#harvest moon btn


I open twitter more frequently than tumblr, so I recommend following my Harvest Moon / Story of seasons twitter acc, cos I’ll be posting there more!

Here’s the link!

Additionally, I’ve also posted the art of the OC I’m using for my ToTT playthrough!

See you guys there instead! <3

heh. harvest moon fan acc time

give me a follow if yall are interested cos i barely use tumblr anymore tbh :(((

Be careful of who u call ugly in middle school binchys

Tbh Rick would always help out Karen and Popuri when they’re on their period like

Cramps? Hot compress

Craving? Sweets for Popuri and junk food for Karen

They’re cranky?? Let them hold a basket of chicks and watch as they gush over it and b distracted from the pain

Bonus: Highschool setting and Rick is the friend who always has pads in his bag in case Popuri or Karen don’t have theirs
