
“Donut stop me!”The second piece I did for the HankConReverseBigBang organised by @anifanatical :DBa

“Donut stop me!”

The second piece I did for the HankConReverseBigBang organised by @anifanatical:D

Basically, my idea was, after I read true gems with Connor being a baby or a kid, that I wanted to see Hank as a child so this was born and I got lucky and was picked up by the adorable, talented @spumoni-berryboney

And seriously…I love the fanfic that was made because of this pic!!

Go read it here and give Spumoni lots of love!!

(also, extra illustrations can be found in that fic or here on twitter:D)

If you want to see more of the HankConReverseBigBang, click here

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“Bathtime Fun”My part of the HankCon Reverse BigBang collaboration with @sionfaileas :DI had this id

“Bathtime Fun”

My part of the HankCon Reverse BigBang collaboration with @sionfaileas:D

I had this idea of Connor being all grumpy and eggy in the bathtub because he got dirty and I’m so glad this was picked and filled with such an adorable story <3 A bonus pic can be found in the fic itself :D

Go check it out over here: Something Old, Something New, Something Bubbly, Something Blue

If you want to see more HCRBB stuff, go here: https://hankconrbb.wordpress.com/

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