
My collection of hardcovers is growing. Slowly. It’ll be more impressive when I knock some more OwlC

My collection of hardcovers is growing. Slowly. It’ll be more impressive when I knock some more OwlCrate books off my TBR and move them over here.
See any of your favourites?
Day 28:
#Ampersand2018: Spines
#AprilBookstagram18: Shelfie Saturday
‪28 Apr 2018.‬
#hardcover #hardcovers #hardback #hardbacks #bookspinebeauty #shelfie #bookshelf #bookshelves #homelibrary #shelfiesaturday #bookishcandles #nookandburrow #funko #igreads #bookishfeatures #bookporn #aussiereaders #bookstagram #bookish #bookstagrammer

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Day 1 - Reading Resolution Aiming to read 25 books this year.

Day 1 - Reading Resolution

Aiming to read 25 books this year.

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