#harry potter rpg


Hello All! I hope everyone is having a beautiful Friday! I’m stuck at work but tonight is acceptances, it’s something I’m really looking forward to! We stop accepting applications at 8pm BTS||3pm EST so make sure to get your apps in by then I look forward to reading them! - Andrew


Guess who’s back? It’s me, I am!

Hello lovely members and tag lurkers, I’ve returned! I will be here all day AND tomorrow! So if you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask! Our acceptances are tomorrow at 8pm BST/3pm EST so don’t forget to send us your apps! We always love seeing new members and we have some fun things planned for this lovely month of August! For our members, since it’s my admin days, please send all questions to me so that amazing Admin Hannah can concentrate on her characters! Thank you! - Admin Andrew




Marietta Edgecombe would have been the sort of girl who followed all the rules, if only she had lived in a world where asking questions didn’t mean being naughty. It wasn’t premeditated disobedience; she even raised her hand, like a good student should. Marietta understood only too late the price of curiosity. If she’d been a better liar she might have been able to talk her way out of it – but she thought honesty would save her. The girl they dragged out of the classroom at The Royal Academy of Unnatural Education was at heart an obedient, dutiful servant of the Crown. If they hadn’t done what they did to her, she would have stayed that way.

But no one emerges from the Department of Unnatural Research and Development unchanged, especially when getting out alive requires leaving someone else to die.

Marietta doesn’t know the name of wix she murdered to escape the Lovegoods, but that face haunts her dreams. Her waking hours are haunted by a different companion: Pansy Parkinson, a child of the underground and one of the last people that Marietta would have ever sought-out. But what she and Pansy have is something more than friendship, more codependence– in its most literal sense: neither can live without the other nearby. Hearts and bodies and bloodstreams all linked, the holes in Marietta plugged by the parts of Pansy that are strong – and vice versa. Walk too far apart and her lungs start to seize; Pansy’s kidneys fail; both their heads start spinning. They’re only whole when they’re together. In a way it’s nice not to ever have to be alone; Marietta was never happy being alone, never happy being in trouble either. Pansy is all too happy to cause enough of that for both of them, even when Marietta – cautious, careful, skittish, shy – doesn’t want her to. But one thing Marietta learned from her time under Pandora Lovegood’s knife is that life is full of unwanted things, and it doesn’t matter how reluctant you feel about them: they happen anyway. The best way to cope is to understand– and another thing she learned is that in order to understand something, sometimes you need to take it apart. Her timidity doesn’t extend to the lab that she and Pansy have set-up in the darkest corners of the Caravan, where they can twist magic sideways into strange science and back again – and there’s no one there who dares tell them not to ask such naughty questions. Too bad there’s also no one to explain why her experiments are showing things about magic, and what happens when you suppress its usual expression, that no one else seems to understand either.


CHO CHANG |  EVERY BREATH YOU TAKE  They were friends once, the best of friends, and Marietta would sometimes like nothing better than to reconnect. But Marietta doesn’t look like she used to, doesn’t feellike she used to. So far, and much to Pansy’s disgust, all Marietta has been able to do is lurk outside the tea shop and catch glimpses…but that could be enough, right?

REGULUS BLACK | SOUNDING BOARD  It’s troublesome to be in pieces and Pansy just doesn’t understand. Regulus Black seems to, though – even if his missing pits and parts are less visible. He’s there most of the time, willing to listen to Marietta ask over and over: you went to TRAUE, you chose it, muggles are…they should be saved, right? Or, more often, listen to her rage like anyone pulled apart like that should: they should all die, they should pay – Pansy is right.

OLIVER WOOD | REPLACEMENT PARTS  Without Marietta all gone to pieces, Oliver Wood would have never been given hands. Sure his hands are made of wood, they aren’t Marietta’s – but the magic that brings them to life… that’s all from her time with the Lovegoods and parts of her itch when he’s around. She’s sure that’s all in her head, though. It must be.

  ჻  SUGGESTED FACECLAIM: Holland Roden     ჻    ჻    {CONNECTIONS TAG} 

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So apparently after posting the “nope, we’re not…

sorry not sorry AT ALL! I love writing bios and building character okay? I regret nothing!

This is essentially what happens when people get us thinking. So if there is something you are like “I REALLY WANT THE THING” you might want to be specific. Even on anon. It’s got a decent chance of happening if we have something to mull over. 

As is, no promises what we’re making will be what anyone wants.
