#platte river half

i committed the cardinal sin of running today: i tried to take up training where i left off. i had t

i committed the cardinal sin of running today: i tried to take up training where i left off. i had two goals coming into this training–to run a sub 1:55 and not miss a single training run, and as of week 6, i hadn’t. this unwelcome break from hell led to 7 missed runs, which has certainly affected my energy levels and general mood. luckily, it didn’t put much of a damper on my pace. i was still able to get out comfortably at a sub-9 pace today and don’t have any signs of aching or weariness. a part of me is still bitter but i also recognize it’s pointless to focus on the things i simply don’t have control over. here’s to bouncing back and running  a decent race in just 28 days. tomorrow’s distance should be a good indicator of whether that’ll happen or not… 

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