#hap fic



Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4

Marinette felt lighter than she had in weeks for the next few days, even the two akuma she had to fight weren’t bothering her. She talked with Luka frequently, telling him about her day and the little things that made her happy or sad or stressed. Marinette could be vague about what was bothering her and her Hanahaki would ease up a little when she told Luka about it. She had found her loophole of sorts, talking around the problem helped, talking about how she felt even without context, helped. Marinette was confident that things were starting to look up for her.

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Part 1Part 2 Part 3 

Marinette stared at Luka as he climbed into her room, her thoughts running a million miles a minute wondering if she had prior plans with Luka she forgot about. Luka took a minute to look over Marinette. She had rumpled bed-head and dark circles under her eyes, she looked a little pale and Luka felt bad for waking her up. 

“Sorry for waking you, you look like you could use the sleep.” 

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Part 1  Part 2 Part 3

Marinette tossed and turned in her sleep, unable to completely relax even in her dreams. Marinette dreamed of everyone leaving her one by one and telling her that she was worthless and not good enough. She cried out begging them to stop and listen to her, the worst ones were Alya and Luka. In the dream, Alya wouldn’t even look at her, and Luka, his eyes were filled with disgust. Marinette whimpered and clutched a stuffed animal closer to her in her sleep. Tikki padded her cheek in small comfort with her flipper. She wished she could do more for her holder, but the only thing she could do was try and support Marinette the best she could. 

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