

Oh THAT’S why Harry fell in love with Gabriel. This is probably what he sees even after they broke up.


Come join Harriel Haven, a discord server dedicated to the those two men we saw on screen together for 10 minutes but as a fandom decided that they are gay for one another :)

Who would win:

A calm relationship between a fashion designer and his assistant who are also the villains of Paris.


One Clown man and his ‘Gaby’

ct’s top three ml ships

3. HawkPigeon

I feel like this one’s obvious, and it’s at least in the top 10 on most people’s lists. I mean, the somewhat toxic aspect of it just makes it all the more compelling. Xavier is a very repressed individual. He has no human friends and is constantly riddled with negative emotions. Gabriel takes advantage of this, constantly reaching out to him, but he never actually asks him about his life because he’s too emotionally constipated to.

Xavier assumes he’s a constant target because Hawkmoth thinks he’s weak, and he detests being a constant laughingstock, but he secretly enjoys being given the power to make his pigeon utopia real. Hawkmoth is obsessed with Mr. Pigeon, but for the longest time, he can’t figure out why. He finds himself missing him, wanting to see him again, wanting to see him happy. Xavier doesn’t return his sentiments because he doesn’t know that Hawkmoth feels this way, and Gabriel would never talk to him face to face.

Unless both of them grow as people and learn to communicate, I can’t see them working out in the end, but the relationship they have now, as two deeply flawed and damaged individuals, is so interesting. There’s a lot to explore with these two, which is why we as fans love to analyze their every interaction. But the one-sided, toxic nature of this relationship is why it’s only number three on my list.

2. Harriel

This one is brand new and we’re already obsessed. Like, the tension??? Harry and Gabriel contrast each other so well. Gabriel is stoic, unfeeling, an absolute killjoy, while Harry is full of light and life, wanting only to make people laugh. Gabriel pretends to hate Harry’s high energy demeanor, but we all know he secretly loves it.

Harriel really hits the beloved artist x artist ship dynamic. Gabriel is a pretentious high art fashion designer who operates on an elite level. His name is a brand. His designs are sometimes boring, sometimes ugly, but always experimental. Harry is a standup comedian who appeals to the people with his simplistic yet hearty slapstick. He isn’t here to be highbrow, he’s here to have fun and be creative. This juxtaposition brings out the yin yang dynamic this show loves so much. Gabriel could have helped Harry make it in the pro world, and Harry brings some life to Gabriel’s work.

The fact that they had a past together is even better. We don’t know much about young Gaby, but there’s always ominous hints about the past, implying some important lore, and here we get a piece of it. Probably before he was discovered by Audrey, Gabriel made some designs for Harry as a favor between friends, and now he claims to be embarrassed by it (aw). It really makes one wonder what Gaby used to be like before Emilie’s coma and Hawkmoth. To think he used to design silly hero costumes with his close “friend”.

Their dynamic is so “someone will die…” “of fun!”. Unlike HawkPigeon, Harry communicates with Gabriel, so they have the potential to develop something healthy. Harry has the potential to stop Hawkmoth, whose identity it is heavily implied that he knows, simply by helping him move on from Emilie and starting over.

Now I bet you’re thinking, ct, what could possibly top Harriel as your Miraculous OTP? Well here’s my favorite rare pair that I’ve never seen before in the wild, but I desperately need to put everyone on ASAP.

1. Andre^2

That’s right. Put your seatbelts on, this stuff’s a Hallmark movie.

Believe it or not, this one also feeds the artist x artist trope, but one of them is repressed by society’s expectations while the other passed that hurdle in the past. That’s why I love this pair’s potential. I mean, everything Andre B. is struggling with, Andre G. has been there and done that, so his supportive and loving nature can help B be happy as well.

G started out as a nine to five office worker who was miserable, but he found happiness in his artistic expression: ice cream. He quit his depressing job to do what he’s passionate about, spreading joy and encouraging people in love.

B is married to a toxic woman who doesn’t love him, and she forced him to hide his passion for filmmaking to chase political power. We know form his general incompetence and gullibility that being mayor is not a good fit for him, but his idealistic nature would make him a great filmmaker. He holds contests and film festivals to reconnect with his dream in a low-key way and live vicariously through the miracukids.

Imagine B stepping out for a walk alone in the evening to reflect on his thoughts. He’s deliberating whether he should divorce Audrey or not, thinking of his job and the girls, and then he finds himself in front of G’s ice cream cart. He realizes that if he asks G for a cone, he’ll tell him how he really feels. Is Audrey the one, or do my true feelings lie elsewhere? G sees that B is going through something, and scoops up some flavors for him. Coconut to represent his gentle, yet timid and indecisive nature; Provence lavender to represent his devotion to France; and cherry to represent the love and artistic passion he’s trying and failing to hide deep inside. Looking down, they both realize that the colors of the ice cream match G’s color scheme perfectly. They look up and meet each other’s eyes.

They’re cinematic. They’re yin and yang. They have so much to give each other. They’re perfect for each other. Andre G. helps B follow his heart, while Andre B. helps G learn how to take criticism and grow, that the miracukids are young, unpredictable and still figuring things out, that love is a complicated thing.

It pains me that people have not yet considered the beautiful potential of my OTP, but I hope I can spread the truth by helping them realize it.

I wonder if Franck Dubosc knows that we’re shipping his Miracusona with Hawkmoth. If so, I wonder what he’s thinking.



calling men babygirl helps me get through the day
