarah the whole time and we just had fun! One of my fellow GOTR coaches ran with us for a bit as well.

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Such a gorgeous morning, right?!?! Ugh, too pretty! I ran 3 easy miles- the temperature and view were on point!

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What a gorgeously warm morning. Not many of these left before fall officially takes hold. 4 easy miles listening to my newest audio book.

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“I don’t need therapy, I just need to go running.” 6 warm therapeutic miles.

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I’m not a snooze button kinda person. But to give you a look into how my day started. I hit it 4 times today and fell back asleep every time. Once I pulled myself out I ran 3 miles in drizzly warmth. I can’t believe it’s November 5th and I’m still hot when wearing a tank top on my runs. Soooooo many leaves fell this week! I’m kinda ready for some cooler temps!

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This morning I ran my 13th half marathon! My GOLDEN half marathon! It was super local which was nice. It was warm/hot and cloudy the whole run. Sarah and I ran together for 3 miles then split. I felt pretty great the whole run :) I ate a gu at 45 minutes and a maple syrup packet at 1:30. I have a race every weekend for the next 5 weeks

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Today I started the #holidaysweat challenge! Basically, you sign up (for free). You make weekly goals over the next 8 weeks. Minutes of exercise, water intake and feggies ( fruits and veggies) consumed! If you want to join you can sign up too!! There are weekly prizes http://fitapproach.com/holidaysweat/ Let me know if you do!!!! My goals this week: 200 minutes of exercise 49-63 servings of…

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i committed the cardinal sin of running today: i tried to take up training where i left off. i had t

i committed the cardinal sin of running today: i tried to take up training where i left off. i had two goals coming into this training–to run a sub 1:55 and not miss a single training run, and as of week 6, i hadn’t. this unwelcome break from hell led to 7 missed runs, which has certainly affected my energy levels and general mood. luckily, it didn’t put much of a damper on my pace. i was still able to get out comfortably at a sub-9 pace today and don’t have any signs of aching or weariness. a part of me is still bitter but i also recognize it’s pointless to focus on the things i simply don’t have control over. here’s to bouncing back and running  a decent race in just 28 days. tomorrow’s distance should be a good indicator of whether that’ll happen or not… 

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shot for 1:10 but couldn’t hack itthat’s alright, it was a beautiful day and i felt good overallhip

shot for 1:10 but couldn’t hack it
that’s alright, it was a beautiful day and i felt good overall
hip pain is mostly relieved, new pain appearing at the ball of my left foot, though
still all good 
still excited to wrap up week 5
& finally hit the 300 mile mark on the v3′s
7 more!

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Running toward Austin and the apartment after last week’s Sunday run. I inadvertently waited until i

Running toward Austin and the apartment after last week’s Sunday run. I inadvertently waited until it started snowing to get going but it felt good to be out there. That was the end of week 2.

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Almost putting an end to our first snow day! Got our short 3.5 mile run in, which went by very slow

Almost putting an end to our first snow day! Got our short 3.5 mile run in, which went by very slow seeing as we were running in a foot of snow. Feels good to have spent the day with Austin, just taking it easy. 

This hot cocoa is so thick and delicious; Hooked on Colfax is by far my favorite coffee shop and it’s less than a mile away. While Austin gets some work done, I’m pretending to be doing the same but I’m really searching for winter boots at REI.

Guess we’re back to the ol’ grind tomorrow but first–pizza!

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