#harrow is a different person


just a random thought, and im not sure if it makes much sense BUT in the series, do you guys think Crawley has been wondering where Steven has been? The man does seem to come drop by every night after work at the least, bringing him food with Pralines, tipping him, and talking about his day, but it just stops? Like,,, the last time he’d seen Steven, he gave him a hug? I honestly don’t think he thought that would be the last time he’d see him for a while? Makes me wonder if he misses Steven in one way or another idk ‍♀️

On another note, I feel like Marc would end up visiting Crawley as well, after all the events of episode 6. Just to say a quick thank you for keeping Steven company (even if he was technically doing his job and Steven just vents to him). Since we do know that Marc knows about Crawley because of this scene in the asylum episode:

just a couple of thoughts
