

So about Hanaoka’s hair salon.

It’s called Hair Salon Harusame.

春雨 means vermicelli.

It also combines characters from Haruki’s (春樹) name, as well as Ugetsu’s (雨月).

Haruki, Ugetsu, and Haruki’s hair.

Hanaoka is the keeper of Akihiko’s greatest loves.

EDITED TO INCLUDE: 春雨 does in fact also mean spring rain, the literal and more poetic meaning of those two characters.

However, I live a food-centric life, and I see 春雨 and I think vermicelli. The translations reflect my personal biases too; this is in the nature of translations too, and I’m embracing it.  

Including this for accuracy, but I would also like to point out…“Salon Spring Rain” isn’t quite accurate either. The word is more common as vermicelli now, and the use of spring rain is more from older poetry or literature.

It is all three at once: poetic and silly and meaningful.

It’s great.
