#bio rpg

NEVER TOO ROUGHLeiaven Meear ✚ 48 years old and appears 36 ✚ OPEN“I think my fist suits your f

Leiaven Meear  48 years old and appears 36  OPEN

“I think my fist suits your face.”

✚ Occupation: DracoMancer
✚ Specification: -
✚ Magical form: Dark Magic
✚ Race: Elf

❖ Leiaven is blunt, rough, and insecure

Biography -

Leiaven was born in Dragones, in the city of Allisoan, where most Lath Magicians were way to drunk to even notice her. She had grown up learning how to fight, being in the midst of war. Due to never being able to live like a child, she didn’t really have the chance to grow up into a stable adult and is still insecure about herself. She joined her father one day on a job related trip to Teccupia, where she lost her father on the ship, and spend hours searching for him, but instead of finding her father, she was found by a Lath Magician. Kicking and screaming, she was dragged off inland, thrown into a cell, and left there for days, until finally something changed. It was dark and night, when a handsome man came to their camp, creating complete chaos as he started to take down the guards. A couple of Lath Magicians sneaked in, killing the children without any mercy, but Leiaven and a girl named Karrie managed to stay alive long enough for the man to save them. They were taken to Morto. 

Karrie was the same age as Leiaven, which meant they went to school together, something she loved, because the thing they went through together had made it so that they became best of friends. She followed her education while watching out for her best friend, who managed to get all the boys, while she stayed behind training and getting ready for the day she would become a Mancer. She graduated under Bastivan Nowell with high marks, and put in a request to be placed in the same Compan as Karrie, knowing she wouldn’t be the same without her best friend. Her request was at first denied, which left her horrible depressed, even if Karrie knew nothing about it. Varamadras however placed the two of them together in the Group under Cion Zeleth.

Personality -

Leiaven doesn’t have much in common with her best friend, she is rough, blunt, and has incredibly great physical skills. She has always thought different about killing them most in her near surroundings. She tries to fit in, is insecure around males, since Karrie takes away all the attention, but no matter how frustrated that makes her, she will never leave or get mad at her friend. She thinks herself unstable, unable to have some kind of human contact with anyone from her group. Her blunt nature makes other women not like her much, the fact that her best friend is attractive in the eyes of men doesn’t make it easier for her to make friends. Especially Darqa Castcar wants her blood. 

Karrie Ketel will always remain her best friend, through everything. Other than that has she always stayed away from the guys Karrie liked, putting her friend’s love life before her own. She likes Dane Hudrick, but knowing Karrie wants him more than anything, she stays away from him. Even though she doesn’t know it, she’s very good around those just as socially awkward as herself. Cion is like her best male friend, though both of them won’t comment on that situation. When they talk it seems really natural, but when discussing whatever thing going on between the two of them, it is as if they don’t have anything in common. 

Fate -


Connections -

Karrie Ketel ❖ Leiaven has never had a friend more important than Karrie, they have been together for so long, that they are like sisters. She will always put Karrie’s joy and feelings above those of her own. She’s protective over Karrie, and she wouldn’t know what to do if her best friend would be taken from her.

Cion Zeleth ❖ She talks often with Cion, she has no other choice because he’s her Groupleader, but while they both don’t think they’re friends, they do have that sort of relationship. Yet, some times they end up getting in a fight, and then it seems like they have nothing in common at all. 

Group -

Leiaven is a member of the group under Cion Zeleth

 FC: Katheryn Winnick

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SHE LEARNED FROM THE BESTLehain Feadan ✚ 46 years old and appears 23 ✚ OPEN“There’s always much more

Lehain Feadan ✚ 46 years old and appears 23 OPEN

“There’s always much more going on than we know, trust me.”

✚ Occupation: DracoMancer
✚ Specification: Second in Command
✚ Magical form: Water Magic
✚ Race: Teccup

❖ Lehain is friendly, content, and intelligent.

Biography -

Lehain does not remember a time before she came to Varamadras’ strong castle in Yartihn. She was born in Teccupia, but does not recall what the land looks like or what city she came from, other than it was cold and night. The Mancers and Lath Magicians that found her never spoke a word, and by the time she graduated, she couldn’t recall what they had looked like or if they were even still alive. She missed the love she could have received from parents, yet she found it in the friends she made during her education. The fate of death came into her life many a time, first with the Mancer who had taken care of her after she came to Morto to be raised and trained later on, and then with the teacher she had graduated under. She lost so many people, that in the end, she wasn’t placed in a new group anymore, and though she didn’t become part of Varamadras Elite, did become friends with them. She was instead sent on missions to retrieve Dark Souls that needed her help. Though years were filled with war and friends she made frequently died, it all seemed part of life.

A few years ago, she saved Torque Martain, a Dark Soul who had passed under their radar for a very long time, and when he became a groupleader, she insisted to join his group and help him with anything he might need – though Torque turned to Gearett Toss for most of his questions. She suddenly was back into the action she had lived with before, a member of a group once again. But she had been adjusted to special missions, so Varamadras promised her missions outside of those she did with her group. She became a member of the Elite, not because she was so strong, but because she was multi-talented.

Personality -

She has feelings for Torque, who she had met before he joined the DracoMancer, since she was part of his rescue party. She’s kind and strong, intelligent and content. Many know better than to face her in battle, she’s very skilled with her Water Magic, and Torque tries to help her reach the first phase of Magical ability. Others mostly think she’s easily caught off guard, imagining she might be a strong kid, but every girl has her issues. Not Lehain, though, having learned from Marius Thesus, one of the best Water Magicians, she knows that people can always try to hurt you, but not if you’re better than them. 

Lehain is good friends with almost everybody, but nobody in particular. She always turns around everybody, while no one ever meets her at the center. She’s content with it though, seeing that having more friends is to her benefit. The ones she truly gets close with are those that belong to her group: Gearett Toss, Sortos Nefenson and Torque Martain. She also hangs out with the Elite, which has made her respected by a lot of Mancers that can only dream of such a place. Even some groupleaders aren’t trusted as a part of that group. 

Fate -


Connections -

Torque Martain ❖ Torque gives her many unofficial lessons in trying to reach Phase One, a certain extend of her Magic she wants to have, but knows only he can help her with that. They are often in each other’s company, and she likes him a lot, though more like a teacher and friend than how she thinks he sees her.

Gearett Toss ❖ Gearrett is a member of the group, and thus a friend without doubt. They don’t hang out that much, they only train together, and fight together at some points. Other than that, Lehain isn’t really interested in keeping in touch with him, she knows however that there is no way around him, and his heritage interests her a lot.

Sortos Nefeson ❖ Sortos has a doubtful past, and a lot of things he hasn’t told any of them yet. Like, how Varamadras found him? Where he was before? She tries to get the answers to those questions, though she knows she might never get them from this boy who is as closed off a she appears.

Group -

Lehain Feadan is part of the group under Torque Martain.

 FC: Imogen Poots

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THE ONE WHO WAS LEFT FOR DEADDeametis ✚ 32 years old and appears 24 ✚ OPEN“Could you lend me a hand,

Deametis  32 years old and appears 24  OPEN

“Could you lend me a hand, love.”

✚ Occupation: DracoMancer
✚ Specification: -
✚ Magical form: Snow Magic
✚ Race: WoodElf

❖ Deametis is reserved, patient, and manipulative.

Biography -

Deametis was found by a convoy of Demon soldiers after she had been left in the forest to die of starvation. She was no older than three, had no memory of what happened before she came to be there, and was brought back to HagaFosiel, where Lord Tarac made sure she was looked after properly. Six years later, having grown up almost as if she was Tarac’s child, Deametis had a run in with Ream Toalk, who informed the Demonlord Varamadras that she was a magician and a Dark Soul. The years had gone by so fast, she was a girl at court, where few children held their home, since the city was never the safest place, and Lords always talked about the best way to escape back to Yartihn. Suddenly a life she had known, had to be left behind. The orphaned WoodElf was thus taught in the way of the DracoMancers, and graduated under Bastivan Nowell.

At HagaFosiel Deametis lived like the rich kids, she was woken in the morning by servants, who brought her breakfast while in her room, and she dined with the Lords and Ladies of HagaFosiel. She learned from the books in the biggest library of the world, and had an important man as her adoptive father. She had a life worth living, and that changed when she was sent to join the DracoMancers, most importantly because she saw her father even less than she already did. It was all so different from what she was used to. She had to make friends, which was hard, had to work in groups, which was harder. But she managed, taking a lot of time off to be on her own when she felt like she couldn’t breathe anymore.

Personality -

She likes to manipulate those around her into doing things for her, like she managed to at HagaFosiel, where she was a child all alone in a great castle. She still thinks of Tarac as her father, though she is aware of her heritage. Though most of the Mancers respect the Demonlord, Deametis has a hard time finding in him what others do. She’s very patient when it comes to making friends or getting what she desires, allowing herself to think that not everyone is up on their feet in no time. Even if she’s always hanging around others, making them do things for her, she’s also very reserved, and takes a long while on choosing who she wants to be friends with, which on a daily bases has become a kind of a hobby. Alike Tarac, Deametis has no last name, since no orphans in the Demonlands are given last names. She sometimes simply calls herself Deametis Tarac. 

Deametis shares a father-daughter relationship with Tarac, who has accepted her as his own. She very proud of this, since around the Mancers her adoptive father is well known. She has befriended Gearett Toss, who’s easily manipulated, Milian Zarkof, Juvion Modord and Dynas Soaro, since they like to hang around girls, and Maia Anthousa Fortuin and Darqa Castcar, with whom she shares a popular circle. Her main goal at the moment is to win some favor with Orractous Darfoe, but he doesn’t make it easy for her. 

Fate -


Connections -

Tarac ❖ Tarac found her when she was younger, and he always looks out for her, no matter how much she would tell him she could look out for herself. However, she is proud of him for who he is, what he has accomplished with the fact that he is not a warrior nor a Magician. He will always amaze her.

Gearett Toss ❖ Through manipulation she has managed to become friends with Gearett Toss, who she wants to keep close because he’s important and well know. Beside her popular circle, she wants to be friends with more important people. Gearett is a step in the right direction.

Milian Zarkof ❖ Milian will never cease to flirt with her, and while she knows he doesn’t do this because he’s really into her, she enjoys his attention. It is through Darqa that they became friends, and as long as they are both friends with Darqa, Deametis will never give Milian any reason to hate her.

Juvion Modord ❖ Deametis finds Juvion rather funny, he’s patriotic and a Demon nonetheless. She thinks he’s perfect for Darqa, and likes to listen to his jokes. Her guesses are that if Darqa is the most popular girl among the Mancers, than Juvion is the most popular guy among them, meaning she will have to stay friends with him.

Dynas Soaro ❖ Deametis likes Dynas even more. For one he doesn’t flirt with him, and he’s always straight to the point, the second is that he knows more than any of them. He will find out whatever is amiss with the Elite, he will grant her the best gossip, and she’ll never have to ask him for information, because he already knows what she wants to hear.

Darqa Castcar ❖ Darqa and Deametis share their cruel nature, their love for gossip, and their need to connect with people. They have been friends for a long time, and they are like sisters to each other, counting Maia into that equation. She had never decided to become friends with Darqa, if the girl hadn’t invited her in first.

Maia Anthousa Fortuin ❖ Becoming friends with Darqa meant meeting and eventually ending up loving Maia, a girl to her heart. The three of them make the cruelest and meanest bunch around town. They love their gossip, their guys, and especially the fact that they are all ambitious to reach some kind of goal. 

Group -

Deametis is part of the group under Bastivan Nowell.

 FC: Rashida Jones

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THE ONLY PHYSICAL THERAPISTOdaphne Sha ✚ 51 years old and appears 28 ✚ OPEN“You’re ten points behind

Odaphne Sha ✚ 51 years old and appears 28 ✚ OPEN

“You’re ten points behind, guys.”

✚ Occupation: Knight
✚ Specification: -
✚ Magical form: Ice Magic
✚ Race: Noard

❖ Odaphne is sweet, caring, and obsessive

Biography -

Odaphne Sha was born in Dafal around half a century ago. She loved the place, her parents were rich merchants, and she wore beautiful dresses, participated in sports and events, and loved to keep herself posted on the newest changes around her. She was very aware of what happened around her at a young age, so being called to court where they told her she was magical was more of a pleasant surprise to her than a shock, because one could be magical, but there was always the possibility of being a Dark Soul, and that was what she feared when being called to court. She took the idea of being a Knight pretty well, compared to most Nords. For one, she knew she would know much more if she had access to the far greater libraries in Liviohon and Betechem, and it gave her a chance to study. She said her family goodbye, told them all she would miss them, and that they had to keep her posted on her favorite sports. She didn’t want to fall behind on the games and the tournaments around Dafal.

At the Jewantes School, the letters from home kept her from feeling homesick. She tried hard to adjust, but she had problems with fitting in. A lot of students around her didn’t like learning, and they called her a nerd. By the age of sixteen she was over it.  Due to a small injuriy in weapons practice, Odaphne couldn’t participate in local sporting events anymore. She found a new way to continue being around what she liked most: she became a physiotherapist. She helped her fellow classmates when they were injured to get back into the game, even helped herself, through the knowledge she had obtained about sporting injuries. Instead of becoming a Field Magician, she studied to become a Healer, yet eventually she did graduate as a Field Magician due to her excelling scores in weapon and shielding lessons. She was a healer around one Compan until it was disbanded after a couple of failed missions; she was placed with Aros Lucica afterwards.

Personality -

Odaphne is a smart girl, she has an expertise in many different subjects, which always come in handy around missions and training. She knows more things than anyone else around her. She still wants to learn more, knowing there is so much more out there that she knows nothing or not enough about, she wants to be rich when it comes to knowledge, like she had once been rich in dresses and family. She still receives letters from her family about the sports, and though she has lost her interest in this, she always seems most content after reading a new letter.

One of her best friends and love interest is Miero Div Yearto, a member of one of the royal families of Nasdravial. They talk a lot about his culture and about hers. Though she loves him much, she’s always doubting whether they will be great lovers or not, because sometimes she fails in having interest in him. Her best friend forever is Felia Leagen, a Ryon in her Compan, who just like her loves culture, and discovering it. Together they take a lot of trips around the city, visiting stores, talking to locals, just doing things only tourist would do when they really want to get to know a place. She feels rather content with only Felia around, certain that she doesn’t need any other friends. 

Fate -


Connections -

Miero Div Yearto ❖ Odaphne loves Miero much, they spend a lot of time together, they talk about culture and many other things she can tell other people. However, though he’s nice enough, fun to be around, and always there for her when she needs him, she still doubts whether they will be good for each other. To her, it is as if he puts the most thought in their relationship and she doesn’t do anything.

Felia Leagen ❖ Felia is Odaphne’s only and most appreciated friend. They love culture and discovering it by themselves. They take trips, do cultural stuff, and know their way around in the world of tourists. She knows Felia is always into doing stuff with her, no matter her mood. 

Group -

Odaphne is a member of the Compan under Aros Lucica

 FC: Freida Pinto

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Hello All! I hope everyone is having a beautiful Friday! I’m stuck at work but tonight is acceptances, it’s something I’m really looking forward to! We stop accepting applications at 8pm BTS||3pm EST so make sure to get your apps in by then I look forward to reading them! - Andrew


         PANSY PARKINSON   ჻   25   ჻   CARAVAN REBEL


Pansy Parkinson is half the girl she used to be, so it’s a good thing she started off so much more than ordinary. A child of the Caravan, she grew-up outside the smothering yoke of government control and regulation; grew up wild and free and unfettered. Maybe a few more rules to follow wouldn’t have gone amiss; maybe that would have curbed her reckless streak before she stepped so far out of line that the Ministry could snatch her up and carry her away.

But rules are for people who worry about the consequences, and Pansy has suffered far too many consequences to be scared of a few more scars.

Growing up as best friends with the Malfoys’ pet project prepared her to find her stitches beautiful at least, and she didn’t scream when she saw what they had had to do in order to put her back together again after she escaped Pandora Lovegood’s laboratory. She did scream when she realized how much it hurtto try and separate herself from her new best friend: Marietta Edgecombe, the girl she escaped the Ministry with, and now the girl who holds half of Pansy’s heart in her chest. That’s not some touching metaphor; the two of them were in such bad condition when they made it back to the Caravan that the only way to save them was to fill in the holes in one with the pieces of the other. Lovegood had made the link, but the Malfoys were the ones who found a way to use that to repair the damage she had done – or at least, to compensate for that damage. Some things are too broken to ever be repaired, but Pansy isn’t the meek sort of wix who nods and accepts her lot in life even when she doesn’t like it. She learned a lot about Muggle science while she was being cut open and cut apart, lessons that as far as she knows, nobody else has bothered to apply to magic. Now that she – with Marietta’s help of course, because she can’t do anything without Marietta’s help these days – has nothing left to lose and everything to gain, there’s nothing to hold her back from doing whatever it takes to find the answers she’s seeking…or at the very least, to distract her from her own suffering by making sure someone else is suffering worse.


HARRY POTTER | ITS ABOUT YOU AND ME  Most would say it wasn’t Harry’s fault. He was only a baby when he was taken – but Pansy knows that’s not true. If the mudlovers hadn’t grabbed him then, they wouldn’t have come back for her. That makes it his fault. If only she could hate him as much as she wants without thinking: what did the Muggles take from youthe way they took so much from me?

MARIETTA EDGECOMBE | SHUT UP AND DANCE  If her second half would just stop sniveling for five minutes Pansy would be happy as can be. She relies on Marietta, she likesMarietta – it’s just, sometimes, she drags her feet a little too much. Pansy keeps trying to tell her there’s no point except reveling in everything they have now. They almost had nothing.

DRACO MALFOY | PINKIE PROMISE  Even growing up in the Caravan, children will be children and one day Pansy made Draco swear that together they’d change the world. Laying traps was a good step to take, they thought, until Pansy was captured and now, even though she’s back, everything has changed.

  ჻  SUGGESTED FACECLAIM: Camila Mendes   ჻    ჻   {CONNECTIONS TAG} 

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So apparently after posting the “nope, we’re not…

sorry not sorry AT ALL! I love writing bios and building character okay? I regret nothing!

This is essentially what happens when people get us thinking. So if there is something you are like “I REALLY WANT THE THING” you might want to be specific. Even on anon. It’s got a decent chance of happening if we have something to mull over. 

As is, no promises what we’re making will be what anyone wants.

Courtesy the lovely Erin (@incre-et-painture) we now have a handy-dandy little reference to help us all “flow with the times” without having to struggle between either spending precious time researching or winging it and hoping for the best! She actually lived in England during the period in which our game is set, so if you have additional questions about the setting she’ll be happy to help you out–

Although keep in mind that this is an alternate universe. As such, specific individual facts and historical events may be different. So don’t worry about getting bogged-down in the details; after all, this is a world in which The Cold War was replaced by The Worldwide Witchunt Wars. There probably was no Cuban Missile Crisis; there may not have even been a Space Race! We’ve left particular historical details vague enough that we can tailor them to suit whatever plot-points we all decide to develop.

So just as with the timeline, view the following as a reference guideline, not a checklist to obey!


This is probably the most important one for us, as unlike most Potterverse games we’re actually playing in a world where your character very well might have access to the sort of technology that we take for granted in our current lives – albeit several generations older than what we’ve got on hand now!

Most computers operate using ethernet cords to connect to the internet, laptops weigh an extremely portable 52 pounds, basically, and camera phones are cutting edge technology. The pictures taken with them are notoriously grainy at this stage and definitely not the crystal clear video we’re used to.

Most mobile phones operate on a “top up” method where you pay for minutes. They’re called track phones in the U.K. Also, most people are paying per text message sent, but it’s still a popular method of communication. You can top up your minutes in most convenience stores and by calling into your provider’s number. There aren’t any smartphones, apps, and other things like that. Public payphones still exist, although they are fading out by this point.

Travel is done by taxi, bus, and tube. Lyft and Uber do not exist. Londoners love the Tube and definitely travel that way frequently. For frequent travelers, Oyster cards are refillable cards that are similar to the Metro cards we use in the US. In fact, 2004 was the first year that Oyster cards existed. They can also be used on the bus and train, but not on taxis.

Please also remember that trains are a popular method of travel for Europeans. They’re also very reliable and a great way to get around. (As for whether people would be comfortable sharing a carriage with someone who’s got stars by their eyes, well…)

Pop Culture: Sport

As much as it breaks my heart, Manchester United won the FA cup in 2004. (Mod Note: her Erin, maybe in this messed-up world West Ham isn’t a total lost cause? I mean, sport doesn’t have to have happened the same as it did in reality, and we’ve got so many crazy things going on here already – wealthy Weasleys, werewolf-friendly Blacks, a living Regulus…stranger things couldhappen, right?)

For those of you interested in talking football, here are the league tables for that season. Please keep in mind that different teams are in different leagues so, if your character follows a team, make sure you know who they play. :)

Pop Culture: Telly

The Television lineup in Britain in real 2004-2005 contained the shows:

  • Little Britain
  • Spooks
  • Eastenders
  • Still Game
  • Dr. Who (the new series had just started, but the reruns were still extremely popular and well-loved by a majority of British people)
  • Casualty
  • The Doctors
  • Holby City
  • River City
  • Blue Peter
  • Strictly Come Dancing
  • And news is broadcast on the BBC News

For a comprehensive list, please see this article: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_television_programmes_broadcast_by_the_BBC

Please pay attention to the years listed for each program to make sure that it’s applicable…and feel free to make up shows of your own that might exist in this reality! Just keep in mind that TV in England was a much smaller, lower-budget, more contained entity than the overwhelming glut of channels going on in America.

Pop Culture: Music

This will be a painful trip for some of us. After all, I think we’d probably all rather forget that Kelis ever proclaimed that her milkshake brings all the boys to the yard. However, it’s a sad fact that she did, and this is the time when it happened!

Now again, we are living in an alternate reality here, so feel free to make up other songs and singers and groups – both mundane and magical; maybe the Weird Sisters and Celestina Warbeck don’t exist here (and maybe they do) but there are surely still some magical musicians (maybe some taking advantage of the “dangerous” aura their magic grants them, while others might try and downplay it) so please, let your imaginations run wild! Maybe this Brittany Spears never sang Toxicbut rather Cursed…maybe this Goldie Lookin Chain wrote Wands Don’t Kill People, Rappers Do. Who knows, have fun! The following list is for reference so that you know what kindof music and what kindof bands (probably) exist in this world and this time. And, maybe, to give you all a trip – pleasant or otherwise – down nostalgia lane. Enjoy!

Here are the Top 100 Songs of 2004 in the UK:

  • 01 Eamon ~ F**k It (I Don’t Want You Back)
  • 02 Eric Prydz ~ Call On Me
  • 03 Anastacia ~ Left Outside Alone
  • 04 DJ Casper ~ Cha Cha Slide
  • 05 Usher featuring Lil’ Jon & Ludacris ~ Yeah!
  • 06 Frankee ~ FURB (F U Right Back)
  • 07 Kelis ~ Milkshake
  • 08 Mario Winans featuring Enya & P Diddy ~ I Don’t Wanna Know
  • 09 3 Of A Kind ~ Baby Cakes
  • 10 Michelle McManus ~ All This Time
  • 11 Britney Spears ~ Everytime
  • 12 Michael Andrews featuring Gary Jules ~ Mad World
  • 13 Destiny’s Child ~ Lose My Breath
  • 14 The Shapeshifters ~ Lola’s Theme
  • 15 Outkast ~ Hey Ya!
  • 16 LMC vs U2 ~ Take Me To The Clouds Above
  • 17 O-Zone ~ Dragostea Din Tei
  • 18 The Streets ~ Dry Your Eyes
  • 19 Busted ~ Thunderbirds / 3AM
  • 20 Usher ~ Burn
  • 21 Britney Spears ~ Toxic
  • 22 Natasha Bedingfield ~ These Words
  • 23 Ozzy & Kelly Osbourne ~ Changes
  • 24 Boogie Pimps ~ Somebody To Love
  • 25 Kelis ~ Trick Me
  • 26 The Rasmus ~ In The Shadows
  • 27 Band Aid 20 ~ Do They Know It’s Christmas?
  • 28 Nelly ~ My Place / Flap Your Wings
  • 29 D12 ~ My Band
  • 30 McFly ~ 5 Colours In Her Hair
  • 31 Girls Aloud ~ I’ll Stand By You
  • 32 Cassidy featuring R Kelly ~ Hotel
  • 33 Jamelia ~ Thank You
  • 34 Peter Andre ~ Mysterious Girl
  • 35 Maroon 5 ~ This Love
  • 36 Eminem ~ Just Lose It
  • 37 Rachel Stevens ~ Some Girls
  • 38 Khia ~ My Neck My Back (Lick It)
  • 39 Christina Milian ~ Dip It Low
  • 40 McFly ~ Obviously
  • 41 JoJo ~ Leave (Get Out)
  • 42 Deep Dish ~ Flashdance
  • 43 Lemar ~ If There’s Any Justice
  • 44 J-Kwon ~ Tipsy
  • 45 Will Young ~ Leave Right Now
  • 46 Sean Paul featuring Sasha ~ I’m Still In Love With You
  • 47 Brian McFadden ~ Real To Me
  • 48 Girls Aloud ~ Love Machine
  • 49 Katie Melua ~ The Closest Thing To Crazy
  • 50 2Play featuring Raghav & Jucxi ~ So Confused
  • 51 Twista ~ Sunshine
  • 52 Sam & Mark ~ With A Little Help From My Friends / Measure Of A Man
  • 53 Robbie Williams ~ Radio
  • 54 Blue ~ Breathe Easy
  • 55 The Black Eyed Peas ~ Shut Up
  • 56 Twista ~ Slow Jamz
  • 57 Busted ~ Who’s David
  • 58 Ice Cube featuring Mack 10 & Ms Toi ~ You Can Do It
  • 59 U2 ~ Vertigo
  • 60 Girls Aloud ~ The Show
  • 61 N*E*R*D ~ She Wants To Move
  • 62 Christina Aguilera featuring Missy Elliott ~ Car Wash
  • 63 Nina Sky ~ Move Ya Body
  • 64 Anastacia ~ Sick And Tired
  • 65 Maroon 5 ~ She Will Be Loved
  • 66 Ja Rule featuring R Kelly & Ashanti ~ Wonderful
  • 67 Goldie Lookin Chain ~ Guns Don’t Kill People, Rappers Do
  • 68 The 411 ~ Dumb
  • 69 Usher ~ Confessions Part II / My Boo
  • 70 Special D ~ Come With Me
  • 71 Kelis featuring Andre 3000 ~ Millionaire
  • 72 Keane ~ Somewhere Only We Know
  • 73 Duncan James & Keedie ~ I Believe My Heart
  • 74 Jamelia ~ See It In A Boy’s Eyes
  • 75 Natasha Bedingfield ~ Single
  • 76 The 411 featuring Ghostface Killah ~ On My Knees
  • 77 Franz Ferdinand ~ Take Me Out
  • 78 Gwen Stefani ~ What You Waiting For?
  • 79 Basement Jaxx featuring Lisa Kekaula ~ Good Luck
  • 80 George Michael ~ Amazing
  • 81 D12 ~ How Come
  • 82 Kylie Minogue ~ I Believe In You
  • 83 4-4-2 ~ Come On England
  • 84 Jay Sean featuring The Rishi Rich Project ~ Eyes On You
  • 85 Avril Lavigne ~ My Happy Ending
  • 86 Rachel Stevens ~ More More More
  • 87 Enrique featuring Kelis ~ Not In Love
  • 88 Ultrabeat ~ Feelin’ Fine
  • 89 Jennifer Lopez ~ Baby I Love U
  • 90 Green Day ~ American Idiot
  • 91 The Streets ~ Fit But You Know It
  • 92 Sugababes ~ Too Lost In You
  • 93 Victoria Beckham ~ This Groove / Let Your Head Go
  • 94 Ronan Keating ~ She Believes (In Me)
  • 95 Shaznay Lewis ~ Never Felt Like This Before
  • 96 Britney Spears ~ My Prerogative
  • 97 Ashlee Simpson ~ Pieces Of Me
  • 98 Busted ~ Air Hostess
  • 99 Outkast featuring Sleepy Brown ~ The Way You Move
  • 100 The Black Eyed Peas ~ Hey Mama

For the rest of 2004 in music in the real world, please go to this wikipedia entry: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2004_in_British_music_charts

Random Stuff:

Since the standard closing time for a pub is 11 PM, that’s when “Needles” closes. There are after-hours nightclubs, and people probably go to them, but Needles does its last call at 10:45.

Prostitution is not illegal in Britain, but running a brothel is. Basically, a person can sell themselves, but you can’t sell other people. (I just feel like this is useful information.)

Gun Control Laws had banned both automatic and semi-automatic weapons. Rifles were still allowed for those with hunting permits.

Courtesy Millie @theinvisibleboi: 2004 is also the year Facebook launched (although at that point it would have still been restricted to school e-mail accounts) and the Olympics were held in Athens, in case anyone wanted to feel old! (Probably wix would not be allowed to compete…but if anyone wants to create some kind of controversial Olympics history or event for this world, or otherwise alter history to conform to to AU, please feel free!)

Again, please use this wonderful collection of data that Erin has so helpfully provided us with for as general reference, not uncompromising and stone-set facts that you must know, utilize, and memorize! None of us are expert historians and unless you do something really obvious like reference an iPhone or One Direction, we aren’t going to call you out on it – especially when an “error” might just be a differencebetween this world and our own. This is just to help you get in the “vibe” of the time period, not information that you’ll be tested on later. So don’t panic, stay loose, and feel free to get creative!

Thanks once more to Erin for putting this together for all of us, and remember that if you have questions about anything else regarding England in 2005, please feel free to message her and she’ll help out as best she can!

numberrrrss :DD

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(dont have seven sorry ): )

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